HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 577 - ORD Appropriating the Aggerate $ 1300 Paving & Bridge bonds Series 1946 unl .:1 '-:'.: I. 'T-::- , -.=-..T c-:I J 12. ORDINANCE NO.. ~77 o ,'\ . AN, ORDINANCE~ APffi.O~IATiNG THE AGGREGA~E, SUM OF . $1300.00 , OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT .OF STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE' BONDS, SERIES' 1946, IN THE CITY TREASURY, TO PAY THE CITY'S PORTION or T~ COST OF ?AVIl'1G AI9P IMPROVING PAR';t'S ,OF STELLA LIF~ Ji~D..FROM THE :r:N';I'~:E.crIQN OF WF$IAYAN ROAD 'AND ~IL'EY.. STREEt' TO THE NORTH:LINE OF ,BE:LLAIRE BOU~ARD, MID,DECLARTNG AN EMERGENCY. . r' . ,- .' WHEREAS, the" c;ity., Treas,urer, I1a~' duly. and'regularJ,.y, :in accordance with provisions of the ,charter of th,e City of )Vest Universi..ty Place, 'Texas, certified to the City Commission that there. is i!l~. the' Ci:ty Treasury to the credit' of Street Paving",~nd.,B:t"idg,eJ3pnds, Se:r:'ie,~)..946, t.he aggregate sll1Il,of $1300.00, which h,a.s p.o!;.,]:>e.en.already appropriate9- f.i;>r,pny other purpose.,. and which is now available for,appropriation p.y'the.City C,ommissio~;, and wl::1;ich sum is sufficient to pay. tp.e City~' spor"!ii~n of -J;.he c~s~, 9f.~ pav.i.rlg aIld improving c~rtain portions . of Stella Link Road in the City, as hereinafter s~:t f,~r~l1; ,NOW" THEREF ORE, .. . BE -IT ORDAINED,BY THE CITY: COMMISSION .OF THE CI?-,Y ,00~,WEST..LUNIVER$Fr.Y PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. ~hat, tp.er~ i~hereby ap'propriate~, out of the fund to the credit of Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Series 1946, in the City Treasury, O' the aggregate sum of :$1)00;.00, to, pay. the City's respective agreed portions of the cost of pavihg- 'and--i.lnproiring cert'ain por'tions' of Stella Link Road, in., the fo.110wing sel'a:r.a.~~..~~ ',unrel~ted ..~~,~tion~ ' to-wit: , . Section I: The intersection of,. Weslay'an Road. and 'tlfe sa:id"Stella 1.ink Road Connection", ...: an.:. appr9pr~ation of the sum of -,' $492.26 Section 2: The East 1/2 of "Stella Link Road Connection" abutting that part of Lot 34, Block I, Cambridge Place, South of said intersection (Section :, c; 'No~ 'l};--an appropriation of the sum of $ 70.00 - Section 3: The intersection of "Stella Link Road Connection fI and Ruskin Street an appropriation of - $392.20 Section 4: The East 1/2 of "Stella Link Road Connection" abutting Lot'l, Block.3,-', .. Cambridge Place, an appropriation of - Section c;: The West 1/2 of "Stella Link Road Connection" abutting Block 2, Cambridge Place, an appropriation of - $t29.02 $195.50 o 6S(; o o o 213 In accordance with the agreemen:li entered into by and between the City, on behalf of itself and certain abutting property oWners, and Marvin Brown, Inc., Contractor, in 9onnection with the paving and improving of "Stella Link Road Connection" and dated July 26th, 1951; and the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to draw warrant or warrants against said fimd hereby appropriated to the extent of said aggregate sum for such respective portion or port-ions thereof as may be necessary to pay and discharge the obligations of the City of West University P1:ac'e:, Texas, respectively chargeable thereto. Section 2. The fact that it is necessary that the City immediately make arrangements for its agreed portion of'the cost of portions of the improve- ments on said "Stella Link Road -Connection", in order to obtain the assistance of the County of Harris and voluntary contributions by abutting property owners for the imProvement of said street, creates a public 'emergency, and therefore this Ordinance' shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this the 26th day of: July, 1951, andsha'll take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this 26th day of July, 1951. COMMISSIONERS' Hanis, Holman;: Mooney, Nlilsbet & Mayor Terry:"irDLgng~'aye. :; COMMISSIONERS : .,.', Nona voting no. APPROVED this 26th day of July,1951. ' . .. ~ ~... in. . ~ v~est University Place, Tex s ATTEST: City Secretary . , ,...'!", APPI~OVED : ~~~CA , . City Attorne'. '.