HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 621 - ORD Amending & Changing the 1952 Budget and Adopting Ordinance 582 HIIII l." . !i ... ..1 6 ORDINANCE NO. 621 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND CHANGING THE 1952 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSiTY PLACE, TEXAS, AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 582; ALLOCATING . AND TRANSFERRING CERTAIN FUM>S DESIGNATED IN SAID BUDGET; CANCELLATION OF CERTAIN FIXED ASSET EXPENDITURES; PROVIDING FOR THEm TRANSFER,' AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' -------, i I L.-J WHEREAS, since the adept ion ef' the 1952 budget ef the City efWest Uni- versi"ty Place, Texas, it has beceme necessary and expedient to. make certain budgetary changes and certain expenditures net centemplated by said 1952 budget ef the City ef' West University Place, Texas; and , WHEREAS, Sectien 8, Article 14, 0.1' the City Charter ef the City ef West UniverSity Place, Texas, prevides that the City Cemmission may revise, alter, increase erdecrease the items ef' "the budge"t; and WltEREAS, it has beceme necessary fer the City Commissien ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, "to. transf'er certain f'unds to. certain departments frem the General Revenue Funds, and such expenditures for such departments were net centemplated at the time e,f' the appreval ef' the budget ef the City of' West University Place, Texas, fer the year 1952; and WHEREAS, in the budget fer the year 1952, as originally adopted, there was an item of appropriatien fer fixed asset expenditures in the amount ef $35,000.00, such sum being apprepriated from the Water-Sewer Operating Fund fer the purchase 0.1' a site for, and the censtructien thereen 0.1', a ene millien gallen water reserveir and appurtenances; and because ef the inability ef the City to. lecate and purchase a tract 0.1' land satisf'actery for such puupese and the shertage of metal and ether ma"terials essential to. the censtructien ef such reserveir, "the same has net been built, it is the desire ef the City Cem- missien to. eliminate and cancel such item of' appropriatien and to. substitute therefor an apprepriatien against the Fixed Assets Expenditures ef the Water- Sewer Operating Fund in the ameunt ef $11,500.00 f'er the rehabilitatien ef "the City's water Wells Nes. 4 and 5, as per the City's Treasurer's Certificate #61; and 1\ I LJ WHEREAS, since the adapt ion of the budget fer the year 1952, the City Cem- missien has deemed it necessary and expedient f'er the ef'ficient eperatien ef' the Heal"th Department to. install radio. equipment in the vehicles 0.1' said De- partment, and there being'ne apprepriatien in the budge"t fer such fixed asset expenditure, i"t is now necessary to. make a budgetory previsien therefer: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1: Tha"t there is now an unapprepriated cash surplus in the General Revenue Fund of the City ef' West University Place, Texas, in the ameunt ef $17,141.05 and $3,000.00 in the Street Department assigned to. Fixed Assets fer the purchase. ef ene truck which is net now required for this department, which two. items to"tal $20,141.05 and which are available f'er apprepriatien by the City Cemmissien. The funds so. available frem the General Revenue Fund are the follewing items representing receipts and unapprepriated funds: Ii , I I ~ Street .... . . . . . . .'. . -.. . . Garbage .- . . . . . . . . . . . .". . Administrative . . . ... . . . . Tax Department . . . . . . . Fire 11 Pe1ice " Receipts Interest en Trea~uryBills Matured May 9, 1952 " July 3, 1952 " Aug. 10, 1952 It Aug. 10" 1952 iAvailable Cash ,1951 Taxes 2$ Gress Tax - Gas Co. Light Co.. Phene Co.. Permits - Building Electrical PeliceFines Garbage Dump WPA S"treet M;iscellaneeus $200,.00 202,.00 126.25 218.00 Street - Assets Cancel - Apprepriatien fer One Truck EXPENDITURES . . '. . . ... Original Budget 1952 -0- 10,000.00 187,267.29 4,500.00 6,500.00 5,800.