HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 584 - ORD Amending Zoning ORD 111 Permit Sub-division Addition 233 o ..... . pRDINANCE NO~ 58l, ;'1 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF !HE PROC EEDINGS HAVE HERETOFoRE BEEN HAD AND ALL !HINGS DONE PREREQUISITE ro THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI~ITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB-DIVISJ9N OF ~T NO. 10, BLOCK 38, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ~DDITION, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FA1vIT~Y pwELLING ON THE, NORTH 50 FEET OF SAME; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO . ORDINANCE NO~ ill HAS BEEN, DUL1lAND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB..;DIVISION OF LOT.NO. 10, BLOCK 3~, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. F~';J.' ADDITION; FIND~NG TIIAT O:aDI~ANGE NO. III OF THE.,.. CITY OF WES"T UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS Tp PERMIT SUCH SUB-DIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB- DIVISION OF LOT 10, BL09K 38, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FmST ADDITION; AND PROVIDING THAT !HIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PRSSAGE AND APPROVAL. .) "J 'l WHEREAS, Wm. Croft, has heretofore filed his'writtenapplication with I --the Zoning and Planning Board of the City of Wes~ University Place, Texas, for J . permission to ,sub-divide Lot 10 in Blk. 38 of the WestUniversi ty Place First 'Addition into two 50 feet lots with a depth of 150 feE;lt each and to construct on the North 50 feet thereof a single family dwelling in all things complying with the zoning regulations and building code of the City of West University .Place, Texas; . and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the ~oning and Planning Board of the City of West University Place, Texas, it was determined that permission -for such sub-division of said lot should in all things be granted by the City Commission after a public hearing was had thereon, and such recommendation was made to the City Commission; and . . WHEREASrat a. regular meeting of the City Commiesion of the City of .West University Place, 'J'exas,held on ,the ,8th day of August, 1951 upon the request orWln. Croft and upon the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning ..Board, it was determined that a Public Hearing shoul<;l be held to consider lwhether Ordinance, No. III of the City of West. Uni versi ty Place,.- Texas, should "be amended so as to permit the sub-division of Lot 10, Block 38, West. University Place First Addi'\iio~.intotwo 50 x 150 feet lots; and WHEREAS, the City COlllll!ission at its regular lpeeting on August 8, 1951 did instruct the City Secretary to advertise in the official publication (of the city and togiv~ writtennqtice to all property' OWIli};rS whos~ property 'l lies within 200 feet of Lot 10, Block 38, West Univerl>itj Place First Addition i 1 I '---------- I:rr-~ 1 L.. J = ..=:: ,~ ~ ~1' 4 ,,). -t) .-,~ of a public hearing to be held at 7:30 0 'clock p.m. Friday, August 31, 1951 0" ii, in the City Hall to determine whether or not Ordinance No. III should be amended so as to permit sub-division of Lot 10, Block 38, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 feet lots and the erection of a residence on the North 50 feet of said lot as requested by Mr. Wm. Croft, and WHEREAS, in pursuance of the dIrection given him by the City Commission and in full compliance with the Charter and Ordinances of the City, the City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas,' did cause to be published in the Southwestern Times on-'August 16, 1951,'and did mail to each of the ovmers of property lying within 200 feet of LotIO, Block 38, West University Place First Addition a notice 'of a hearing to be held in the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Friday, August 31, 1951 to consider amendingt,Ordiruuice No. III so as to permit the sub-division of such lot; and WHEREAS, pursuant to'such notice a public hearing was held by the City Commission-at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Friday August 31; '1951 at which hearing all testimony was heard and fully considered by the ci ~y COIllIil~~si<?Il as to ~he.' advisabili ty and propriety of amending Ordinance No. III so as to permit the sub-division of said lot; and " WHEREAS, it appears to, the City Commission from the report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Board, and the report and recommen- dation of the-Building Inspector and from all evidenee 'and testimony presented at such' public hearing that Ordinance No. III of"the:City of West University "Place, Texas, should be am~nded so as t<? permit ,tl:1e sub-division of Lot 10, ,;Block 38, West University Place First' Addition"into two SOx ISO feet lots; "and i\ , ( , I U WHEREAS, the City ac ting through its City C ommis's ion , arid Mayor ' ,desires to amend Ordinance No. III of the City of West University and believes "that it will be to'the public interest to so 'amend the same; :.t' : NOW ,. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, does hel"eby find and determine that each and all of the pro- ceedings hereinabove mentioned have been duly-and legally taken and performed Jin full compliance with the laws and Charter and Ordinances of the Si ty of West University Place,-'Texas,and that all provisions and requirements of the ; 'law and said Charter and Ordinance s prerequisite to j the holding of a' public hearing for the purpose of considering the amending of the Zoning Ordinance No. III have been made and fully complied with. : ' , Section 2. That the City Commission of ,the. City of West ,University i:Place, Texas, 'does hereby'find and determine that '8 public hearing for the Lpurpose of considering an"amendtnent to Grdinance"No~ ,'ill so as to permit the o 235 o sub-division of ~ot 10, Block 38, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 feet lots and the construction of a residence on the North 50 feet of such lot was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Friday, August 31, 1951, in the City Hall in the City of West University Place in pursuance of the notice of such hearing duly and legally made in accordance with the Ordinances of the City. Section 3. That the report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Beard and the report and recommendation of the Building Inspector of the City of West University Place, Texas, that Ordinance No. III be amended so as to permit the sub-division of Lot, 10, Block 38, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 feet lots and construction of a residence on the North 50 feet of same is again approved and adopted. Section 4. That Section 24 of Ordinance No. III of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended by the addition of a sub paragraph to be known as sub paragraph No. (9) to read as follows: Ii I I LJ "(9) Lot 10, in Block 38, in West University Place, Texas, First Addition is hereby sub-divided into two 50 feet lots fronting on Sewanee Street, each lot ,::being 150 feet in depth, and a residential structure may be built on the North 50 foot lot of said sub- division lot, providing, however, that such residential building. shall in all things comply with the existing Ordinances and the Building Code of the City of West University Place as the same affects such 50 x 150 foot lot." Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately. from and after its passage by the City Commission and approved by the Mayor. PASSED this the 10th day of September A. D. 1951. COMMISSIONERS Han&:,s, Moonp.y, Nisbet and Mayor TArT'Y vnt.ing aye. COMMISSIONERS None voting no. APPROVED this the 10th day of September A. D. 1951 A'l'TESr; .~ ~ .J ~~~ City See I APP~~r J ~ Q. lQJ( ~ ~~ ()~ ~'- - - - Ci. \if Attorney ';;Y ..