HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 592 - ORD Aprroving & Adopting Reports and Recommendations of City Engineer & City's Consulting Electrical Engineer 15:' ORDINANCE NO. 1)92, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTS AND RECOM- MENDATIONS OF'THE CITY ENGINEER AND THE CI'l'Y'S CONSULTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, RAYBURN IWfiLTON ~ CO~ERNING THE IM-' PROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF1HE EXISTING FACILITIES A1' THE CITY'S SANITARY SEWAGE TRFj.TMENT PLANT; APPROVING AND ADOPT- ING THE CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR SAID IMPROVE- . MENT AN~ EmARGEMENT;. AUTHORIZING '!'HE ACQOMPLISHMENT OF THE IMPROVEMEN'l' AND ENLARGEMENT OF SAID FACILITIES .AND ORDERING SAID WORK TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH HIS PLANS, SPEeIFICATIOnS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; ORDERING WE CITY SECRETARY TO MAKE AD- VERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE REWIRING OF EXISTING . ELECTRICAL FACILITIES AND THE FURNISHING OF AND INS'TALLATION OF A SWITCH PANEL; APPROPRIATING 'THE SUM OF $25,000 FROM THE SANITARY. SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN"T FUND FOR ALL OF SAID WORK , AND D~ ' CLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City- of West Uriiversity Place, Texas, held on the luth day of May, 1951, Mr. Irving Peabody, City-Engineer, presented to the City Commission his recommendations for the enlargement and the improvement of the'City's sanitary- sewage treat-:- ment plant and sanitary- sewage disposal facilities, . such rec,ommendation including 'as its principal features the follqwing items: , . ( '~, --. -~ . 1. The purchase arid installation of a comm1mitor; 2. The construction of a .comminutor basin; 3. The construction of a new sludge bed; 4. The overhauling of the existing three sludge beds; , 5. The addition to and remodeling of the existing pump house with separation of the electrical switch panel from exposure to acids and fumes; 6. The construction of a bypass ~ine and manholes, l' and such recommendations of the' Ci ty Engineer also including the recommenda- tion that a consulting electrical engineer be employed by the City- for the preparation of plans and specifications for rewiring the entire sewage treat- ment plant and the installation of a new switch panel; and. , WHEREAS, the City Commission, after hearing said' report and determining that such improvements and enlargement of the facilities at the sanitary sewage treatment plant should be made, concluded that it was to the' public interest to immediately purchase a 'comminutor of 'the type recommended by thedity Engineer, and accordingly the City Commission ordered advertise- mentfor the purchase of such comminutor, and the same, after proper advertise- ment for bids, was duly purchased, all as shown more fully by Ordinance No. 57u; and in furtherance of the "City Engineer's recoDDllendation, the City Commission, .~ 11..!1I11 ~ 11.-- .,11,; '" r). on the 10th day of September, 1~5J,., appointed a committee of three (3) persons, to-wit: Commiss.ioner Frank Hangs, City Engineer Irving Peabody, and the Superintendent of. sewage treatment plant, L. E. Lyles, to make recommendation to the City Commission concerning the employment of a . consulting electrical engineer to advise with the City Engineer concerning the overhauling of existing electrical facilities at the sewage treatment plant; and ] 1VHERE.AS, pursuant to the recommendation of said Committee, the City Commission, by motion duly made, seconded and adopted"at a regular Commission , meeting held on the 8th day 9f October, 1951, Rayburn Hamilton, a consult- ing electrical engineer, was, engaged by -the City to ,prepare plans, specifica- tions and recommendations concerning the rewiring of the entire electrical sys~m at the City's sanitary sewage treatment plant; and . WHEREAs, the City. Engineer, Irving Peabody, and the Consulting Electrical Engineer, Rayburn Hamilton, have, on the 26th day of November, 1951, Jaade their written recommendations to the City Commission concerning the work to be done in furtherance of the original plans for enlargement and improvement of the sewage treatment plant and have made their detailed estimate of the, costs of ,such improvements and enlargement; and, wHEREAS, the City Engineer, in making his written estimates of ' costs, has pointed out ,to the City Commission that a great deal of 'the repair- ,ing and remodeling apd overhauling of the existing facilities and the' construction of the comminutor basin, a bypass line and manholes, and the construction of the recommended new sludge bed, can be done by the City's regular employees, and that it will' not be necessary to engage ~he ,services of ,an independent contractor for such .construction, ,repairing, z:emodeling and overhauling, and that the City, by the use of its regUlar etr!Ployees in such work, will save a considerable sum of money, and that such ~ork, if the same be done by the City's employees, and on a force account ba~is, can be accomplished wi~hout delay and without the necessity for advertise!l1entfor bids; and WHEREAs, the City Commission is of the opinion that the enlargement and t.he improvements of the City's sewage treatment, plant should be , . immediate~y accomplished and without delay, and th~t such work shoul<3; be . done in ac~ordance with the plans and s-peci'fications and recommendations of the City Engineer and .the Consulting Elec,tricalEngineer: II 1 U NOIf, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA~l) BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY cOF, WEST: UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, That, Section 1. The report and recommendation of the Ci ty Engine~r, , Ir.ving :Peabody, concerning the improvement and enlargement of thefaciliti~s at the sanitary sewage treatment p'lant, and the report and recommendation of ,Rayburn Hamilton, Consulting Electrical Engineer, concerning .the rewiring 'and the installation of a new switch panel at s.aid plant be, and they are hereby approved and adopted. ' n i i '-----.J 17' Section 2. The City Engineer's estimate of costs for all work incident to the improvement and enlargement ofth.e facilities at tl!