HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 626 - ORD Amending Zoning ORD 111 Sec 8 Building Materials procision of Sec 17 of Improvements on Lot 13 Block 1 Belle Court addition ILl :] E., . _ ;- :~.::... 11.. .-:-1 2' ORDINANCE NO. 626 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEPrION TO THE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS PROVISIONS OF SECTION 8 AND THE BUILDING MATERIALS PROVISIONS OF SECTION 17, OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 BY MR. H. F. PIEPER IN HIS CONSTRUCTION OF PERMA- '. NENT IMPROVEMENTS ON LOT:'NO. 13, BLOCK NO.1, BEI.I.E COURT ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIO BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING OF THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ,ORDINANCE NO. 111 ~. AMENDED SO AS TO' PERMIT THE, EXCEPl'IONS APPLIED FOR; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE Al>11!:.NJJED SO AS TO PERMIT / THE CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS BY H. F. PIEPER WITH MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF 1150 SQUARE FEEl' IN THE MAIN DWELLING BUILDING AND SUCH BUILDING TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS OTHER THAN THOSE PRESCRIBED IN ,SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE NO. 111; AMENDING SECTIONS 8 AND' 17 OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ADDING A SUB PARAGRAPH TO SAID SECTIONS TO BE KNOWN AS SUB PARAGRAPH (2-B) OF SECTION 8 AND SUB PARAGRAPH (2-B) OF SECTION 17 AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, Mr. H. F. Pieper has heretefere made written applicatien to. the Zening and Planning Board e,f the City ef West University Place, Texas, for an exceptien"te Sectiens'8 and 17, ef Ordinance No.. III so. as to. permit the cen- structien 0.1' dwe11ingheuse bynim en Lot'""No-:-I3;-Bloek~No. l~elle Ceurt Additien, with dimensiens ef the main building ef net less than l150,square feet and with censtructien 0.1' less than 51~ brick, brick veneer er stucco., as such terms are defined in, Zening, Ordinance No.. 111; I;l.nd WHEREAS, at a regular meeting ef the Zening and Planning Beard held en Octeber 9, 1952, it was determined that such exceptiens to. the applicable pre- visiens ef Ordinance No.. 111, sheuld be granted, and said Zening and Planning Board did recemmend to. the City Cemmissien that an amendment to. Zening Ordinance No. 111 be adepted so. as to permit the building 0.1' permanent improvements en Le"t No.. 13, Bleck No.. 1, Belle Ceurt Additien as applied fer by the said H. F. Pieper; and ' , WHEREAS, at a regular meeting 0.1' the City Cemmissien held en the 13th day ef Octeber, 1952, it Was determined that a pl!blic hearing sheuldbe held to. consider whether Ordinance Ne., 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the con- s"tructien 0.1' such imprevemeuts by the said 'H. F. Pieper with a minimum square f'eet area in the main dwelling of 1150 square f'eet and such dwelling to. be less than 51i brick, brick veneer er stucco.; and WHEREAS, the City Cemmissienat a regular meeting en Nevember 3, 1952, did instruct the City Secretary to. advertise in the efficial publica"tien ef' the City and "to. give writ"ten netice to. all preperty ewners whese preperty lies within 200 feet ef the said let 0.1' a public hearing to. be held on Nevember 3, 1952, at 7:30 e'cleck p.m.in the City Ball in the City ef West University Place, Texas, to. determine whether er net Ordinance, No.. 111 sheu1d be amended so. ~s to. 11 , I l~ n i-.