HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 630 - ORD Amending Zoning ORD 111 WU sub Division Lot 3 and 4 , Block 59 WUP II: 1 J 1-30 ORDINANCE NO. 630 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE P.RO,.. ,CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING 'l'O CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE c1TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS ,TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS NOS. 3 AND 4, BLOCK NO. 59, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, SECOtID ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD ; APPROVING AND ADOPrING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF TEE ZONING AND PLAl.mING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE' AMENDED SO AS TO :E'ERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS' NOS: 3 AND 4, BLOCK NO. 59, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, SECOND ADDrrION;' FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF -THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; AMENDING ,ORDINAl'fCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS NOS. 3 AND 4, 'BLOCK 59, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,SECOND ADDITION; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS OIIDI- NANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE ,IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFl'ER , ITf? PASSAGE AND .APPROVAL. WHEREAS, Wm. ~. Matthews, Sr., 'has heretefere filed his written appli- catien with the Zening and Planning Board e:f the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, fer permissien to subdivide Lets 3 and 4, Bleck 59, West University Place, Second Additien, into. three lets, 55' x 150',70' x 150', and 75' x 150' respectively; and ' WHEREAS, at a regular meeting ef the Zening and Planning Board ef' the City ef West University Place, Texas, held en Nevember 13, 1952, it was de- termined that permissien fer such subdivisien ef said lets sheuld in ail things be granted by the C::i.ty'Cemmissien after a public hearing was had there- en, and such recemmendatien was made to. the City Cemmissien; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting ef the City Cemmissien 0.1' the City ef West University Place, Texas; held on November 24, 1952, upen the request ef W. R. Ma,"tthews, Sr." and upen the i'ecemmendatien ef the Zening and Planning Board, 'it was determined that a Public Hearing sheuld be held to. censider whether Ordinance No.. 111 0.1' the City ef West Universi~y Place, Texas, sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the subdivisien ef Lets 3 and 4, Bleck 59, West University Place, Secend Additien into three lets, 55' x 150', 70' x 150', and 75' x 150', respectively; and ' '... WHEREAS, the City Cemmission at its regular meeting en November 24, 1952, did instruct the City Secretary to. advertise in the Official Publicatien 0.1' the City, a~d to give written netice to all preperty ewners whese preperty lies within 200 :feet e~ Lots 3 'and ~, Bleck 59, West University Place, Secend Additien, ef a public hearing to. be held at 7:00 e'cleck p.m., Menday, December 15, 1952, in the City Hall to. determine whether or ne"t Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld b~ a:mended so as to. permit subdivisien ef Lots 3 and 4, Ble~ 59, West ~iver- si ty Place, Se~end Addition into. three lets, 55' x 150', 70' x 150' and 75 ' x 150' respectively, as requested by Wm. R. Matthews, Sr.; and WHEREAS, in pursuance to. the directien given to. him by City Cemmissien and in full cempliance with the Charter and Ordinances of' the City, the City SecI'etary 0.1' the City ef West University Place, Texas, did cause to. ~e published ;1 , I L.J '~ I ' , I I , U Ii. i I ~ Ii l_ f . r I I 131 in the Heusten Chrenicle en Nevember 27, 1952, and did mail to. each 0.1' the ewners ef preperty lying wi thin 200 feet ef Lots 3 and 4, Bleck 59, West University Place, Secend Additien,. a netice 0.1' a hea'ring to. be held in the City Hall, 3800 University Beulevard at 7:00 0. 'cleek p.m., Menday, December 15, 1952, and to. consider amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the sub- divisien ef said lets; and ' WHEREAS, pursuant to. such netice, a public hearing was heJ..d by the Ci-W Cemmissien at "the City Hall, 3800 University Beulevard, at 7:00 0. 