HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 578 - ORD Authorizing & Directing Execution of Agreement with Marvin Brown Inc Connection with Stella Link Rd and Bellaire Blvd lL1I 1 L: T ~ 1 ~ 14 QJIDINAN($NO. 578 " ,...:, o "'-.,-... ';. 'r'" ' AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND.PEn';ERM:rlIT.liG 'THE ;ADvlSABILITY OF , ": MA1\lWG,ANP AUTHQRI~IN:G AND.,bIREcTJ;N~:rHE...EXECm'ION OF, AN, A~E~'l: WITH, MARVIN :aRPWN" INC.~~ IN C01i~CTION WITH TijE,:.. . PAVING AND ,IMPROVING OF STELtA,.LIN:K IWAD BETWEEN THE IN~ER- .. .', SECTION OF WESLAYAN .ROAD AND ~l: STREET AND BELLAIRE. BOULEVARD, HEREIN DESIGNATED t'STE1LA LINK ROAD CONNECTION", :.. ~:) ~"JN '.ACCORUANCE: .WITH' ,PLANS ANDSPE;C.lFICATI ONS HER.ETOFORE; '.APPROVED . IN: ,CERTAIN CONTRACT ~BEl'WEEN THE COUN'J,'Y OF'lfARRIS,. .. TEXAS, .ANIl,SAID,MARVIN. 'BORWN"INC.; "PROVIDDIG. FOR CERTAIN ", .PA~TS BY THE,CITY O~ .CERTAIN OF THE'.SEG~EGATED'SECTIONS , INT.o <WHICH THE WORK HAS B~: .DlVIDliD ;,fJ;:NJ)ING THAT SAID ' ,c.CONTl1ACTbR HAS PRQPERLJ EXECUrIi,;P.AN ,Aq~T FO~THE CON-. STRUCTION: OF. SAIP,IMPROVEMEN'l'S; ,A~PlWVJNG SA:.ID AGREEM$NT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TFlE:EXECUTION THEREOF, BY. THE MAYOR AND CITY SECREI'ARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY .AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY:. .. , :~~ ~, , . ,I -' ;:~.l' ..\~~:., t" 'WHEREAS; work .is now.in progr.E!ss:on t.,he construction of concrete pavement thirty (30) feet wide, with monoli~hic' curbs, on Weslayan Road . .:desi'gnated as Harris County Project No...;,1872-5, Precinct No~ I, under contract between the County' or-Harris;" Texas~- aIia-yarvm BroWn, Inc., and the southern terminus of which project is .at. Qr ,aQou,tt.he,intersect~on of' said Weslayan Road and R1i;~'e;t;~ Street, in the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the County of Harris has called for bids, and has received sealed bids for the construction of paving and improvements on a strip of land extending from the intersection' of Weslayan Road and Riley Street to 'the.North liIie'of'Bellaii'e Boulevard, which strip has heretofore been, and it is herein, .designated as "Stella Lirik Road Connectiontt; and has entered into a contract with Marvin Brown, Inc., as Contractor, it being the most responsible and the lowest and best bidder for the construction of said improvements; but in which contract the total liability of the County is limited to the sum of $2500.00; and o WHEREAS, certain property owners on said "Stella.'.:-:Link Road Connection" have agreed to pay certain sums of money toward the cost of the construction of said improvements, leaving only a relatively small aggregate to be paid by the City on the cost of constructing the iinprovements on certain of the segregated sections into which the work has been divided; and WHEREAS, it is highly advantageous, and to the best interests of the City, to participate in the cost of said improvements as more fully set out in the proposed contract prepared for execution by the County of Harris and the City of West University Place, Texas, relating to the contract and contribution by the County, and necessit~ting arrangements between the City and the property owners with the Contractor for the remainder of the cost of such improvements, and as set forth in the proposed agreement between the City, on its own behalf and on behalf of said property owners, and said 0 Contractor, Marvin Brown, Inc., authorizing and directing the execution by o 'I I ~ J 215. the Mayor and City Secreta~ of the proposed contract between the City and the County of Harris with reference to the County-City-PropertyOwners participat;i.on in the improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, ., " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Connnission of the City of West University Place, Texas, does hereby find and determine that the County of Harris, Texas, has entered into a contract with Marvin Brown, Inc., pursuant to receipt by the County of sealed competitive bids, for the construction of concrete pavement thirty (0) feet wide, with monolithic curbs, and other improvements on Stella Link Road, herein designated.ltStellaLink Road Cormectionlt, extend- ing from the intersection of.Weslayan Road and Riley Street to Bellaire Boulevard, wherein the liability of the County for the cost of such improvement is limited to $2500.00, and providing that the City and property owners make arrangements with the Contractor for bhe remainder of the cost of such improve- ments; that particularly in view of the fact that said Marvin Brown, Inc., is now in process of constructing concrete pavement and improvements on Weslayan Road in the City of West University Place, Texas, extending North of the northerly terminus of "Stella Link Road Connectionlt above mentioned, said Contractor has submitted a bid proposal containing unit prices for the e~ various items of the llfork to be done at figures substantially lower than could otherwise have been obtained; t.hat the pavement and improvement of said "Stella Link Road Connection" is of vital importance to the City and to the property owners, and ~hat it is highly advisable to take advantage of the