HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 611 - ORD Appropriating $1500 Street Improvement Bonds Series 1948 7'1 ORDINANCE NO. 611 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $ 1500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OF PAVING AND H,IPROVIl'JG: ACADEMY STREET frem the Nerth property line ef LAW STREET to. the nerthpreperty line 0.1' RICHMOND ROAD, exce~t hewever the presenti7 paved East One-Half (~) ef said ACADEi\1Y STREET from the Seuth preperty line 91' LAW STREET seutherly a distance of 99.85 feet; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Treasurer having duly and regularly certified to. the City Commissien ~that there is in the City Treasury to. the credit 0.1' the Street Imprevement Bends Series 1948 tpe sum 0.1' $1500.00 which has net been apprepriated and which is now available for apprepriation, and which is sufficient to pay the City's pertien of the cost of improving a pertien ef the street hereinafter named, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PL~,CE, TEXAS: Sectien 1: That there is hereby apprepriated eut 0.1' the fund to. the credit of Street Imprevement Bends Series 1948 in the City Treasury the sum of $1500.00 to. pay the City's pertien 0.1' the cost of paving and impreving: >...... ACADEMY STREET frem the Nerth preperty line 0.1' LAW' STREET to. the Nerth preperty,line ef RICHMOND ROAD, except hewever the presently paved East One Half (~) of said ACADEMY S'IREET frem the Seuth preperty line ef LAW STREET seutherly a distance ef 99.85 feet; as mere specifically set forth and described in, and in accerdance with and ' subject to the terms and previsiens of, the prior metionsand Ordinances contemplating thecenstruction ef street imprevements en said pertien ef ACADEMY S'IRBEr as a jeint preject with the City 0.1' Housten, Texas pursuant to the 1951 Amendment ef Article 1105-b 0.1' the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; and the Mayer and City Treasurer are hereby autherized to. draw a warrant against said fund and to deliver S2~e to. the City 0.1' Heusten as the pertion ef the' cest ef such imprevementste be berne by the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas Section 2. The fact that said portien 0.1' said street is in need of imprevement and the jeint preject initiated by the City 0.1' Heusten, Texas sheuld be expedited creates a public emergency and therefer this ordinance r". 0.-011 " " "'1' III II'I 2 shall be passed finally en the date of its introduction and shall take effect immediately upen its passage and approval by the Mayer. 'I PASSED this day 0.1' July, 1952. ---- APPROVED this day 0.1' July, 1952. u Universi.::t;y ATTEST: ~ ~~_-./ Ci etary APPROVED: City Paving Atterney rl U II [J,