HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 575 - ORD Modfying Zoning ORD 111 to Permit Construction of Office Building by Trunkline Gas Co I I --' -1 J 7,..05 ORDINANCE NO. '515 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DEl'EmlINrNG THAT.EAGH AND m CF " , ,THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFOR$ BEEN HAD ANlLALL THINGS DONE . PREREQUISITE. TO, THE HOLDING (Ii' A' PUBLIC, HEARING TO CONSIDER MODIFYING ZCNtNG oRDINANCE:NO..ll1, oF. THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS 'TO PERMIT . THE-CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE BUILDING BY TRQNKLIN)!: GA.c) COMPANY; (E THE. 285.7 x .180 FT. TRACT " : _. ' _ " .' ...' ,. J. "'. .. '.' .. ~, '.. . . OF ,LAND LOCATED AcT T.RE' C~~ "~, ,KIRBY -DRIVE, AN)) ,.ROBINHOOD STREET, 4lID KNOWN AS~C,T ItAtt CFC1~rCOURT A.D1?j:Tl~,:'~. ADllITION'TO', '; :THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSlTY, J;l'LACE" TEXAS" SUCFLBUILDING TO FRONT ON KIRBY DRIVE, WITH A FRONT'Lar SErMcK OF.~.O:,Frm'FRoM THE',," PROPlmTY LINE CN KIRBY DRIVE AND WITH A SIDE tal' S~BACK OF 20' FEEr FROM THE SOUTH ~ ~OPERTY. L~E QN, .RO~;mHOOD STREEt; FINDING ~ THAT A PUBLIC HEARING .FOR THE PURPOSE OF.. CONSIDERING THE,MODIFICA- 'lION OF ORDI~ANCE 'NO.'lliH'As BEENnULY;~ 'LEGALLYHE;J..n;. ,,', :APPROVING AND>ADOPi'i:N~.:T~'l!~O~~ ..tm RECOMMENDATION OF ~HE ZON.ING , Am> PLANNING, BoARD ,THAT ORDINANCE :NQ.. ,lUBE MODIFIED SO AS . rp . PERMIT THE c'ONSTRUCTICN 'OF..N OFFICE BuI:mIN.GON 'SAIn TRAC'r'OF LAND f ACIN~ . KIRBY: DRIVEWIT.H FRoFi~. LOT ,~EtBACK .~ 20' FUr FROM' THE ,PROPERTY LINE ON KIRBY DRIVE AND SIDE LOT ~ SErBACK ~ OF~20 FEEl' FROM :'" THE,SOurHPROPERTY.':t.INE9N ROBINHO~ S'l'REEr;l?INPnlG THAT ' ORDINANCE NO. 111, COMMONLY KNOWN AS ttZONING ORDINANCE" OF THE '.CITY CF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,TEXAS, SHOULD, BE MODIFIED SO AS TO . '. PERMIT. THE "cONsTRUcTION .O}f,SAID BUILDING .ONS.plt~CT;, ~ING , ~INANqE N,O. 111 OF THE C+TY, qF W]BT UNIVERSI:I'.Y' PLACE,. TEXAS, SO ,i .AS .TO PERJ![TTHEPERMI~SIVE,CONSTRU:CTION OF AN:;oF.FICE,:aUILDING ' 13Y TRUNKLINE GAS COMPAl{Y ON, TRAdr"A" , <QUENBY COURT,AI):OITION, AS ' ,P$t THE APPLiCATION'iF :I'RUNKLINE 'GAS coWtANY; AND PROVIDING THAT , THIS ORDINANcE.SHALL TAKE EFFECT ~AND BE IN FORCE, IMMEDIA1:ELY,FROM ,;AND AFTER ITS P.ASS~GEAND APPROVAL. " '. :WHE:RFAS, Trwlkune Qa.sComp8J1Y'~ a Delaware corporation, with'permit to do blUJiness in Texas, has b,ere~,ofor~ ;m.a.de app~ication to, the Building Inspector of the City of West University Place, Texas, for a permit to construct an office bui+.ding on, Tract ,"A" , Quenby.,Court .Addition, an addition to the . City o~ West Univer.s~,tY": Pla;c~', ~,Texas,,~a;d app~ication providing ~or the pe~missive const1;"uction.r:of saiq building on such, lot facing East ,on ~irby Drive, ,with a front lot setbac~ from :t~e property +ip.e on, Kirby Drive of 20 feet and a side lot setback ot ~ 20' feet fro~ the: South prope:rt,y.line of such tract ,on Robinhood Streeh which applicatiori ;was, ref.erred .by the,B.uilding Inspector to the Zoning. and Planning Board :,of the.. City.of West :U~iversi~y ,Place, T~xas, f,or i~s consideration;, anti .. . , " ~ vmEaEAs, ,at ~ 'r~gular, 'me.~ting of th~Zoning and Planning Board of the City of We~t Univers~tyPlace, Texas, it was ,determined that the, proposed construction of such building on said lot would require ,!,hemodificatiQn,of Zoning. Ordinance No.- 111 of the City of WElstUniversity,Place, Texas, so as to permit: ,<' 9tZ L I : . 1 j L , ITl 111 , .J r-~ I. _ I -: . :-.. ~l ::r olp (1) The facing of. :said buil~~g. on Kirby Drive; //' (2) Construction of such building with a front lot setback . of only 20 feet, whereas such ordinance provides for a 30 foot setback; . - . 