HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 603 - ORD Permit Construction of a Carport on Lot 1 Block 47 49 ORDINANCE NO. 603 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND. ALL THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO.lll OF THE'CITY OF"WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'rEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUC TION OF A CARPORT ON W JP LOT 1, BLOCK 4-1. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION, EXTENDING TO THE CITY'S RIGHT OF WAY LINE AS PER THE APPLICATION OF :MR. P. 0., EILAR; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO,. III BE SO AMENDED AS TO PERMIT SUCH o'CONSTRUCTION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III SHOULD BE AMENDED; AMENDING' ORDINANCE NO. III AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, P.O. Eilar the owner of W ~ lot 1, Block 47 of West University Place Second Addition in the City of West Univer~ity Place, Texas, has heretofore filed ,his written application with the Zoning and Planning Board of said City for permission to constnuct a carport extending from within his property lines through the set-back area as provide9 by the City's Zoning Ordinance to the City's right of way abutting said Lot; and, 1rnEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Zoning ahd Planning Board of the. City of West Univerpity.Place held on April 1, 1952,it was,deter- mined ,that permission for, such construction on said Lot,should be granted and that an amendatory'ordinanceshould"be;prepared by the City Commission allowing such conptruction; and said Zoning and Planning Board did'further recommend to the City Commission that a public hearing be called to con- sider the amending of Ordinance No. III so as to permit the construction applied for; and, VtHEREAS, at a regular meeting of,the City Commission held on April 4, 1952, upon the written request of P.O. Eilar and upon the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Board it was determined that a public hearing ,should be held to consider the amendment of Ordinance No. III so as to permit the construction applied for the P.O. Eilar; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission at its regular meeting on April 4, 1952, did instruct the City Secretary to advertise and give notice in the officia~ publication of the City and to give written notices to all property ownerjp whos~ !property lies within 200 feet of" 1f.Jt2"'tot I, Block 47, of West University Place Second Addition, of a public hearing to be held at 7:00 o'clock P.M., April 28, 1952, in the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas, to determine whether 0r not Ordinance No. III should be amended 80 as to permit the constr.uction of said carport upon that portion of LotI, Block 47, West University Place Second Addition, as applied for by ,the said P.O. Eilar; and, VffiEREAS, in pursuance to the direction given him by the City Cormnission and in full compliance with the Charter and the Ordinances of the City, the City Secretary of West University Place, Texas, did cause to be published in the Southwest Times on April 10, 1952, and did nail to each of the owners of property lying within 200 feet of . It. I'.' '-- ,'....ill!. III II. ' ) w ~ Lot 1, Block 47, West University Place Second Addition, a notice of a hearing to be held in the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas, at 7:00 P. M. on April 28, 1952, to consider am~nd~ng Ordinance No. 111 so as to p~rmit the construction of the carport as applied for by the said P. O. Ellar; and, "-----'1 I I I -------.J WHEREAS, pursuant to such notice a public hearing was held,by the City Commission at the City Hall and at the time spe~ified in such notice at which hearing all testimony was heard and fully considered by the City Commission as to the advisability and propri~ty of amending Ordinance No. 111 so as to permit the construction of a carport extending from within the property lines of W ~ of Lot 1, rlock 47, West University Place Second Addition, through the side lot set-back area and tb the right of way line of Westchester Street abutting the aforesaid. Lot; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission after hearing all facts presented and after having considered the plans and specifications submitted by Y.r. P. O. Eilar and further having considered the written report and recommenda- tionof the '~oning and Planning Board, the written consents presented by P. O. Eilar from his neighbors and th~ oral testimony of persons present interested in the facts and in' the' subject matter' of the hearing, is of the opinion that Ordinance No. III should be amended so as to permit the construction ofa carport in accordance 'with t~e plans and,specifications presented to the ':'oning and Planning Board by F. O. Eilar and at the location upon W ~ Lot 1, Block 47, West university Place Second Addition, as so applied for by the said P. O. Eiler; and, Wf-IEREAS, the City Commission and Mayor bfthe City of West University Place, Texas, desire to amend Ordinance No. III to allow such construction, and believe that it will be to the public ,interest to so amend same: ,"-----' LJ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINETIBY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Co:inmission of the City of West 'University Place, Texas; hereby finds' and determines that each and all of the proc~edings hereinabove recited have been duly and legally taken and performed in full compliance with the law, the Charter and the Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, and that all provisions and requirements of the law and the said Charter and Ordinances of the City prerequisite to the holding ofa public hearing for the purpose of considering the amending of Zoning Ordinance No. III have been done and fully complied with. Section 2: The City Co:rn:rnission of the City of West 'Univers'i ty Place, Texas; does hereby find and determine that a public hearing for tile purpose of considering an amend- ment to Ordinance No. III so as to permit the constrnc- tion by P. o. Eilar~of a carport on W ~ Lot 1, Block 47 i I LJ " West University ,Place Second Addition, according to the plans and specifications submitted by the said P. O. Eilar, such carport to be located on said L,ot extending through the side lot set-back area and to the East right-of-way line of Westchester Street, was duly held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on April 28, 1952, in the City Hall of West University Place, Texas, in pursuance of the notices of such hearing duly and legally made in accordance with the Ordinance of the City. Section 3: That the report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Board of the City of West University Place, Texas, that Ordinance No. 111 be amended so as to permit the proposed construction by P. o. Eilaron.W~ Lot 1, Block 47, West University Place SecondA#dition, in accordance with the plans and specificationS submitted by him, is hereby again approved and adopted. Section 4: That Ordinance No. III of the City of West University Place, T~xas, is hereby amended by the addition of' a sub-paragraph to Section 24 to be known as Sub- paragraph 3-A and to read as follows: It 3-A Provided, however ,that on W Jl2 Lot 1, Block 47, West University.PlaceSecondAddition, in the City of West University Place, Texas, a carport may be con- structed extending from within the limits of said Lot westwardly to and through the side lot set~back area to the East right of way line of Westchester Street; provided, however , that such, carport shall. not be permanently enclosed and that same shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted in writing to the Zoning and Planning Board of the City .of West University Place, Texas, by P. O. Eilar on Appil 1, 1952.1' Section ~: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force and effect immecliatelyupon its passage by the City Commission and approval by the Mayor. PASSF~ this the 12th day of May, A. D. 1952 ' Hangs, Holman, Mooney, Nisbet and Mayor Terry ""'ommissioners Voting Aye Commissioners Voting No Approved this the 12th day of May, ATffiST. 4l SJ~ " , Secretary, of West Tl"xas . 51<