HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 622 - ORD Prescribing Procedures for Candidates to File for Mayor, Commissioner and Other Office Ii! II 1: . L~ --:-::-::-----:-:1~~ 2 ORDINANCE 'NO. 619 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE PROCEDURE FOR CANDIDATES TO FILE FOR. THE OFFICES OF MAYOR, COMMISSIONER, AND OTHER OFFICES FOR THE CITY OF WEST tlNIVERSrry PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OFFICERS, PLACE AND MANNER OF HOLDING CITY ELECTIONS AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE. I :~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE crry OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. All electiens pertaining to. municipal affairs shall be geverned by the electien laws ef the State of Texas as passed and enacted in the Acts ef 1951, 52nd Legislature. In all city electiens, the Mayor, City 'Secretary, er the geverning bedy shall do and perfermeach act in ether electiens required to. be dene and performed respectively by the Ceunty Judge, the Ceunty Clerk, er the Cemmissieners' Court. In all city electiens the Mayer, or if he fails to de so., the governing body, shall order the electien, give netice and appeint election efficers to. held the electien. In general electiens fer efficers the net ice er preclamatien shall be issued and pested at the pelling places net later than thirty days befere the first Tuesday in Nevember ef the year in which the electien is to. be held. Sectien 2. Any eligible and qualified person may have his name printed upen the efficial ballet as an independent candidate fer the effice ef Mayer er Cemmissioner er other city office by filing his sworn applicatien with the Mayer at least thirty (30) days prier to the election day. The applicatien shall state the specific effice er place being seught by the ap- !IJ plicant and that the applicant is eligible and qualified under the laws 0.1' the State ef Texas to. beceme a candidate fer and held the effice being seught, , if elected. Sectien 3. (a) The ferm 0.1' the swern applicatien shall be sub- stantially as fellews: "To. the Mayer 0.1' the City ef West University Place, Texas, Greetings: "I, , hereby make applicatien to. have my name printed en the efficial ballet as an independent candidate for the effice ef' , to be veted upen at the city election to be held on the 4th day 0.1' Nevember, 1952; and I hereby certify that I am qualified to. make this applicatien and that I am legally qualified to. hold such effice, if elected. "State ef Texas 0 County of Harris 0 , being duly swern, depeses and says that the statements contained in the foregeing application are true. (Signed) "Subscribed and swern to befere me, this the 1952. (Seal) day ef , Netary Public, in and fer Harris Ceuuty, Texas." (b) Such swern applicatien may be accempanied with a petitien signed by qualified electers, altheugh such petition is net required. II : ! LJ (c) Such swern application shall be accempanied with an executed cepy 0.1' the "Loyalty Affidavit" as required by Article 6.02 ef the Electien 93 Cede ef the State ef Texas (Acts 1951, 52nd Legislature, pg. 1097, Ch. 492, Art. 58) in substantially the fellowing ferm: "I, , of the City ef West University Place, Ceunty 91' Harris, State ef'Texas, being a can~idate fer the effice ef , de selemnly swear that I believe in and app~ove ef eur present representative ferm of gevern- ment, and if elected, I will suppert and defend our present repre- sentative ferm ef gevernment, and will resist any effert er movement from any seurce which seeks to. subvert er destrey the same or any part thereef, and I will suppert and defend the Censtitutien and Laws of the United States and of the State 0.1' Texas. (Candidate's Signature) "Swern to. and subscribed befere me, at this the day ef , A.D., 1952. , Texas, Netary Public, in and fer Harris Ceunty, Texas." -Section 4. Thena.mes of all these who. have filed their swern ap- plicatiens to. have their names printed on the efficial ballet as candidates shall be posted by the'City Secretary in a conspicueus place at his office fer the inspectien ef the public fer at least ten days befere he erders the ballots to be printed. All ebjectiens to. the regularity or validity 0.1' the application 0.1' any persen shall be made within five days after such posting, by written netice filed with the City Secretary, setting ferth the greunds ef ebjectiens. In case no. such objectien is filed within the time pre- scribed, the regularity or validity 0.1' the application ef,ne person whese name is so. pested, shall be thereafter contested. The City Secretary shall preserve in his office fer a peried' of two. years all applications, netice 0.1' ebjectiens and other related papers. - Section 5. Any persen eligible 'to. the effice of Mayor or Cemmissiener, er ether effice who has filed his swern application in accerdance with the provisiens 0.1' this erdinance shall have his name pr~nted on the efficial ballets. Any such persen may cause his name to. be wi thdrawat any time be- fere the efficial ballots are actually printed, by-filing in writing with the City Secretary a request to. that effect over his ewn signature, duly attested to. by a Netary Public. No. name so. withdrawn shall be printed on the ballots. Net later than twenty (20) days before the city general electien the City Secretary shall have the official ballots printed. Section 6. Each qualified' veter who desires to. cast an absentee vete and who. expects to. be absent en the day ef the city general electien, shall be entitled to an official ballet and the right to case such ballet in accerdance with the previsions ef Article 7.14 ef the Election Cede (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg., pg. 1097, ch. 492, art. 79.) Sectien 7. That hereafter all municipal electiens shall be cenducted by one presiding efficer or judge and two. assistant judges er clerks to. be appointed ....!I.---..--,.-..---.+...... " 11' ., .,," __.11._ 4 by the Mayer ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, fer each of the three polling places as hereinafter designated; that the presidingefficer shall be cempensated fer his services at the rate ef six dellars, ($6.00) per, day and said assistant judges er clerks shall be cempensated at the rate of five dellars ($5.00) per day, which services shall be paid frem the general fund ef the city. Sectien 8. That hereafter all electiens fer" the selectien 0.1' officials shall be held at the City Hall in the City 0.1' West Unive~sity Place, the West University Place Cemmunity Building in the City ef West U~iversity Place, and the West University Place Elementary Scheel in the City ef West University Place, Harris Ceunty, Texas, between the hours ef 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sectien 9. The Chief ef Pelice shall pest a properly executed cepy ef, the electien preclamatien and netice at the places where the election is to be held. Said netice ,shall be pested thirty days befere the date, 0.1' said electien. Sectien 10. It shall be the duty of the City Secretary to. netify all persens elected, and all newly elected efficers may enter upen their duties en the fifth day thereafter, Sundays excepted. If any such ef~icer fails to. qualify within thirty days after his electien, his effice shall be deemed vacant, and a new electien held to. fill the same. , Passed and Appreved this the 22nd day ef September, A.D., 1952, all Cemmissie- ' ners veting "Aye". C;:::-' Texas ATTEST: pft)k$l;4-J Cit e etary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atterney r~ r I I I L.-J 'I I : I I----..--J 'J I I ! :~