HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 605 - ORD Finding & Determing ORD 573, 574 & 592 Pertaiing to Improvment of Sanitary Sewer Disposal 55; ORDINANCE NO. 605 .............Jcr,-,.,.~ AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETEm~INING THAT ALL WORK HAS HERETOFORE BEEN DONE AND ACCOMPLISHED AS ORDERED BY THE CITY'S ORDINANCES NOS. 5i3., 574 AND 592; FINDING THAT SUCH WORK PERTAINING TO THE IMPROVE1vIENT OF THE CITY'S SANITARY SEWAGE DISposAL PLANT AND THE CITY'S SANITAHY DISPOSAL SYSTEM BAS BEEN DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS L PRESENTED BY THE CITY!S ENGINEER AND DATED MAY 14, 1951; ACCEPTING SAID WORK FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THERE REMAINS AN UNEXPENDED BALANCE OF $6~706.41'OFTHE APPROPRIATION OF $25,000.00 OF THE APPROPRI~TION OF $25,000.00 FOR SUCH WORK; ORDERING THE TRANSFER OF SUCH SUM TO THE ACCOUNT OF THE SANITARY SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND IN -THE CITY NATIONAl, BANK, HOUSTON, TEXAS, AND PRO... VIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF WHEREAS, pursuant to its Ordinances Nos. 573, 574, and 592 heretofore passed,and approved declaring the necessity for and ordering the improvement of the City's Sanitary Sewage Treatment Plant and sanitary sewage disposal facilities, including as its principal features the following items of work: 1. The purchase and installation ofa comminutor. 2. The construction of a comminutor basin. J.The constru~tion of a new sludge bed. 4. The overhauling of the existing three sludge beds. 5. The addition to and remodeling of the existing pump house with separation of the electrical switbh panel from exposure to acids and fumes. 6. The construction of a by-pass line and manholes; 0 all as recommended by the City's Engineer, Irvin L. Peabody, and the City's Electrical Engineer, Rayburn Hamilton, the City of West University Place acting by and, through its City Engineer, has caused said work to be done and the City Engineer, Irvin L. PeabOdy, has heretofore made his written report to the City Commission reporting that said work has been done and certifying that said work is complete, all in accordance with the plans and specifications as originally submitted by him to the City Commission on the 14th day of May, 1951; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has now presented his final estimate in connection with said work and has recommended to the City thatsaid~ork bb acqepted and that settlement be made in ac~ordance with said final estimate: N()1JI1, THEREFORE" BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF W'EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section 1. The City Commission hereby finds and determines that the City Engineer of the 'City of West University Place, Texas, Irvin L. Peabody, and the City's Consulting Electrical Engineer, Rayburn Hamilton, have examined, measured and tested in the manner provided b~ the plans and specifications originally presented to the City and recorr~ended to the City Commission by Irvin L. PeabOdy, the work done and the construction accomplished on the hereinafterc;lesignated construction pursuant to the City's Ordinance No. 592 and which construction and'work has been done under the direction, supervision I". .,__n.,... .,".-,,-- ~_... ... ",-,0' l; ~ II I III III I I ... ') and examination of the City Engineer and the City's Consulting Electrical Engineer, and such two engineers have found and determined that such work, construction and installation has been done and fully completed in full complianc~ with the terms, provisions and conditions of the plans and specifications and on a force account basis, all as contemplated in Section 3 of Ordinance No. 592; and that such Engineers have certified to the City Commission that such work had been so constructed, done and completed and they have heretofore recommended to the Commission that the same be accepted; and the City Commission of the City of Wewt University Place does hereby find and determine that the wor~ of: o 1. The purchase and installation of a communi tor. 2. The construction of a communi tor basin. 3. The construction of a new sludge bed. 4. The overhauling of the existing three sludge beds. 5. The addit?-on to andoremodeling of the existing pump house with separa~ion o~the eiectrical switch panel from exposure to acids and fumes. . 6. The construction of a' by-pass line 'and manholes;. has been performed, constructed and done and satisfactorily completed under the direction of the 9ity Engineer utilizing the City's employees for labor, all in full compliance with j,he terms, provisions and' conditions cDf the afore- said plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer to the City Commission on May 14, 1951; and said City Commission does here and now accept such work and constructinn on behalf of and as the act of the City of. West University Place, Texas. J Section 2. The: City Commissinn having examined the final estimate prepared and presented by the City Engineer with reference to the aforesaid work, and all sums due for all work accomplished, here and now approves and I adopts said final estimate as so prepared and presented by:'the City Engineer and hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Treasurer to make final settlement on all accounts occasioned by the aforesaid construction and work. Section 3. The City Commission finds that by Treasurer's Certificate No. 59 there was the sum of $25,000.00 in the City's sanitary sewer capital improvement fuhd on deposit in the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, the sum of $25,000.00 which sum by Ordinance No. 592 was appropriated for the afore- said work and that of said sum there remains an unexpended balance of $6,706.41~_ after all accounts have been presented and paid relative to the aforesaid work and after final estimates have been approved and adopted. The City Commission hereby orders that said unexpended balance so appropriated by Ordinance No. 592 for the aforesaid work, such unexpended balance being $6,-706.41, be redeposited by the City TreasUrer and credited by him to the account of the City's Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, City National Bank, Houston, Texas. Section 4. . The fact that said construction and work has been complete? and accepted and all sums' due thereunder paid and the unexpended ~I I I I I I~ 5.7',' ,. , balance thereof redeposited to the credit of the appropriate fund, and said work and project finally closed and being no necessity for a further reading of this Ordinance, this Ordinance shall ,be passed finally on this ,the date of its introduction, ,the 23rd day of June, 1952, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. Passed this the 23rd day of June, 1952~- Commissioners Nisbet. Moonev. Holman. and Mayor Terry Voting Aye Commissioners None Voting No Approved this 23rd day of June, 1952,. ATTEST: ~~~ Ci ty Secre tar ----- , .~ M8 'or.' ~ Approved as ,to Form: City Attorney