HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 573 - ORD Appropriating $ 4700 out Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund ] ] ] 2.0 I QRDINANCENO. .573. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM .OF$4700.00 OUT OF THE SANITARY"SEWER CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT F,UNDIN THE CITYNA'l'IONAL BANK TO PAY THE, CITY'S,COST,OF..PURCHASE OF ONE CODINUTOR FOR INSTALLATION 'AT THE CITY' S . SANITARY 'SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT ; AND ~ECLARIN~ANEMER(}ENCY. WHEREA$,"'t1ie C1tyTrea,surer, has duly ,and regularly-, and in accordance with the ,provisions of the Charter o"f:. the, CITY OF WEST~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, certilied ;to the Ci~1Commission"by, his T.reasuryCertificate No. 57 , that there is nowinthe:CitYTreasury and on deposit in the City.Nati.onal.Bank of Houston, Texas, the'sum of '$4700.00tcrthel cred1t'ofthe S~itarySewerCapital Improve- ment Fund, which :has not been already appropriated for any other purpose, and which is now ravailable for"appr.opriation, by the City C.olllDlission" and which sum is surfictent to pay,the'City's, cost of purchase' of' one cOJDminutor to be installed at the City's sanitarysewage'disposal'plant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEO BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE erry CF WEST UNIVERSITY :PLACE,TEXAs: ~~ ,.S~cti:on .l.~ Thatther~, i,.sl1erebY .appropriat,ed :ou:t"of the Fund in the City Treasury- on deposit in thl:LyitY'<lf~tionCl:l.Bank _o~,.HouStQI1,' Texas,-. to the credit of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund the sum of J47,po.pO to~Y' th~: City,',s ;cost;otp~cpa$e ot. OI1ELc9JllDli~utor for installation in'l~he;,--City: S;:t.nita.ry,S~wage,Pisposa<lJU.ant, aI1dth.~; ;*Y;Qr.a~~'the City, .TreasUrer, are. hereby ,authori;zed:w 4ra~:'~r~n1i,\-or;..-arl."ants, agail1st) sa.i,.d Fund:.herebyappropI!iated,.pr SlliC.h:PQ;rt,i9I1, pr'porti.ons, .:thereof,as JJN.lY: b~; neces$aI'!Yioo. Rf.-yand~i.t'eh~rge, thf! op:J;1gat.iQIl of,th~;rnX,OF, WEST tm~~$;rfY PLACE, TEXAS ~ ;;Qb.aigeab1e. -thereto.' . \, ,~ J;~~ '- \.. ('1 .r ~- ~< . Section .2. ,The ;maintenapicea~d-repairot th~L~itarySeJfa,ge :Qi;sposalSystem of ,th$Ci ty;,being .ay'aatterxital;to. ;pu'Q:Lic :nealth;, tl1,18 ~ Ordinance shall be passed finally On the date,i.of :its;.intrQ4~ctipI1"i1il;dl!ljth~ 25th day of June, 1951, immediately upon its passage and approval by the }fayor. , , " PASSMthi$ th~ 25th.da.y;of,.~~, ;1.951. '.j ~ . ',) ,; t.' .~_,' COMMISSIONERS Holman and Nisbet and Mayor Terry voting ,aye. . .~ ., APPROVED this the 25t.h day qfJ11l1~ i. '1951. J . :,.~) r , .r".,. ',.,."..~~" " ' : . . ~ ' . . ~.)te~t T ,lJn:l~ij;y,P1aee. t ",\8", .ATT~T~ :) City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~Hk ~ ~J~c.. 1 y ttorn y . OgZ ~ I L:-_-_L=~::-::--~:-__::T-: :J __~.l' ;'111 1_