HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 613 - ORD Regulating the Handling & Disposal of Garbage and Waste 6 ORDINANCE NO. 613_ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND WASTE IN THE Crry OF WEST UNIV J.t1RSITY PLACE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. (: , L.J PLACE : BE IT ORDAINED :ar THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY: Seetien 1. That it shall be the duty ef every persen in pessessien er centrel of' any private residence, heuse, building, f'lat, apartmen"t er tenement in the City of West University Place, where persens reside, beard er ledge, er where animal er vegetable feed is prepared er served, to. pre- vide er cause to. be previded'for such residence, heuse, building, f'lat, apartment or tenement, and ,at all times to. maintain in geed erder and re- pair on any said premises, a'pertable watertight receptacle er receptacles fer garbage, rubbish, trash and miscellaneeus waste, which shall be made ef' metal, wi"th clese-fitting "tep, and with handles en the sides, and ef sufficient capacity and in sufficient numbers to. accemmedate and securely keep all the garbage, rubbish, trash and miscellaneeus Waste that may ac- cumulate frem any such premises; previded, that each such receptacle shall have a capacity of net more than thir"ty gallens. Sectien 2. That i"t shall be the du"ty ef any such person in pessessien er centrel ef any such premises "to. keep the receptacle er re- ceptacles required in Sectien 1 ef this erdinance inside ef said pre- mises, and en days designated by the City to. place such receptacles in the parkway in frent 0.1' er at the side ef said premises, as may be desig- nated by the City-"s Garbage Superintenden"t; and all such receptacles which are net easily accessible to said cellecter shall be premptly delivered to. him when called fer, and shall be returned by him to. their respective places witheut unnecessary delay; and no. persen shall remeve the cover to any such receptacle except when depesiting er remeving the contents ner in any manner interfere with sa.id receptacle er the centents thereef ex- cept these autherized fer said duty. ' II L Sectien 3. That it ,shall be the duty ef any such persen in pos- sessien er cantrel of any such premises to place er cause to. be placed 1n the receptacle er receptacles required in Sectien' 1 ef this erdinance, a.ll 'garbage, trash, rubbish and miscellaneeus waste which maya.ccumulate upen said premises. Garbage shall include all kitchen and househeld refuse and waste material and dead animals and fowls; previded, it shall be the duty ef every persen placing garbage in any such receptacle to. eliminate as far as pessible all water and liquid from such garbage, and to. securely wrap same in paper before placing the same in such receptacle. It shall net be lawful to. peur water er liquid over said garbage er into. any said receptacle. Trash, rubbish and miscellaneeus waste shall include bexed, crates, "cleth.. rags, paper, leaves, flowers, bex-trinnnings, lawn.;.cuttings free frem rock and earth, trees less than three feet long, tin cans, bettles, glass and china-ware and 'metal less than three f'eet long. Any such persen shall keep and maintain any such receptacle in such manner that it shall net become er censtitute a public nuisance to or in the neighborheod ef such premises; and when garbage, trash, rubbish and miscellaneeus waste are so. depesited and maintained, same will be remeved frem any such premises by the City. Ii LJ 7"1' Sectien 4. That it shall be unlawful fer any persen to threw er depasit in any manner whatseever upan any street, alley er public place; er uperi any vacant let in the City ef West University Place, er upen any premises whatseever, except in the receptacles required in Sectian 1 af this erdinance to. be placed upon certain premises, any,garbage, trash, rubbish, ashes, manure er miscellaneeus waste; and the presence ef same upan any street, alley er public place shall be held to. censtitute a vie- latien ef this sectien o.n the P!:lrt ef the ewner er eccupant upan whese , half ef the street er alley such garbage, trash, rubbish, ashes, manure ar miscellaneeus waste is permitted to. remain fer langer than twenty-feur haurs. Sectien 5. That all garbage, trash, rubbish, ashes, manure er miscellaneeus waste, which may be dispesed af by anypersan, shall net be depesited at any place within the City ef West University P~ce, and within the pelice jurisdictien thereef, but shall be hauled to. the City dump- greund, er to. such ether place as may be directed by the City Sanitary Engineer. Sectien' 6. That any persen desiring to. engage in the business ef hauling garbage, sleps, sWills,'rubbish, manure, ashes er waste, fer hire, shall first receive a permit frem the City Secretary to. engage in such business, which permit shall be goad far ane year. Any such persan shall haul such garbage, swill, sleps, manure, rubbish, ashes and waste ina receptacle, so. that none ef same will spill arfal:\- upen any 0.1' the streets er alleys; and it shall be unlawful fer any persen to. haul slep er swill ever the streets and alleys 0.1' the City between the heurs 0.1' 8 e'cleck a.m. and 7 e'clack p.m., unless such sleps and swills are hauled in ederless'cans, securely cevered with a fly-tight tep. Sectien 7. That any persen vielating any ef the previsians af this erdinance shall be deemed guilty ef a misdemeaner and upen cenvictien thereef, shall be fined in any sum 0.1' net less than $1.00 er mere than $200.00, and each day that any such persen shall vielate any ef the previsiens 0.1' this erdinance shall censtitute a separate effense and be punishable as such. Sectien 8. That all ardinances and parts ef erdinances in cen- flict with the previsiens ef this erdinance are hereby repealed, but the erdinance shall be cumulative 0.1' and supplementary to. all erdinances re- lating to. the public health net in cenflict herewith. Sectien 9. That if any sectien, paragraph, sentence, clause er phrase ef this erdinance be declared uncenstitutienal ar invalid fer any reasen, the remainder of this erdinance shall net be affected thereby. PASSED this the 11th day ef' August, 1952. COMMISSIONERS H'angs, Helman, Meeney and Nisbet and Mayer Terry veting aye. COMMISSIONERS Nene voting no.. L: '---- , ".1. 8 l.illl Appreved this the 11th day ef August, 1952. ATTEST: ~~~ C e ret~ry / APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atterney I 11... I . 1 I I I ~ -~ ! LJ I~ LJ