HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 591 - ORD Approving & Adopting Action of City secretary, City Engineer & Superintendent 13 ORDINANCE NO. 591 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ACTION OF THE CITY, SECRETARY, CITY ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT OF THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT IN ORDERING CERTAIN MATERIALS AND INSTALLA- TION FROM McMASTERS & POMEROY; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PATI4ENT OF THE WORK DONE BY McMASTERS & POMEROY; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE WORK DONE BY McN.ASTERS & POMEROY, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ENGINEER; ORDERING THE PAYMENT OF THE SUM OF $1490. qo OUT OF THE ,WATER - SE.WER REVENUE FUND TO . SAID FI&'Vi, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 8 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place at its regular se5sion on October 8, 1951, considered the report of the City' Engineer concerning the City's Water well located at the ,City Sanitary Sewer D~~p05al Site arid upon the basis of the report made by the City Engineer, concluded that an emergency existed and that the motor; pump and column ~f said well should be immediately replaced; and at such session the City,Co~:i5sion did,authorize the City Secretary, City Engineer and the Superintendent o.:f"the Sewage Disposal.Plant to immediately purchase and install a 5 H.P. motor; . p~p and colUmn at ~aid well and did delegate to such officials full authprity, bas~d upon the existing emergency, to purchase said motor, pump and column witpout advertising for bids, such emergency measure having been takenfo~, the preser:vation of public health a:r;d public safety,' and" ,,' .. . WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization granted them by the City, Commission, the City Secretary, City Engineer and the Superintendent of t~e Sewage Disposal Plant, investigated the available motor, pumpan~ column~rices available at concerns in the Houston area having such,material.immediately -> ( ...., <. available for delivery and concluded that the proposal of McMasters & Pom~roy to furnish a 5 H.P. 3560 RPM, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220/&40 volt motor, and a Pomona Little Chief pump set at 150', with 5' bearing~centers on shaft; and a 13-stage HC bowl assembly, installed in the City's 4" water well located at the disposal plant, and connected to the City's 2" pipe and tank, for the total price of $1490.00, was the best proposal available, and WHEREAS, the ,City Secretary, City Engineer and the Superintendent of the. . Sewage Disposal Plant, did cause McMasters & Pomeroy to install such motor, pump and column at such well, on all emergency basi3, and said material and work has now been done and the mater~al and work as done, has now been accepted by the City Engineer after having thoroughly tested the installation and having found it to be thoroughly satisfactory, and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires at this time to accept the installation and work, for and on behalf of the City and to authorize payment therefor,' in accordance with the contract made by the City Secretary, City Engineer and the Superintendent of the Sewage Disposal Plant, per authorization granted them by the City Cow~ission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . 1. The action of the City Secretary, City Engineer and the Superintendent of the Sewage Disposal Plant, in ordering one (I) 5 H.P., 3500 RPM, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220/440 volt motor, and a Pomona Little Chief J. - ,""' 1. 11'1 IM11I11 1: -..;, , -., .!!' i pump se,t at 150', with 5' bearing Centers on shaft; and a 13-stage HC bowl assembly, and having the same inl?talled at the City' water well at the Sanitary Sewer Disposal Site, is hereby ratified and adopted as the action of the City Commis~ion. II I i . I LJ 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of the funds heretofore appropriated in the budg~t"for.t-he maintenance of the City's 1;Vater facilities and from the account of the Water - Sewer Revenue Fund in the City Treasury, the sum of $1490.00 for payment to McMasters & Pomeroy, for the purchase and installation of the above d~scribed.facilitiesand the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to draw warrant or warrants against said fund hef~by appropriateq, aDd sUGh pqrtion or.pqrtions thereof as may be necessary to~:pay ang disGharge the obligation of the city chargeable: thereto. . ~ ,- ~ .< " . 3.' The City Commission hereby fiilds and determines that th~ City Enginee!; of the City of West University Pla~e, Texas, has examined, measured 'ana. tested the work done and the installation accomplished by McMasters & Po~~roy and has found and determtned"that such ,work andJ.:m5tallat:iolll!l are, ' fully installed and fully completed to the City Engineer's satisfaction; ,and'~that said Engineer has so certified to the City Commission, and has recommended that such work and installation be accepted; ,and the City Cornmis..,.:.':'i: 8~9~ does therefore, here a~d now, accept such work and insta+lations on ' behalf of, and the act of, the City'of West University Place, Texas, and accordingly authorizes the payment therefor. ' . , , ,4! The installation of sq,id motor, pump and col1,l1lln having. been" n .accomplished as an emergency measure, and the,contractor being entitled to 'UI final settlement, this ordinaJ:).ceshall therefore be passed finally on the date ,of 1tsintroduction, this the 12th, day of November, 1951, and shall take 'effect immediately upon'itspassage and approval by the Mayor., PASSED this the. 12th day of No~ember, 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs. Holman. Mooney and Nisbp.t, and Mayor Terry voting aye. :} . COMMISSIONERS None vot;n~ ' ,', no. .~... APPROVED this the 12th day' of No';'ember, 1951. i'f: A TrEST: , , -, .;. ",",:- City Secre tary AF-PROVED AS ,TO FORM: ~~)..,}.~~ ~ ~ ~~ G.. , ", J.ty Attorne. ,~ # lJ L'