-e c~ty's sani tary sewage treatment plant itemized as 'follows: . Comminutor (Chicago Type 25M) and appurtenances Comminuto.r Basi,n Electrical Engineering Bypa~s l~ne and manholes . , Constructingnewslud.ge bed, overlJ.auling existing 3 sludge beds Addition to and remodeling old pump house New switch panel , rewiriIlg entire' plant Miscellaneous , $ 5,696.00 2,000.00,. 1,000.00 ' 400.00 " To~al Est,imate - ',.. ,_ 4,000.00 3,500.QO 8,OOO'!'OO , $25,009.00.,. , , . be and they are hereby approved and adopted, and the City Engineer is hereby directed to at onc~ proceed with the, work as set ,forth in his plans, ,specifications and recommendations. ,Section 3. ,It is hereby found and determin~d that all work to be , done incident to the plans, spec,ifications, and z:ecqmm~ndations of the City Engineer, Irving , Peabody, and the Consulting Engineer ~Rayburn Hamilton,: can best be done with a minimum of cost to the City and in the shortest period of time by, proc~ed~ng :with such work by the use of the City's employees qualified therefor, and the City Engineer is hereby directed to employ such additi9nal carpenters and briCklayers, on a-force account basis, to immediately carry into effect his plans arid'recommendations; and the ' City C,ommission further finds and determines that it is to the public interest, and in furtherance of the health of the citizens of the City of West Univer- si ty Place, Texas, that such work be accomplished immediately and on a force account basis. Secti~n 4. It is 'further found and determined that the rewiring of the existing electrical facilities at the City's sanitary sewage treatment plant and the installation of a, new sri tch panel should be done by an , electrical contractor; and the' City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to make advertisement,. in accordance with the law, for competitive bids to be submitted to the City in the form of sealed bids at the office of the City Sec:r~tary of 'the City 01: West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, to' be received not later than 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 17th day of December, 1951, for the material and work in rewiring the electrical facilities at the City's sanitary sewage treatment plant and the furnishing of and installation of one switch panel, all in accordance with' the plans and' specifications pre- pared by the Consulting Electrical Engineer, Rayburn Hamil ton, the same which.have herein been adopted. Section 5. The City Treasurer, by Treasury Certificate No. 59, having duly and regularly certified in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, that there'is in the City Treasury and to the credi t of the Sanitary Sewage Capital Improvement :r~. , Ii' ,~ ..' . 11 I' I III j Fund on deposit in,the City NationaiBank in Houston, Texas, 'the sum of, ,] '$25~000.00, whichhssnot been already appropriated for any other purpose, and which is now available for appropriation by the City' Commission, and . which sum is sufficient to pay the City's cost of improving and enlarging the sam.tary sewage 'facilitie,s at the City's sanitary sewage disposal plant, there is hereby appropriated out of, the Fund in the City Treasury to ,the credit of the Sanitary Sewage Capital ImprovementYund on deposit in the Gity National Bank in Houston, Texas, the slim of $25,000.00 to pay the City's cost of improving and enlarging the sanitary sewage facilities at the; Gity's sanitary sewage disposal plant, in accordance with ,the plans and specifi<cations prepared and recommended by the City Engine~r and Rayburn Hamilton, the City's Electrical Engineer; and the Mayor and City Treasurer' a~e hereby authorized to draw warrant, 'or warrants, against 'said Fund hereby appropriated, or such portion or portions thereof as may be necessary to pay and'discharge the obligations of the City of West University Place, Texas, chargeable thereto. , Section 6. The improvement and'enlargement of said sanitary sewage facilities at the City's sanitary sewage 'disposal plant being a matter vital to public health and the need for 'Which creates a public emergency, this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduc<tion, this, the 26th day of November, A. D. 1951,' and shall take 'effect immediately upon its passage and approval 'by the Mayor. . " " PASSED this the 26th day-of November, A. D. 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hazw:s,- HollRan. Mooney and Nisbet and Mayor TerrY' ~I i I LJ votine: aye. COMMISSIONERS None APPROVED this the 26th day of November, A. D. 1951. votizw:<no. Ma 'the Cit of West, UniversityPlace Texas , ATTEST: City Secretary, '.' 1 II I I I ' LJ