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 15,000.00 4,200.00 -0- -0- $235,517.29 Amendment 746.25 10.,431.66 1l:38,843.75 '5,362.26 7,344.36 6,089.13 1,392.22 :2,958..45 24,000 .00 :5,200.00 64.00 226.26 $252,658.34 .......... ....;.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .' . . . , . . . 97 Increase 746~25 431. 66 1,576.46 862.26 844.36 289 .13 392.22 1,708.45 9,OOO.E)O 1,000.00 64.00 226.26 $17,141.05 3,000.00 $20,141.05 3,300.00 7,086.80 1,410.00 1,574.25 2,400.00 4,370.00 , $20,141.05 Sectien 2: There is hereby "transferred f'rem the General Revenue Fund to. the departments ef' the Ci"ty ef' West University Place, Texas, the f'ellowirlg sums fer the budget items as hereinaf'ter listed: S"treet 112 Laber 119 Gas, Oil, Grease 123 Insurance 126 Tires & tubes FIXED ASSETS: One Pull Type Grader Traffic Signal Contrels --,!,oc!!ll. r Original Budget 1952 23,950.00 2,600.00 750.00 . 1,250.00 -0- 3,000.00 $31,550.00 Amendment 24,250.00 :3,300.00 1,150.00 1,550.00 600.00 ,4,000.00 $34,850.00 W.:..I:EI Increase 300.00 700.00 400.00 300.00 600.00 1.000.00 $3,300.00 1.1.1 :J Ir." . . . .... ,." ~ ". _ . .J B Original Garbap:e Budp:et 1952 Amendment Increase I 140 Salary 2,250.00 ' 2,400.00 150.00 141 Laber 38,4:b3-.92 43,413.92 5,000.00 I I -------.J 142 Gas, eil, grease 2,800-.00 3,500.00 700.00 143 Repairs to. Trucks 2,000.00 2,800.00 800.00 145 Medical Care 150..00 320.00 170.00 l54 Salary - Machine Opera"tor ' 2,223.24 2,323.24 100.00 FIXED ASSETS: Truck 4.000.00 4.J.66.80 166.80 $51,837.16 $58,923.96 $7,086.80 Administrat:i.ve 21 Salaries $13,590.00 $i5,000~00 $1,410.00 Tax Departmen"t 60 Salary 2,400.00 2,800.00 400.00 FIXED ASsmS: Graphetype -0- J..174.25 1.174.25 $2,400.00 $3,974.25 $1,574.25 !I Fire Department l-----.J 10 Salaries ,20,100.00, 22,400.00 ' 1,700,.00 13 Gas, eil"grease 600.00, 800.00 200.00 86 Caps & Badges. . 50.00, Z5.00 25.00 FIXED ASms:' Hese ;..o~ . 4'75'.00 475 .00 $21,350.00 $23,750.00 $2,400.00 Pe1ice Department 90 Salary - Judge 600.00 1,100.00 500.00 92 Salaries - Pelicemen 300.00 550..00 250.00 FIXED ASSETS: Autemebile -0- , 1,620.00 1,620.00 Radio. Equipment 1.350.00 3.350.00 2.000.00 $2,250.00 $6,620.00 $4,370.00 I ---. I ~ Health Department Original Budget 1952 Receipts: Current Taxes Deg License Fees Available Cash 8,917.52 750.00 1,000.00 $10,667.52 FIXED ASSETS: Radio. Equipment -0- $3,650.00 Unapprepriated Surplus 99 Amendment Increase 9,608.48 1,100.00 1,402.27 $12,110.75 690.96 350.00 402.27 $1,443.23 500.00 $1,060.00 383.23 $1,443.23 Sectien 3: Tha"t Fixed Asset Expendi"tures ef the Water-Sewer Fund is hereby reduced by $35,000 to. eliminate an apprepriatien fercenstructien ef a enemillien gallen water reserveir and the substitution ef Treasurer's Certifi- cate No.. 61 in the ameunt 0.1' $11,500.00 fer "the rehabilitatienof Water Wells NQ. 4 and 5 and ether ameunts apprepriated fer the fellowing i"tems fer the Wa"ter Department: , WATER - SEWER Elimina"te ApprepriatienReservoir Substitute Treasurer's Cert. #61 $35,000.00 11,500.00 $23,500.00 Net Expenditures Original _ Budget 1952 231 Incilu.des 30,000 - 2rfi cards to. be purchased 235 Repairs - Autes & Trucks 750.00 750.00 $1,500.00 Unapprepriated SUrplus Meter Fittings,Etc. 2,142.50 Net Unapprepriated Surplus .Amendment Increase 1,990.00 1,240.00 1.337.41 587.41 $3, 327.41m $1,827.41 21,672.59 3,492.06 1.349.56 " $20,323.03 Sectien 4: The fact thB.t "the abeve items 0.1' expenditure are fer public interest, welfare and necessity, and'the need f'or which creates an emergency, and the fact the City Commissien has heretefere autherized such expenditures by Ceuncil actien as duly recerded in its af'ficial minutes, this Ordinance shall therefere be finally passed en the date ef its in"troductien, this the 13th day ef Octeber, 1952, and shall take eff'ect immediately upon its passage and appreval by the Mayer 1- I '''.I o III Cf r.-; . :::' :!1 . .""1 PASSED this the 13th day of Octeber, 1952. COMMISSIONERS He1Jnan, Moeney, Nisbe"t and Mayer Terry COMMISSIONERS voting aye. Nene vet-ing no. APPROVED this the 13th day ef' Octeber, 1952. A'I'l'EST: ~n C~tary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney I I I ,_J :1 ! I , i LJ I , I ~