HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 599 - ORD Recommendation of Two New Positions In the Fire dept 31 ORDINANCE NO. 599 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE FIRE CHIEF AND nmECTOR OF PERSONNEL HAVE RECOMMENDED THE CREATION OF TWO NEW POSITIONS IN THE, FIRE DEPARTMENT OF_THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS" FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT WILL BE TO THE BEST' , INTEREST OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'TO CREATE SUCH POSITION~; OFFICIALLY. . CREATING 'lW0 POSITIONS OF THE PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT, EACH POSITION TO BE KNOWN AS ttCAPTAINIt; DEFINING THE AUTHORI TY OF THE HOLDERS OF SUCH POSITION; PROVIDINg FOR ,THEm REMUNERATION; AND DECLARING A.N EMERGENCY. < WHEREAS, the Fire Chief and the~irector of Personnel of the Cityo6f West University Place, Texas, have heretofore made studies of the organization of the personnel of th13 J;i'ire'T)epartment of the City of ,West University Place, Texas, ,andhav13 embodied the conclu;:;ions' drawn from their studies in" a ' recommend~tion to the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that two new offices, be created in the,Fire Department as intermediary offices between the Fire Chief and the positions of Firemen; and WHEREAS, two members of the paid Fire Department have heretofore served in the capacity of Captain as established by a previous Chief of the. Volunteer Fire Department without' official authority and sanction, the two persons now serving in said positions are., experienced and qualified and are c,apable of holding such ti'tle and it being necess~y that the City Commission officially designate such position as' Captain of the Fire Department, and WHEREAS, it appears from the study made by the Fire Chief and the . ,', I Director of Personnel and from an independent investigation of the matter conducted by the City Commission that it would be advisable and to the~:',be~t interest of the Fire Department to at all tinies have a person.,on d}.lty charged with the respohs;ibility and clothed with the authdrity to 'direct the Firemen in their ordinary course of conduct and to make decisions upon matters arising out of the ordinary course of conduct; and , ~EAS, the City Commission finds that it is impossible for the Fire Chief to be on hand at all hours of the day and night to make decisi9ns and direct the work of the Firemen of the Fire Department and the City Commission further finds that it is advisable to have an administrative officer in charge of the Firemen on each tour of duty.with authority to make decisions and give directions to the Firemen in the absence of the Fire Chief; and WHEREAS, .i t is the desire of the City Commission of the City of:-Wes't University Place to create two new offices in the Fire. Department of the City of West University Place, Texas, and to differentiate between. the office and position of "Firemen", and the office of the two new positions by giving the holders of such positions the name of "Captain", such nomenclature beingp'llt an arbitrary choice upon the part of the Commission and in no ways indicative of comparable authority, position and salary of the holders of such officers 1:-::' 1':-ll-~ -:~--::: ,.,- -"..,-'~ r- "I ,. ___"':~:_Jll:_l:!I'_J]j__JIlI III I J:., ..,..1.. ..1 i bearing such name in larger metrop?litan areas; 1------- NON, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS, I '----c 1. ,That there is a need for and there is hereby created two new offices in'the Fire Department of the City of West University Place, Texas, such offices to be intermediary offices betvfeen the Fire Chief and the Firemen and the holder of each of such offices shall be known as a "Captain" of' the Fire Department. 2. Each such Captain shall be delegated such power and authority as the Fire Chief of the City of West University Place, Texas, shBll see fit to, delegate and each such officer shall be respqnsible, directly to .the Fire Chief and to the Director of Pers.()nnel of the City of W~st University Place. . ,'... , , 3. Each of such positions ,shall carry an' additional remuneration, '. over and above the remuneration paid to Firemen and such additional,remunera- tion Sh~ll be that ~hich is recommended by the Director of Personnel and ,the Fire Chief~ jolnt;Ly, and approved by the Personnel Board and adopted b~i the City Commission. ' 4. Th~ need for the ,positions hereby created, forms a pUblic emergency and therefore this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its "introduction this, the 25th .dayoffeb~u~ry, 1952, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and ,approval of the' Mayor. -~ PASSED this the 25th day of February'A. D. 1952. o COMMISSIONERS Hangs. Holman. Moonevand Nisbet' and Mavor Terrv voting aye. COMMISSIONERS None votjng no. APPROVED this the 25th day of February A. D. 1952. A~~~ , ,y ec:fetary ~OVED AS TO FORM: City of West .. lace, Texas " o