HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 635 - ORD Repealing ORD 368 Stated Amending ORD 310 assessing & Levying Charges rr:- . I J 1 [: " l ;,140 ORDINANCE NO. 635 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 368, 'WHICH SAID ORDINANCE AMENDED OJIDINANCE NO 310 ASSESSING AND IEVYING A CHARGE BOR EACH CONNECTION OF ,PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P!.ACE, TEXAS, WITH THE SANITARY SEWERS OF SAID CITY BY PROVIDING THAT A SEWER CHARGE SHALL APPIX TO ALL INDIVIDUAL DWELLING UNITS RATHER THAN EACH BUILDING, AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 310 BY PROVIDING THAT SUCH CHARGES SHALL BE APPLICABIE TO EACH CONNECTION, OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND TO ALL INDIVI- DUAL DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WESt UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND FURTHER PIDVIDlNG FOR DATE OF PAYMENT OF SUCH CHARGES. n , I U ***************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That Ordinance No. 368 enacted the 2200 day of March, 1948, be and the same is hereby" repealed. that Section 1 of Ordinance No. 310 be hereby" amended to read as fellows: Seetien 1: there is hereby" assessed and levied a charge of seventy-five cents ($.7$) per month for each ::lnd eve'\'OtT oonnectien of a dwell ;nO' or bu.siness -.... ." ~ ,011, unit with the sanitary sewer of the City of West University Place, Texas, located, within the cerporate limits of the City. 'By fam~ dJelling unit is meant each individual unit occupied by' a single family whether occupying a separate bu.ilding or being inclnded within an apartment buildmg. This' said charge shall be paid each month, or upon 1;he discontinuance of service" by the owner or person in possessien, or who has been in possession,' of any and all such premises, to the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place in the City Hall thereof said charge to be due and payable withi.i1 ten days from the date of billing or upon tezmination of' service. ' The previsions of this ordinance are to be deemed effective as of the date of its'passage and adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED tHIS 23r<l day of March, . ~953. COIll1Ilissioners Goff, Hangs, MoolleY' aDd Nisbet and Mayor Morris'voting Aye. COlllll'lissioners voting NO: None. ~J ;p;~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY WESt UNIVERSITY PLACE AT'l'ESt: ~ty.~ II U