-! Ii ! ) I I I I I~ 118" permit the censtructien 0.1' the permanent imprevements en said let as applied 1'er by H. F. Pieper; and WHEREAS, in pursuance to. the directien given him by the CityCemmissien and in full cempliance with the Charter and Ordinances ef the City, the City Secretary ef West University Place did cause to. be pUblished in the Heusten Chrenicle en Octeber 15, 1952, and did :mail to each 0.1' the eWllers ef preperty lying within 200 feet ef said let, a ne"tice 0.1' a hearing to. be held by the City Cemmissien in the City Hall at 7:30 e'clock p.m. en Nevember 3, 1952, to. cen- sider amending Ordinance No.. 111 asrecemmended'by the Zoning and Planning Beard so. as to permit the constructien' ef said imprevements upen such let, and in the manner asprepesed by H. F. Pieper ; and ' WHEREAS, pursuant to. such net ice a public hearing was held by the City Cemmissien ef the City ef'West University Place in the City Hall at 7:30 e'cleck p.m., Nevember 3, 1952, at which hearing all testimeny and ey.idence was heard and fully censidered by the City Cemmissien as to. the advisability and prepriety 0.1' amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the censtructien ef imprevements by H. F. Pieper en said let with exceptiens to. "the Zening Ordinances of the City as hereinbefere recited; and WHEREAS, it appears to. the City Cemmissien 1'rem the repert and recemmen- datien 0.1' the Zening and Planning Board and frem all evidence and testimeny pre- sented at such public hearing, that Zening Ordinance No.. 111 sheuldbe amended 'so. as to. permit such proposed censtructienen said let; and WHEREAS, the City acting threugh its City Cemmissien and Mayer desires to. amend Ordinance No.. 111 of the City 0.1' West University Place so. as to. permit such censtructien and believeS that it will be to. the public interest to. so. amend the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TBECITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. That the City Cemmissien ef the City 0.1' West University Place, dees hereby find and determine that each and all ef the steps and preceedings hereinbefere meutioned have been duly and lega.lly taken and perf'ormed in full cempliance with the law and Charter and Ordinances ef the City, and that all pre- visiens and requirements ef the law andef said Charter and Ordinances prerequisite to the helding of a Public Hearing fer the purpese of considering the amending ef' Ordinance No.. 111 have been met and :fully complied with; and that a Public Hearing fer the purpese 0.1' censidering an amendment to. Sectiens 8 and 17, -of' Ordi- nance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the censtructien ef' permanent improvments en Lot 13, Bleck 1, Belle Ceurt Addition, in accerdancewith the applicatien and request ef H. F. Pieper, was held at 7:30 e'cleck p.m., Nevember 3, 1952, at the City Hall ef the City pursuant to. preper netice given. Section 2. That the City Cemmissien ef' the City 0.1' West University Place dees hereby find that Sectiens 8 and 17, of Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so as to. permit the ceustructien efpermanent imprevements en said lot with a square 1'eet area 0.1' the main dwelling heuse ef net less than 1150 square feet, and with censtructien ef less than5l~ brick, brick veneer er stucco.. In I J' L.: 11 ._ ,_I L! Section 3. ~t Section 8 ef Ordinance No.. 111 ef the City ef' West University Place is hereby amended by the additien ef' a sub paragraph to. be known as sub paragraph (2-B) to. read as fellows: "(2-B) Previded, however, that permanent imprevements may be censtructed en Let..13, Bleck 1, Belle Court Additien, with dimensiens of the ~in dwelling building being net less than 1150 square feet; and sec"tien 17, ef' Ordinance Ne~ 111 0.1' the City 0.1' West University Place is hereby amended by the additien ef a sub paragraph to be' known as sub paragraph (2-B) to. read as f'ellews:., ' t1(2_B) Provided, however, that "the main dwelling building en Le"t 13, Bieck 1, Belle Court Additien may b,e censtructed ef' materials ether than, these previded fer in Section 17, ef Ordinance No.. 111." ~~~~! This Ordinance shall take ef'f'ect and be in ferce immediately from and after its passage by the City Commissien and appreval by the Mayer. PASSED, this the loth day ef Nevember, A. D., 1952. Commissieners Geff'. Hangs. Moeney. Nisbet and Maver Morris V eting Aye. Cemmissieners Nene Veting No.. APPROVED this the 10th day ef Nevember, A. D., 1952. t::k.o:;( ~ Mayor 0.1' the City ef'West Univers~ty Place, Texas ATTEST: ~.~J C. cretary <:'i APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atterney J Il '-! -------, ! I i.J