0) A sid& lot setback of only '20 fetet from the South property line of such tract;. Whereas Zoning Ordinance No. III provides for a 30 foot side lot's.tback; but said Zoning-and Planning Board being of the opinion that Zoning Ordinance No; ill should be amended so as to p~ovide for theU permissive construction of such building on satc:ll,ot, did make such recomm~ndation to the City Commission, as-is more fully'ref'J,.ected in the-Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board dated June 7, 1951;'and o '. - , WI:tEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of 'West University Place, Texas, held on June 11, 1951, I:llld upon the request of Trunkline-Gas Company,-and upon-the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Board' and the Building I~spector,and the City Attorney of the City of West University Place, 'it wa,s determined that a publicbear1ng should be held to consider whether Ordinance No. III of the City of West University, Place should be modified so as to - permit the constru,ction of an office building by Trunk- line- Gas Company. on Tract "A", Quenby Court Addition; according to the plans and specifications ,submitted to the Building Inspector by said Company; and , ., . . . WijEREAS,the City Oommission, at its regular meeting on' June 11, 1951, did instruct 1;he City Secretary to advertise in the official publica- tionof the City, and to give written notice to all property - owners whose property lit;'s within 200 feet of Tract "A", Quenby Court Addition, an additi9n to the City 9~ West University Place, Texas, of a public hearing to be held on June 29, 1951, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Hall to determine whether or not Ordinance No. III should be modified so as to provide for the permissive construction of an office building on said tract by Trunkline Gas Companf facing East on Kirby Drive ,with a front lot setback 'of only 20 'feet trom the property line .of said tract and with a side lot setback of only 2~ feet from the Sou~h- prop'erty line of said tractj - and II I LJ '-...''(--------- . " .'. " . .,.. _ WHEREAS, i~pursuance of the direction given him by the City COIDmission and in' fUll' 'compliance wi th ,the Charte:i arid the Ordinances - of the City.of West University Place, the City Secretary did' causetobepu~lished in the Southwestern TiIiies on June 14, '1951, and did mail to each of the owners of the property lying within 200 feet of Tract "A", Quenby Court Addition,"an addition to the CitY-of West University'Place,'a noti-ceof a hearfngto be held by the City Commission of the City of West Universi~y Place, Texas, in the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, at 7:00 o'clock P.M.~ Friday, June 29, 1951~ to consider modifying Ordinance No. III as recommended by the Zoning and, Planriihg Board - of the City of West . University Place to. permit the construction pf an office buildirigon said tract by Trunkline .Gas"Company~ facing:'East on Kirby Drive, With -a front 'lot setback of' only 20 .feet frOm the property"line on Kirby Drive and side lot setback of only 20 feet tromtheSouth -property line of said tract on Robinhood Street; and o P.f.1')" --;; V (J ...----., I I -.-J I I ] 2,07 WHEREAS, pursuant to such notice, a public hearing was held by the City Commission of the City of West University Place at the City Hall of said City at the time.specified in -said notice, at which hearing' all testimony and evidence for and against the proposed construction was 'heard and fully . considered ,by,the City Commission 'as to theadvisapility, of amending and modifying Ordinance No. III so as to permit the .construction of an office, . building by Trunkline Gas Company on Tract "A", Quenby Court Addition, an additiGn to.'.the City of West University Place"Texas, said building to face 'East on Kirby Drive, 'nth a front. lot setback of ,only' 20 feet from the property'lin:e on ,Kirby,DI!iv'e.,and.with a side lot setback 'of only 20 feet from the South property line of said tract on Robinhood' Street; and. WHEREAS, :it ,appears to the City'. Commission frqm the Report and Reconnnendation of the Zoning and Planning Board; and the Report and Recommenda- tion of the Building Inspector, and from all evidenc~ and testimony pr~sented at such public' hearing"that Ordinance No. III of. the City of West University ~a.ce should. be . amended, so .as to permit the .,construction of an office building by Trunkline Gas Company on .said ; lot. facing. in . the manner specified. ,in the:. application of Trunkline Gas Company and with the front lot .and side lot setbacks'as.therein'ap~l;kedfor; and WHEREAS,- therCity; C0mmissiop; .de~ires 't.o modify ,and amend Ordin~~c~ No. UI of the City of West University Place so as to permit the construction applied for,. a,nds-aid Commission, belieVing that it would be to the public irrterest ,to. so' amend and modify said oni~nance: . 