HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 623 - ORD Amending ORD 111 permit Exception to Side Lot Set-Back LIne Sect 24 of ORD 111 I..LIIIII --.: " m:-_ ~ . ~ ... .] 14 ORDINANCE NO. 623 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF TEE PRO':' CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY -OF wEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEPl'ION TO THE SIDE LOT SET-BACK LINE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 BY MR. J. B. LEVY INkHIS CONSTRUC- TION OF 'PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS ON LOT 3, BLOCK 21, COLLEGE VIEW FIRST ADDrrION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMEN'l' HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPrING OF THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE EXCEPl'ION TO ..TEE SIDE LOT SET-BACK LINE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 INSOFAR AS THEY APPERTAIN AND APPLY TO LOT 3, BLOCK 21, COLLEGE VIEW FIRST AD- DITION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE AME:NDEl) SO AS TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS BY B. J. LEVY WITH SIDE LOT SET-BACK LINE OF 20 FEET FROM WESLAYAN STREET AND ALLOWINQ AN EXCEPl'ION TO THE SIDE SET-BACK LINE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO.1U; AMENDING SECTION 24 OF O~INANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~CE BY ADDING A SUB PARAGRAPH TO SECTION 24 TO BE KNOWN AS SUB PARA- G:aAPH (10);, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AF1'EB ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, Mr. B. J. Levy has heretefere made written applicatien to. the Zening and Planning Board ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, fer an exceptien to. Sectien 24, ef Ordinance No. 111 so. as td permit the censtructien ef permanent imprevements by him en Lot No.. 3, Bleck No.. 21, Cellege V~ew First Additien, with a side let set~back ef' 20 feet frem Weslayan Street on said let, rather than 30 feet as previded in said Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting 0.1' the Zening and Planning Board ,it was determined that such exception to. the applicable previsiens of' Ordinance No,. 111, sheuld be granted and said Zening and Planning Beard did recemmend to the City Cemmissien that an amendment to. Zening Ordinance No.. III be adepted so as to. permit the building ef permanent imprevements en Let No.3, Bleck No.. 21, Cellege View Firs"t Additien with a side let set-back ef 20 feet; and WHEREAS, at,a regular meeting 0.1' the City Cemmissien held en the 22nd day ef September, 1952, it was determined that a public hearing sheuld be held to. censider whether Ordinance No. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the censtructien ef such imprevements by the said B. J. Levy with a side let set- back of' 20 feet frem Weslayan Street en such lot; and WHEREAS, the City Cemmissien at a regular meeting en September 22nd, 1952, did instruct the City Secretary to. advertise in the ef'f'icia1 publication ef the Ci"ty and to. give written net ice to. all property ewners wJhose preperty lies within 200 feet ef the said let ef' a public hearing to. be held en Octeber 13th 1952, at 7:00 e'cleck p.m. in the City Hall in the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, to. determine whether er net Ordinance No. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the censtructien ef the permanent imprevements en such lots ,with such side let set-back; and ' WHEREAS, in pursuance to. the directien given, him by the City Cemmissien and in full cempliance with the Charter and Ordinances ef the City, the City - '----- ' :1 I I L~ ---'--; I i~ 105 Secretary of' West University Place did cause to. be published in the Heusten Chr.enicle on September 24th, 1952, and did mail to. each 0.1' the ewners ef property lying within 200 feet ef said let, a netice efa hearing to beheld by the City Cemmissien in the City Hall at 7:00 e'cleck p.m. on September 26th, 1952, to. censider amending Ordinance No.. 111 as recommended by the Zening and Planning Board so as to. pe~t the constructien ef said improvements upen such let, and in such locatien thereen as prepesed by B. J. Levy; and WHEREAS, pursuant to. such net ice a public hearing was held by the City Cemm1ssien ef the City.of West University Place in the City Hall at .7:00 o'cleck p.m. Menday, Octeber 13th, 1952, at which hearing all testimony and evidence was heard and fully censidered by the City Cemmissien as to. the advisability- ~ and propriety ef' amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the cens"tructien ef imprevements by B. J. Levy on said lot with a side let set-back linefrem the Weslayan Street en such let 0:f20 feet; and WHEREAS, it appears to. the City Cemmissien frem thereper"t and recemmen- datiene:f theZeningandPlanning Board ,and :frem all evidence and testimeny presentedatsuchpublic>hearing, that ZeningOrdinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit such preposed censtruction on said let with a side lot set-back of 20 feet; and WHEREAS, the City acting threugh its City Cemmissien and Mayer desires to. amend Ordinance No.. 111 ef the City 0.1' West University Place ,so. as to. permit such censtruc"tion and believes that it will be to. the public interest to so. , amend the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. That the City Commission of the City ef' West University Place does hereby bind and determine that each and all ef the steps; and pre- ceedings hereinbeferementioned have been duly and legally "taken andperf'ermed in :full compliance with the law and Charter and Ordinances ef' the City, and thata11provisiens and requirements of the law and 0.1' said Charter and Ordi- nances prerequisite to. the holding ef' a Public .Hearing fer the purpose ef cen.;. sidering the amending ef Ordinance No.. 111 have been met and :fully cemplied with; and that a Public Hearing fer the purpese ef censidering an amendment to Sec"tien,24 ef' Ordinance No.. 111 so., as to permit the cens"tructien ef permanent imprevements en Lot 3, Bleck 21, Cellege View First Additien with aside let set-back ef' 20 feet frem Weslayan Stree"t on said let byB. J. Levy was held a"t "7:00 e'cleck p.ni., Monday, October 13, 1952 at the City Hall 0.1' the City pur- suant to. preper ne"tice given. Sectien ,2. That the City Commissien 0.1' "the City e:f West University Place dees hereby f'ind that sectien 29, ef Ordinance No. 111 sheuld be amended so as to. permit the censtruction ef permanent 'improvements en said let with a side let set-back ef' 20 feet. I - Sectien 3. That Sectien 29 ef Ordinance No.. 111 ef the City ef West University Place is hereby amended by the additien ef a sub~paragraph to. be known as sub-paragraph (10), to. read as f'ellews: "(10) Frevided, however, that permanent imprevements may be censtructed en Let 3, Bleck 1, Cellege View First Additien -=~~_::r..c:~.~' IL-.: :~~-:~2~..::':::':"::~~:.:!:-.:.:.:lL __ "______-.:._1:: - . 1______ lit" l:6 I..!.JIII L ~ E . . . ,::: ,11:_ ._:] Cemmissioners Helman. Meeney, Nisbet and Mayer Terry Veting Aye. Cemmissieners Nene 'Veting No.. APPROVED this the 27th day ef Octeber, A. D., 1952. West University exas ATTEST:, / ~~~ , ' ,Cit etary APPROVED: City Atterney ,/, J ]