'cleek, p.m., Menday, December 15, 1952, at which time, all testimeny was heard and f'ully censidered by the City Commissien as to. the advisability'ef amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit ,the subdivisien ef said lets; and WHEREAS, it appears to. the City Cemmissien fr.em the repert and recem- mendatien ef the Building Inspecter and the Zening Board and froinal1 evidence and testimony presented at such public hearing that Ordinance No.. 111 ef the City of West University Place, Texas, sheuld be amended so. as to permit the subdivisien ef' Lets 3 and 4, Bleck 59, ef West University Place, Secend Additien into. three lets 55' x 150',70' x 150', and 75' x 150', respectively; and WHEREAS, the City acting threugh its City Cemmission and Mayer desires to. amend Ordinance No.. 111 0.1' the City of West University Place, and believes that it will be to. the public interest to. so. amend the same: NOW, THEREFORE, BE I',r ORDAnmD BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Ci"ty Cemmissien ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, does hereby find and determine that each and all of the pre- ceedings hereinabeve mentiened have been duly and legally taken and per- fermed in f'ull c9mpliance with the Laws and Charter and Ordinances 0.1' the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, and that all previsiens and requirements' ef the law and said Charter and Ordinances prerequisite to. the holding 0.1' a public hearing fer the purpese 0.1' censidering the amending ef the Zening Ordi- nance No.. 111 have been made and fully cemplied wi t.h. Sectien 2. That the City Commissien ef the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, dees hereby find and determine that a public hearing fer the purpese 0.1' censidering an amendment to Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the subdivisien ef Lets 3 and 4, Bleck 59, West University..P,lace Secend Additien into. three lets, 55' x 150', 70' x 150' and 75' x 150', respectively, was suly held at 7:00 e'cleck p.m., en Menday, December 15, 1952, in the City Hall 0.1' West Uni- versity Place, in pursuance ef the notice 0.1' such hearing duly and legally made in accerdance with the Ordinances of' the City; Sectien 3. That the repert and recemmendatien 0.1' the Zening and Planning Beard and the report and recemmenda.tien 0.1' the Building Inspecter ef the City 0.1' West, University Place, Texas, tha"t Ordinance No. 111 be amended so. a.s to. permit the subdivisien ef Lets 3 and 4, Bleck 59, West University Place Secend Additien into. three lets 55'x 150f, 701x 150' and 75'x 150; respectively is again appreved and adepted. Sectien 4. That Sectien 24 ef Ordinance No.. 111 of the City 0.1' West I ' " . , ...u "3 Ir ' 1_ l~ l:, , , ,__l'-~ 1~2' University Place, Texas, is hereby amended to. the addition of a subparagraph to. be known as sub paragraph No.. (18) to. read as fellews: -'~. ~ -:. .;; "(18) Lets' 3' and 4, Bleck 59, in West University Place, Secend Additien is hereby subdivided into. three lets as fellews: Nerthern most let frenting en Buffalo. Speedway with a width ef 55 feet, and a depth 0.1' 150 feet, Middle let with a width ef 70 feet fren"ting on Buffalo. Speedway, and a depth of' 150 feet, and Seuthern mest let frenting en Buffalo. Speedway, with a width ef' 75 feet, and a 'depth 0.1' 150 feet; and a residential structure may be censtructed en each 0.1' said three lets, previding, however," that each such residential' building so. censtructed en said lots shall in all things cemply with the existing Ordinances and the Building Cede ef' the City ef 'West University Place as the same affects each such let." Section 5. This erdinance shall take, effect and be in ferce immediately frem and after its passage by the City Commissien and appreval by the Mayor. PASSED, this the 22nd day ef December, A.D., 1952. Cemmissieners Geff. Hangs. Moenev. Nisbet and Mayor Morris Veting Aye. Cemmissieners ~ Veting No.. APPROVED, this the 22nd day ef December, A.D., 1952. ~~v7l4~ Mayor of-----l.he-e1ty of West University Place, Texas A~~ C - . eeretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atterney ~ -1 I , I I '-) I~ I ,~j ---, I I I ~J