'NOW, ,THEREEORE, BE IT ORDAINED ,BY THE.-CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST' UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . ... "Se.ction:.l.' That the City';Commission of the C~ty of West University PI~ce ~ Texas does ,hereby find and. detel"lllinethat. each B.m(lall of the steps and proceedings hereinabove mentioned have been,duly and legallY taken and performed in full compliance' with the; law ,and, the Charter,:and. the Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, and that all provisions and requirements of the law and of . said . Char,ter.' and OrdinanC}~sprerequisi te to the holding of ,.a ipublic'hearing. for. the ,purpose of"gonsidering the modifica- tion and amendment of Zoning Ordinance No. III have b~en met and fu~ly complied with. . t . '..' : " ( .' Section 2. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place,"Texas, does'hereby.finq. anddet~:rnq.ne ~hat a public hearing for the purpose of considering' an amendment. 6f"Ord4nance No. 111 to permit the construction of an office building on Tr~ct. "A", Quenby ,Court Addition, an addition to the city or WestUriiversityPlace, Texas, by Trunkline Gas Company, said building to. face ~s:t on ,Kirpypriye, with a. front lot setback from the property line on Kirby Drive of only 20 feet and with a side lot setback of only 20 feet from the South property line of said tract on Robinhood Street, was duly held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on Friday, the 29th day of June, 1951, at the City Hall of the City of West University Place, Texas, in pursuance .to. the notice of such hearing duly and legally made in accordance with, the law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City 9;f,W:~st University Place, Texas; . " ttZ - L--1...:..~ ..::...:..t:":--.:~ 1.' 111 L I.LI' .:Y---- ~,I~=_--:::"~T., ~o 8 Se'ction- .). That the Report and Recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Board'of the City of West UIiiversity Place that Ordinance No. III should ,be amended and modified so zasto permit. the-construction of said building.on.said,tract of.land within the City of West University Place, in accordance with the application made by Trunkline Gas Company, is again hereby' approved and adopted. ; . . Section 4., That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; does hereby find that the 'proposed construction of' said .building . on said tract. wi thin the' City' of" West University Place will be iIi, compliance with the Building Code of . said City. ' : ' , ' Section 5.' That the City Commission of said City does hereby find that the constru'ction of said' buildirigon said tract, faced in the manner shown on the application of. Trunkline"Gas Company, with front lot and side lot. setbacks of only 20 feet, is to the public interest, . and said Commission does fur-ther find' that Section 3 of Ordinance No . III should be amended so as to provide for such construction on said lot. lJ Section 6. That Section 3 of Ordinance No.. III of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and the same is hereby, amended by the add! tion of a subparagraph numbered \S')t'taciread;.- asJ.1)011ows : . . J . . n (5) An office building to be constructed in"accorda,nce with the plans and specificatfons submitted by Trunkline Gas Company to the City Commission of the City of West University Place at a regular,meeting of said CommisSion on June 11, '1951, to face east on Kirby Drive, with a fr'ont lot setback of only 20 feet from the property line on Kirby Drive and with a side lot setback of. only2Q feet from the South property..line on Robinhood Street, said building to be constructed on Tract '~Att, . Quenby Court Addition, an addition to the City of West University Place,' Texas, shall be permitted.".' o , Section 7. This ordinance shall take -effect and shall. be in force. and effect immediately frOm and after its passage by the City Commission and approval" by the :Mayor~ PASSED this the 2nd day of July, 1951. 'COMMISSIONERS Hangs. Ho1ril.an~, Mooney, Nisbet and Mayor Terry, voting aye. .. CQMMISSIONERS None'" 'voting no. APPROVED this the 2nd day of July, 1951. ATTEST: o f:i7Z ~OF~' ~. 1 Y A~rn~ \A