HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 627 - ORD Amending Zoning ORd 111 Permit Sub-Division of LOt 6 Block 30 WU Legally Approved 116 ORDINANCE NO. 627 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DErERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS ,HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER 'THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 'OFTBE CITY .OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE, SUBDIVISION OF wrNO. '6, BLOCK NO. , 30, WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, FmST, ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMElIT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LmALLY HEID; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 'REPORT, AND RECOM- MENDATION OF THE ZONING.AlID PLAmfiNG BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. ill BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT .':['~ SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 6, BLOCK NO. 30, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. ill OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISON;AMEEDING ORDINANCE NO. llJ,. SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF wr No.6,BLOCKjiO. 30, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION;,ANJ) PROVIDING TBATTHIS ORDINANOE ,SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY ~OM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, Wm. E. Arn61d,hasheretofere filed his written applicatien with the, Zoning and Planning Board of' the Ci"ty ef West University Place, Texas, fer permissien to. subdivide Let 6, in Bleck 30, West University Place First Additien into. two lets 50 feet by 150 f'~~~ each; and ...' ~. WHEREAS, at a regular me,E;ting ef theZening and Planning Board ef the; , City ef Wes"t University Place,Texas, held en Octeber 20, 1952, it was de.. . termined that permissienf~r,s-q.ch subdivisien ef said let shou~q.in all things be, granted by the City Cemmissien after a public hearing was hS.d' "thereen, and such recommendatien was made to. the City Commissien;and . "T ~ ! WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Cemmissien ef "the City ef' West Universi"ty Place, Texas, held en, the2otl1 day ef October, 1952, upon the re-' questef Wm. E. Arneld, and upon the recemmendatien 0.1' the Zening and Planning Beard, it was determined that a Public Hearing sJieuld be held to. censider whether Ordinance Ne.' 111 of the c~ty efWestUniversity ~lace, Texas, sheuld be amended so as to ,permit the subdivision cf'Let 6," Bleck 30, West University Place First Addition into. two. 50' x 150' lets each; and ;, , WHEREAS, the City Cemmission at its\ regular meeting en Oc~~ber 20, 1952, did instruct the Ci"ty Secretary to. advertise intheefficial publicatien 0.1' the City, and to. give written notice to. a11preper-ty owners whese preperty lies within 200 feet ef Lot 6, Bleck 30, West University Place First,Add1"tien, ef a public hearing to. be held at 7:00 e'cleck p.m., Friday, Nevember 7,1952, in the City Hall to. determine whether 0.1' net Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit subdivisien of Lot 6, Bleck 30, West University Place Firs"t Additien , into. two lets e~ch 50' x 150", as requested by Wm. E ~ Arneld; and, WHEREAS, in pursuance to. the directien given by him by City Commission and in full compliance with'the Charter and Ordinances ef'the City, the City Secretaryef the City ef West University Place, did cause to. be published in the Heuston Chrenicle en Octeber 22, 1952, 'and did ma.ilte each ef the owners 0.1' preperty lying within 200 ,feet ef Let 6, Bleck 30, West University ~lace First Additien, a net ice ef a hearing to. be held in'the City Hall, 3800 University Beule- vard, at 7:00 6'clock p.m. Friday, Nevember7, 1952, to. censider amending Ordinance ~ n.. III , '1 ! T t:.;. ... _....,.. .1 6 No.. 111 so. as to permit the subdivisien ef each let; and ,.-----, , i ! 'LJ WHEREAS, pursuant to: such netice, a public hearing was held by the City Commissien at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, at 7:00 e'cleck p.m., Friday, Nevember 7, 1952, at which time, all tes"timony was heard and fully cen- sideredby the City Commissien as to the advisability of amending Ordinance No.. 111 so as to. peI'JJ.li t the subdi v:isien of said let; and , , WHEREAS, i t ~ppears t.o the City Commissien frem the repert and recem- menda.tien ef the building IJ1specter and the Zening Board and frem all evidence and testimqny presented at such public hearing that Ordinance No. 111 ef the City ef West Universi~y Place, Texas, should be amended so. as to. permit the subdivif?ien of Le"t 6, Block 30, of' West'University Place First Additien into. two. lets 50 fe~t by 150 feet each; and WHEREAS, the Ci"ty acting ~hrough its Ci:ty Commissien and Mayer desires to. amend Ordinance No.. 111 ef the, City of West University Place, and belives tha~ ~t will be to. the public interest to. so. amend the same: ~ow, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO.MMISSIO~ OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. That the City Commissien ef "the City of West University Place, ,Texas, dees hereby find and determine that each and all ef the preceedings hereinabeve mentiened have been duly and legally taken and perfermed in full cem- pliance with the Laws and Cha.rterand Ordinances ef' the City ef West University Place, Texas, and that all previsiens and requirements of :t;he law and said n ilJ Charter and Ordinances prerequisit~ to the holding ef a public hearing f'er the purpese of' censidering the amending ef the Zening Ordinance No. 111 have been made and fully cemplied with. Sectien 2. That the City Commissien ef the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, dees hereby f'ind and~determ:ine that a public hearing fer the purpese of'. censidering an amendmen"t to. Ordinance. No.. 111 so. as to. permit the subdivision ef Lot 6, Bleck 30, West University Place First Additien into. two 50' x' i50' lets was duly held at 7:QO a'cleck p~m., en Friday, Wevember 7,1952, in the City Hall ef West University Place in pursuanceef' the netice of such hea~ing duly and legally made in accerdance with "the Ordinances ef the City; Sectien 3. That the ,repert, and recommendatien of the :-Zening and Plann:iD. g Beard and the report and recemmend.8.tien 0.1' the Building Inspecter of the City ef West University Place, Texas, that Ordinance No.. 111 be amended so. as to. per- mi"t tp.e subdivisien ef' Let 6, Bleck 30, West University Place First Additien into two 50' x 150' lots is ,again appreved and adepted. Sectien 4. That S~ct:i,en 24 ef OrditBlce No.. III ef' the City ef West Uni- versity Place, Texas, is hereby amended to. the addition of a sub paragraph to. be known as sub paragraph No.. (16) to. read as fellows: "(16) Let 6, Bleck 30, in Wes"tUniversity Place, First Additien is hereby subdivided in"tetwo 50' x 150' lets, and a residential struc"ture maybe built en each 50 feot let ef said subdivided let, previding, hewever, that s-q,ch residential building shall in all things cemply with "the existing Ordinances and the Building Cede ;1 I , I ' l~ 11'1 ef the City ef West University Place as the same affects each such 50' x 150' let. It ' Section 5. This erdinance shall "take effect and be in ferce immediately frem and after its passage by "the City Cemmissien and appreval'by "the Mayer. PASSP;D, this the loth day ef' November, A. D., 1952. Cemmissioners Serf, Hangs, Moeney, Nisbet and Mayer Merris Veting Aye. Cemmissieners Nene Veting No.. APPROVED,this the 10th day of' Nevember, A.,D., 1952. ~~~?/ ~~ , Mayer ef the City of' West University Place, Texas ATTEST : ~~ Cit y' APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atterney I::~" '''lr'_~'''',l!-:~ - . ~"::3: _ I _ r'- L___ ,-III