HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 636 - ORD Amending ORD 444 Setting the Schedule & Rates Charged for Water Delivery n I i LJ n I : U n I ! '---' 14'. ORDINANC~ NO., 636 ,AN ORDINANCE AMENDING, ORDINANCE NO . 444 SETTING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE CHARGm FUR WATER DELIVERED TO- USERS BY THE CITY! OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" AND SETTING UP PROVISION FOR THE COLLECTION OF ALL DELINQUENT WATER ACCOUNTS AND THE FURNISHING OF SERVICE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH-BY PROVIDING FOR THE REARRANGEMENT OF DISCOUNT OF SUCH CHARGES, AND ESTABLISH-. INq AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE EQT!AL 10 to%OF THE NET AMOUNT .OF EAqH AND EVERY BILL WHERE SUCH ,BILL IS ,NOT ' PAID. WITHIN TEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF BILLING AND FURTHER POOVIDING FUR A MINIMUM CHARGE ro BE EFFECTIVE WHERE FINAL DISCONTINUA~CE' OF SERVICE IS REQUESTED AND SERVICE IS TERMINATED. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENcY. . ~ - . # *,'H! I{ lOllflHOt-'lt )( lHHt*l{ lOllt )( )( lOllllBBt )( lOI It lllOt lOt It lOll{ It )(,101)( It 1* ,WHEREAS, theCi1?Y of West University Place bas been' fu.~hing and selling water to residents or persons doing bUsiness in- side 'or outside ~he cerporatelimits of the City of Wes.t University Place mider the provisions of Ordinance 444 passed and approved. the loth day of Janua.ry~ 1~h9J and WHEREAS, the need. exists fo~ the revis~on ,of the schedule of rates to. bC? charged for such service~ such revision being necessary' to defray the increased cost of furnishing and maintaining such service; and. WHEREAS, AN emergency. is deemed to exist by reason of the inadequacy of the present schedule of rates for water delivered to users by the City of WestmUniversity Place to defray the .cost ,of furnishing and maintrlm.ng. Sllch sernce. > . NOW, mEREFORE" BE IT ORDAINED BY '!HE CITY COMMI~ION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA:CE, TEXAS.: ,1. ,That Section lof Ordinance No. 444 be hereby amendecLto read as f!llows: Section 1: That from and after the first meter reading date of the month of April~ 19$3, and ~o .~cG1lle effective with the statements for vater furnished and sold by the. City of West University Place to b. mailed or otherwise distributed in the month of May~ 19$3~ the fellowing schedule of water ratesn sha:;:l.l.a.pplyandbe effective, used arid follOW'ed in connection with the vater used by, and the billing to, water users reSiding or doing business within the corporate limits of the City of West University, Place: ' , , Mi.nimum Charge: ,. '$1.00 tor the first four thousand (h~OOO) gallons consumed $.2$ for the ~8xt one thousand (lOOO)gallonB; $.20 per thousand gallons for the next five thousand ' '(5,00()) gallons, and $.15 per thOusand gallons of water used over ten thousand (10,000) gallons. II: l - 1:: ~ ..~~l~ 142, . By the term "Minimum Charge" is meant the min:i.mum charge of $1.00 will be charged every water user, whether such user uses one to four theusand ga11ons. ' An additional charge equa1 to ten (10%) per ,cent 'of the net amount of each and every bill, and which when, added to the said net &meunt will appear as the tlgross" amount due on each s"tatement, will be assessed and 1evyed in each instance where payment is not'malie within ten (10) days from the date of billing at the City H~U of the City of West University Place, or if water user has maUed cheek ormonet order in payment of such bill" where the envelope containing such check or moDl'7 order is net postmarked within ten (10) days of the billing date, or has insufficient postage. II J 2. That Section 2 of Ordinance 10.444 be hereby amended to read as fo11ows: Section 2.: Where water, user tenders cash or cheek or mo~ order after ten dqs from the date ef billing,' in "the 'net amount billed, such' payment will be accepted only' as 'a credit on the tota1 water bill, " and the balance due 'will be added to the next month 1 s bill. 3. That the'need for the revision of rates to 'be -charged ,for water de1ivered to :users by the Oity of West University Place constitutes a public emergency and, therefere, "this Ordinance shal1 be passed fi.nal1y on thi~ ,the 23rd day of March 1953, the date of its introduction. PASSED THIS THE 23rd day ef March, 1953. o Oomillissioners Ooff,Hangs, Moeney, Nisbet and Mayor Morris voting Aye. . Oommissiones voting No: None APPROVED THIS, 23rd day of March, 195:3. ~ ;;/k~ MAYOR OF THE OITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: ~~ ",-I_I" , o