HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 632 - ORD Authorizing & Directing Purchase from Guld Bitulthic Co Contractor c r---, L! Ii -135 ORDINANCE NO. 632 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING' AND DIRECTING THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY FROM GULF BITULITHIC COMPANY, COlllTRACTOR ,OF TWO CERTAIN CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO BE ISSUED ~y THE C;I:TY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, IN CONNECTION'WITH THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: ACADEMY STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF LAW STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD (EXCEPl' A DISTANCE OF 99.8 FEET ON THE EAST SIDE THEREOF) ; , LIMITING THE PRICE TO BE PAIDTBEREFOR AND l?ROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION TBEREOF AND DECLARING AN ,EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, in cennectien with the paving ef Academy Street frem the Nerth property line ef Law Street to. the Nerth preperty linecef' Richmond Read, to. be' paved as a jeintprejectby the City efHeusten and the City efWest University Place, the owners ef two. preperties in the City ef West University;Place, and abutting on said pertieu of Academy Street have failed and refused'te execute mechanic's lien centracts to Gulf .Bitulithic Cempany, centracter, er to. pay in cash f'ersaid imprevement and centracter is entitled to refuse and has refused to. pave that pertien 0.1' the street abutting said heme stead preperties unless arrangements are made for payments to. centracter; and the City ef Heusten will net pay fer paving, ner assessments therefer' levied against preperty eutside the city limits efHousten; and the City af Heusten has advised that the Academy Streetpreject will be abandened unless the cemplete street will be censtructed without skips; and, WHEREAS, the jeint preject fer paving saidpertien 0.1' Academy Street is such,that the saidpertieu ef Academy Street is lecated entirely within the cerperate limits e:t:'the,City ef Heusten but the censtructien ef the permanent pavement will substantially benefit, 'and be censtructed at a relatively neminal cest to, the Ci~y of West University Place and the abutting preperty in said City, and it weuld be greatly disadvantageeus to. such preperties and the City fer the preject to. be abandened. WOW, THEREFORE,' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Sectien 1. That the City Secretary be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to. negetiate with Gulf Bitulithic Cempany, Centracter, and to. agree en behalf 0.1' the City to. purchase frem centracter the Certificates ef Special Assessment against ' (a) Alten L. Mitchell, et UX, Mildred E. Mitchell, and their preperty, Lot 9, Bleck 20, Cellege Ceurt.Place, and (b) Bluferd C. Menefee, et ux, Ruby Menefee, and their preperty, Let 8, Bleck ?l, Cellege Ceurt Place which respective purchases shall be censummated enly after cempletien of the ' -censtructien 0.1' the permanent pavement en Academy Street between the Werth preperty line of Law Street to. the Nerth prepertyline ef Richmend Road, under ~_-~_:~_r:-' .. "-" --:- -::'~::J. _-~_~__::...______r _____~____ _______ ~ ..._. lIil "I 1 IT: T. 1:. _ _.: _ -- ..,. . _:::1 136 " the jeint preject ef the City ef Heusten and the 'City 0.1' West University Place, and after acceptance ,ef the imprevement and issuance by the City ef ',] Heusten ef the respective Certificates ef Spe,cial Assessment, de~ivery 0.1' such certificates to the City, tegether with assignments the reef duly appreved by the City's paving atterney. Sectien 2: That the City Secretary is hereby authetized and directed to. determine the respective sums to. be paid by the City to. centracter in pur- chasing said certificates, but which SQIllS shall 'in no. event, exceed the net principal 0.1' the respective assessments after deducting credits allewed er directed by the City ef Heusten in cennectien with said preject; but the assign- ment 0.1' said certificate to. the City may be witheut receurse fer cellection against Gulf'Bitulithic Cempa.ny, ~entracter. Sectien ~: The fact that it is necessary that the abeve stated pertien ef Academy Street be paved as premptly as pessible and the autherizatiens hereby made are necessary prerequisites thereto., creates a public emergency, and therefere this Ordinance shall be passed finally en the ,date ef its intre- ductien this the 23rd day ef February, 1953, and shall take ef'fect immediately upen its passage and appreval b~ the Mayer. ' PASSED this 23rd day ef February, 1953. APPROVED this 23rd day ef February, 1953. -I ~~7??t~ Mayer of the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas i,,---" A~~~ , Ci cretary APPROVED : City Atterney I I ~