HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 624 -ORD Accepting Strip of Land 82.6 Feet from George W. Foster 107 ORDINANCE NO. 624 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING A STRIP OrLAND 82.6 FEET IN WIDTH FROM GEORGE W. FOSTER,THE OWNER TBEREOF1 Am) DEDICATmG SUCH STRIP OF LAND AS STREET RIGHT OF WAY FOR TIm' PUBLIC'S USE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF' WEST UNtvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1: There is hereby acceptedf'rom Geerge W. Fester ef the Ceunty of Harris, State efTexas, fer and en behalf ef the City 0.1' West Uni- versity Place, Texas, a municipal cerperation 0.1' Harris Ceunty, Texas, the fellowing described land: ' Being a rectangular tract ef land 50 by 82.6 feet, mere er less, eut ef the Ea.st 82.6 feet ef Tract 9, Cambridge Place, an additien out ef A. C. Reynelds Survey in Harris Ceunty, Texas, accerding to the map or plat thereof recorded in Velume 4, Page 59, ef "the Map Records 0.1' Harris Ceunty, Texas, and being part ef the same preperty described in deed dated Octeber 17, 1934, frem Beulevard !and Co.. to. D. 'H. Feldman recerded in Velume 958, Page 648, ef the Deed Recerds, and in deed dated Octeber 17, 1934, between such parties under file No. 636541, described by metes and beunds as fellows: Beginning at a point which peint is en the north line ef Bellaire Beulevard where the same intersects the east line ef Cameren Beulevard (Cameren Beulevard now being popularlY-designated in the City ef West Universi"ty Place as West Point Drive); thence north aleng the east line ef Cameron Beulevard, a distance ef 240 fee"t, more or less, to. peint f'er eerner'which is the beginning peint ef the tract herein described; Thence east on a line parallel with Bel1aire Beulevard, a distance ef82.6 feet, mere er less, to. peint for cerner; thence nerth en a line parallel with Cameren Beulevard, a distance ef 50 feet, more er less, to. peint for cerner; thence west en a line parallel with said Bellaire Beulevard, a distance ef 82.6 feet, mere er less,ie peint for cerner; and thence Seuth aleng the east line ef Cameren Boulevard, a distance ef' 50 feet, mere er less, to. the place ef beginning, such land being described in a deed frem the said Geerge W. Fester, Granter, to the City of' West University Place, Grantee, dated September 19, 1952. Sec"tion 2: The abeve described land is hereby dedica"ted by the City Cemmission ef the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, as a street right- ef'-way, fer "the constructien thereen ef a street extending from West Peint Street in the City ef' West University Place, Texas, Jilastwardly to. the present West liIr4"ts ef Casen Street, and the City Cemmissien hereby autherizes the epening as an ,extensien ef' Casen Street and said street so. censtructed en said right-of-way sllall be deSignated as Casen Street. PASSED, this the 27th day of Octeber, 1952, all Commissieners veting "Aye" . .'/~ 18 IiI III I. . . "t:: \ -' ,c APPROVED, this the 27th day ef' Octeber, 1952. ; j" .~ ~~~ - . C. ~e"tary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atterney . ".. ..1 u :J 1-\ I ~, ~