HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 612 - ORD Notice of Initation By City Council & COH approving and Agreement Jint Project of the Two Cities PIa ORDINANCE NO. 612 AN ORDINANCE TAKING NOTICE OF THE INITIATION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON OF THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT AS A JOINT PROJECT OF THE TYVO CITIES OFA PORTION OF ACADEMY STRF~T WHICH IS ALONG A PART OF THE COM~iION 'BOlThi1)ARY OF SUCH TNO CITIES; TAKING NOTIGE OF TEE FACT THAT THE CITY OF HOUSTON HAS TAKEN BIDS FOR SUCH WORK MID PROPOSES TO ENTEH INTO A CONTRACT THEREFOR; APPROVnm,AN AGREEMENT BEn/EEN THE TWO CITIES FOR THE PARTICIPATION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE IN SUCH PROJECT AND THE PAYING BY IT OF A. PART OF THE AMOUNTS TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY LYING WITHIN ITS LIMITS; APPROVING THE FORM AND SUBSTANCE OF A FORMAL AGRJ!:EMENT RELA'IED THERETO AND AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; DIRECTING AND ORDERING PAYMI!;NT TO THE CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY OF HOUST@N0FTHE AMOUNT OF $1500.00, HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED, CON~ULA~,BYSUCH~A9REERmNT TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OFW'EST UNIVERSITY PLACE; AND DIRECTING THE CI'TY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE 1,/i[[TH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HAR.1US COUNTY, TEXAS, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISION OF ARTICLE 112~A OF THE: REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BElT ORDAINED by the City Cemmission 0.1' the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, Sec tion 1: In the matter of the, permanent paving 0.1' Academy Street, a street in the City 0.1' Heuston, Texas, frem the north preperty line ef Law S+reet to the nerth preperty line 0.1' Richmend Read (with the exceptien, hoWeyer,ef the prexently paved east ene-half 0.1' the said Academy Street from the seuth preperty line 0.1' Law Street seutherly a distance ef 99.85 feet) as a jeint preject 0.1' the Cityef Heusten and the City 0.1' West University Place, as appreved by a metion 0.1' the City Cemmissien ef the City 0.1' West University Place, passed and appreved January 21, 1952 and by motien No.. 2001 0.1' the City Council ef the City 0.1' Housteh passed January 30,1952 and appreved by the Mayer en January 31, 1952: The City Cemmissien ef the City 0.1' West University Place hereby takes netice and cegnizance ef the fact ef the passage by the City Ceuncil 0.1' the City ef Heusten and the appreval by the Mayor 0.1' such city on June 18, 1952 of an erdinance entitled: !tAN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE CITY 01<' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND TH$CITY OF HOUSTON HAVE AGREED TO COOPERATE UPON CERTAIN TERMS IN THE PERM.4.NENT IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF ACADEMY STREBT ASA JOINT PROJECT OF THE 'TWO CITIES; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORD1'RTNG THA T SAID PORTION OF AC.ADEMY S'lR,EET SHALL BE IMPROVED AS A JOINT PROJECT OE SUCH TWO CITIES; .ADOPTING AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS . :!_~: It,,_ ~.: .. _...._ _ - ,~_..::!IL _ _L '- 1-1.I:..l HI II. . ... ." iI.. ,I 4: " FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENT; DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGI- NEERING TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF, THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENT AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID PORTION OF SAID STREET; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST THEREOF SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND F0R INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE .Am) ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATED TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT ARE BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105-b ,PARTICULARLY AS AMENDED BY THE 1951 LEGISLATURE; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A CERTAIN NOTICE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK Am) TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. It ' ef which erdinance a cepy certified under the Seal ef the City ef Heusten by its City Secretary has been exhibi"ted to. and censidered by the City Cemmissien ef the City ef' West University Place. ' Sectien 2: The City Commissien 0.1' the City ef' West University , Place further takes netice and cegni~ce ef the fact that the City ef Heusten has advertised fer and taken bid,S f'er such paving werk and subject to. "the execu"tien 0.1' the fermal agreement between the two. cities herein- after autherized new prepeses to. enter into. a cen"tract fer such work with Gulf' Bitulithic Cempany at an aggregate unit bid price ef $45,709.19. Sectien 3: The City Cemmissien 0.1' the City ef West University Place appreves ef entering into. a formal agreement with the City ef HeusiD n covering the payment by the City ef West University P1l;l.ce ef' $1500.00 ef the cest 0.1' such paving, to. be applied as a. partial payment and credit at the rate ef $1.25 per 1'rent feet against the paving assessments to. be hereafter levied by the City 0.1' Heusten against the abutting preperty lying in West University Place and being the preperty aleng the west side ef said pertien 0.1' Academy Street, all to. the 'substant~al effect ef,tl1e statements related "thereto. centained in Sectien 1 0.1' the said June 18, 1952 erdinance ef the City Ceuncil ef the City 0.1' Heuston. The City Cemmissien ef the City of West University Place hereby approves of the ferm and 'substance ef' a 1'ermal agreement cevering the foregeing matter which has been appreved by the City Atterney 0.1' the City ef West University Place, the Mayer and the City Secre"tary 0.1' the City ef' West University Place are hereby autherized to respectively execute and attest such centract in duplicate eriginals and upen the executien the reef likewise en behalf ef the City 0.1' Housteri the same shall beceme effective and binding "to the intent and effect therein stated. Sec"tien 4: The City Cemmissien hereby autherizes the payment md delivery to. the City 0.1' Houston, "te-wit, to. its City Centreller, ef the payment in the ameunt ef $1500.00 by such centractcentemplated and pro- vided to. be paid by the Ci"ty 0.1' West University Place, said ameunt having been duly apprepriated by separate erdinance heretefere passed. Sectien 5: The City Secretary 0.1' the City ef West University Place is hereby directed to. file a net ice pursuant to. the previsiens ef Article 1220-a ef' the Texas Revised Civil Statutes with the Ceunty Clerk' 0.1' Harris Ceunty, Texas giving netice ef the fact ef theinitiatien ef such paving preject ef the City 0.1' Heuston and 0.1' the fact that the City 0.1' Heusten prepeses to. assess a part 0.1' the cest against the abutting ,-------., I I ~ 't , I L-i rj i , i U preperty including the abutting preperty which lies within the limits 0.1' the City'ef West University Place, and to. include in such netice such further s.tateme.nts related thereto. as may be preper, sufficient and. in cempliance with law. ' Sectien 6: The fact that the centemplated street iIriprevements are needed and sheuld be made,as soon as pessible, and the ceeperative preject between the two. (2) s"treets sheuld be expedited, creates a public emergency and, therefere, this Ordinance shall be passed finally en "the date ef ,its intreductien and shall take eff'ect immediately upenits passage and appreval by the Mayer. PASSED this 28thday'ef July, 1952. APPROVED this 28th day ef' July, 1952. A'ITEST: ~.~~..~ Cit. cretary . APPROVED: Ci"ty Paving Atterriey 75 ...