presently available low bid and the $2500.00 contribution by the County toward the cost of such construction; and that, it is to the best interests of the Cityu and is highly desirable and advisable to enter into the proposed agree- ment heretofore executed by Marvin Brown, Inc., as Contractor, providing for payment by the City of portions of the cost of constructing improvements on various of the segregated sections into which the work has been divided, as hereinafter set forth; and the Mayor and, City Secreta~ should be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement by and on behalf, of the City and on behalf of the owners of the properties abutting the several sections into which ,the work has been divided. . Section 2. That the City Connnission of the City of West University Place, . Texas, does hel'eby find and determine that the proposed contract drawn for execution by .the County of Harris, and the City, providing for liability and paym8ntby, the. County toward the cost. of such construction to the extent of $2500.00 with arrangements to be made with the Contractor by the City,. and property owners for the balance of said cost, is advisable and to the best interests of the City; and that the Mayor and City Secreta~ should be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract with the County of Harris by and on behalf of t.he. City_ of West Universit~ Place, Texas. Section 3. The' proposed improvements have heretofore been, {ind they are again hereby, divided into the several segregated and unrelated sections, as hereinafter set out; and the ,City Commission here finds and determines that, pursuant to certification by the City Treasurer, there has heretofore " ," 'r I" 'I I J]J IIr--~ .:1 "1:.. :' ,: .:..~.r .:1 216 beerrappropriated the respective sums constituting the City's separate portions of the respective segregated sections, Nos. 1 to 5.inclusive, as per the following description of said sections which, together..with those in which the City shall have no liability for any part of the cost, are as f'611ows ,to-wi t: Section I: The intersection of Weslayan Road and the , said '!Stella.,Lirik Road Connection". There has been heretofore appropriated the sum of $492~26 . Section.2:, The East 1/2. of "Stella Link Road ,Connection" abutting t~at part of Lot 34, Block I, Cambridge Place, South of~'said intersection (See~ion,No. 1). 'There has been heretofore appropriated $ 70.00 . ~ .' Section ): The' intersection of "Stella Link Road ; Connection" and Ruskin Street.. There has been heretofore appropriated the sum of Section' 4: The East 1/2 of "Stella Link Road ::Connection" abutting Lot 1, Block 3, Cambridge Place, There has been heretofore appropriated the sum of . $129.02 $392.20 Section 5: The West 1/2., of "Stella' Link Road Cozmection".abutting Block 2, Cam- bridge Place. There has been hereto- f ore appropriated ,the sum of . $195 So \'>" Section' 6 : The East 1/2 of "Stella Link, Road Connection" 'abutting Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 3, Cambridge Place~ Section 7:' "Stella Link Road Connection" between . and abutting Blocks 6 and 7,.Cambridge PIa ce . . The liability of the City for the cost of construction of said, ltStellaLink Road Connection" and the respective segregated sections thereof is limited to the respective sums of money here,tofore appropriated theref.or, as last aboye recited, but said sums,...OtFSUGh thereof as may be n~cessary to pay the City's portion of the. cost, shall be paid to Contractor .upon completion an9- acceptance of the work, and based upon the final estimate of the engineer. o o ,Section 4. The form of the proposed contract between the Count~ of Harris and the City, and the agreement between said Contractor, Marvin Brown, Inc .', and the City,. in its own behalf and gn behalf of j;.,he property owners, and the respective provisions for payment by the City, as therein set forth, are hereby in all things approved; and'it appearing that said Marvin Brown, Inc., has executed the agreement referred to and the bonds required, said bonds are 0 21~1 J hereby approved and accepted, and. the Mayor and the City Secretary are' authorized and directed to execute each said contract and said agreement on behalf of the City. Section 5. The fact that it is necessary, in order for,the City to take advantage- of the low unit prices bitl,the partial payment by the County, and the voluntary payments by property owners, and the fact that said above d~signated "Stella Link Road C6nnectionft is in need of iJrlprovem.e~t.i'as promptly as possible creates a public emergency', and therefore this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction this, the 26th day of July, A.D., 1951, and shall take effe.ct immediately upon its passage and approval by-- the Mayor. . PASSED this 26th day of July, A.' D. 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs, ,Holman, Mooney and 'Nisbet and Mayor Terry voting aye. COMMISSIONERS None - voting no. APPROVED this 26th day of, July,fA..' ID. '1951. 'l I U ~,.. .. '. -"', - !-~', ,- . . ,... '. . ..J.;...... ATTEST: APPROVED : &2 .. ' ',',- ,',', " '. , . . ". ,- . - , .. . - . ,. ." . , , . ' . .. . ." 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