HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 631 - ORD Appropriating $905.20 Out of Fund Street & BRidge Bond Series 1946 J, [ 138 ORl)D1AE'C:E mQ. 631 .AJ.\l ORDIN.AJ.\lCE APPROPRIATING, THE AGGREGATE SUM OF $905.20 OUT OF TEE FUND IN TBEcrry TREASURY TO THE CREDIT OF CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, STREET & BRIDGE BOND FUND, SERIES 1946, TO PAY ADDITIONAL COSTS TO THE CITY IN THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: ACADEMY' STIlEEn" FROM' TEE- NORTH'FROPERTY LINE OF LAW STREET TO TEE NORTH PROPERTY L:rnE OF RICHMOND ROAD (EXCEPl' A DIST.AJ.\lCE OF 99.8 FEET ON TEE EAST SIDE THEREOF) ; , 'AND DECLARING .AJ.\l EMERGENCY. WHEREAs, in cennectien with the above preject, being a jeint project between the City,ef Heuston and the City ef West University Place, Texas, there has'been heretefere apprepriated the sum ef' $1,500.00 by Ordinance No.. 611, passed July 28, 1952, as the initial cest to the City ef said iDipreve- IDent j and ' WHEREAS, additional funds are required as hereinafter stated and the City Treasurer ha,s duly and regularly in accerdance with the provisians ef the Charter ef the Cityef West University Place, Texas, certif'iedte the City Cemmission that there is in the City Treasury to. the credit of the Street & Bridge Bond Fund, Series 1946, the sum of' $905.20 which is now available fer apprepriation by the City Cemmissien; and which sum is sufficient to pay the hereinafter stated additienalcest,te the, City in the paving and impreving of the abeve mentiened street, hereinabeve and hereinafter setferth, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA:rnED BY TEE CITY, COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Sectlen 1. That there is hereby. apprepriated eut ef the fund in the City Treasury to. the credit ef City ef West University Place, Street & Bridge Bond Fund, Series 1946, the fellowing several separate sums, to. wit: (a) Fer the cest ef advertising in The Heusten Chrenicle in cennectien with the paving ef Academy Street frem the nerth preperty line of Law Street to. the nerth preperty line ef Richmond Read, the sum of $117.70. . ..~. " ., ..... (b) Fer the purchase frem Gulf Bitulithic Cempany, Centracter, ef the assessment certificate to. be iSsued against Alten L. lo4itchell, et u.x, Mildred E. Mitchell, and their property, Let 9, Bleck 20, Cellege Ceurt Place,'the sum 0.1' $375.00. ' , (c) For the purchase frem Gulf Bi tuli thic Cempany, Centracter, 0.1' the assessment certificate to. be issued against' Bluferd C. Menefee, et ux, Ruby ~enefee, a.nd their preperty, Let 8, Bleck 21, Cellege Ceurt Place, the sum ef $375.00 (d) The payment to. Gulf Bitulithic Cempany, Centracter, fer the paving IT ' 1- '",.. ..-""",-,,,, -< 134 0.1' the west side ef' Academy Street abutting the seuth ten feet 0.1' Let 8, Bleck 22, Cellege CeurtPlace, whereet} is lecated the City Sanitary Sewer Lift Statien, the sum ef $37.50. "I I I ~J Sectien 2. That each 0.1' said several sums are hereby separatelyap- prepriated fer the items and purpeses listed; and no. part 0.1' the sums approp- riated fer listed items (b), (c) and (d) shall be paid until cempletien and acceptance ef said Academy Street paving preject. Sectien ~. Mayer and City Treasurer are hereby autherized to. draw warrant er warrants against said respective apprepriated funds to. the extent the reef er on such pertien er pertiens thereof as may be necessary to. pay and discharge the ebligatiens 0.1' the City 0.1' West University' Place chargeable thereto.; and ,that no. part ef items apprepriated listed as (b) and (c) above shall be paid until de- livery to. the City 0.1' the assessment certificates referred to and duly appreved assignments to. the c~ty thereef. Sectien '4. The fact that it is necessary that the 0.1' Academy Street be paved as premptly as possible and the made are necessary prerequisites thereto., creates a public fere this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date ef this the 23rd day of February, 1953, and shall take effect passage and appreval by the Mayer. abeve stated pertien apprepriatiens hereby emergency, and there- its intreductien immediately upen its PASSED this 23rd day ef February, 1953. APPROVED this 23rd day efFebruary, 1953. -I I ' ~-' ~ /I ;;Z~ Mayor ef the City ef West University Place, Texas ATTEST: . ' /" ~ Ccretary APPROVED: City Attorney t I I~