HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 571 - ORD Recommendation of Committee Appointed by City Commission 111 i ,I L~_,__I~,I j.., ~__.__.I ~".l 010 ORDINANCE NO. 571 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE RECOMMENDATION OF A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION HAS ACTED AND HAS MADE ITS RECOKMENDATIONS TQ THE -CIT,Y COMMISSION RELATIVE TO THE PURcHASE" OF AN ntsECrICIDE"FOGGING MACHINE; -l:PPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF SAID COMMITTEE; FINDING THAT THE IMMEDIATE PURCHASE OF AN INSECTICIDE FOOGING MACHINE IS TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST; ORDERING THE PURCHASE OF SUCH MACHINE;..AND DECLARING. AN EMERGENCY. .-.,' ,,~ ---:~.,-:,~~;"':'qi~y-:-eO_S~iO~~~f.,the City of Wes~ Un~v~rsity Place, Texas, at 1 ts ,,1;egular ,Jp.ee.tJ.ng .be.+4 :.,911 May 28, 1951, after rece1 VUlg numerous complaints fran cit:beiis of' the City of West University Place,Texas, as to the prevalence of mosquitoes within the City, -which mosquitoes and other ~ insects were endangering the public health, did appoint a committee consist- ing of Commissioner Nisbet, Mr. J. W.Hammond of the Health Board and Mr. Whitt Johnson, ~he City Secretary, to investigate the cost of purchase of an insecticide. fogging machine, and to further investigate and determne the type of machine most adaptable to the use of the city; and o WHEREAS, said Committee did investigate th~' av~iiability of such machines and did make its findings mown to the Commission in a report in writing sutmitted by the City Secretary and. approved by all members of said Committee, which report reflects the inspection by members of said Co~ttee of three machines available in the Houston area, and reCOmmending to' the 0 City Coimnission that an insecticide fogging machine sold by Mart;i.n-Smi th Company of San Antonio, Texas, be purchased by the--City:. ~f-West-'.University .." Place for its use in controlling and eradicating mosqU1toes'and'other.disease bearing insects within the City; and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Commission that steps mu~t be immEdiately taken to control, eradicate and prevent the breeding of mosquitoes and other disease bearing insects within the City of West University Place, Texas, so as to eliminate the possibility and. prevalence of conditions favorable to the spread of the diseases of typhus fever and poliomyelitis, insofar as the same may be eliminated and controlled by the use of insecticide fogging devices; and it further appearing to the Commission that the immediate need for insect control is so acute as to call for immediate action in the interest of public health and the general welfare: NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY CF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The report and recommendation of the Committee, consisting of Messrs. Nisbet, Hammond and Johnson is hereby approved and. adopted. Section 2. That there is found to be.a necessity for the immediate purchase by the City of West Univ,el'5ity Pl~ce of.an insecticide fogging machine for the elimination of mosquitoes and other disease bearing IJI insects within the City of West University Place. 681 I I ~I n ~J o , q 1 , Section 3. That th$ lo"est ~eQure bid by the lowest responsible bidder received for the sale of-an ilisectlcide fogging machine is the bid submitted by, Martin~S~trl1 Company or San Antonio, Te~as, ,in the amount of $1695.00, and that s~~~ insecticide foggu.g machine: so~d. by Martin-Smith Company of San Antoni9, Texas, is the type machine m,ost ada.pt~ble to the use and to the n.~s of the C+1Iy. of West University Place, Texas, and is immediately' available for delivery toth~ City 9f'!(estUniversi'ty Place,. Texas. -I ~ , . . . .- '," " , Section t 4. "That 'the ,contract for ',the sale of an insecticide fogging ma~hiJle to the. ~ty o~We~~ ,:University Place is' hereby awarded to ~rtin~mith.~Company ,of, ,San An:t;onio, T~~s, in the~olD1t of $1695.00, provided that delivery of suchmach.~.,C?an be,~d1!, ~ediatetY,to 'the Ci,ty of West Unive:rs~ty Place, Texas, as 'per the represe~tationsof' Martin-Smith Company. Section 5.Th~ n~ed of such ~sectic+de"fogging macl1i.ne for the control ofmosqui:t.oes ~nd oUlerins!,cts, ~~h~ the ,City 9f West University Place, Texas, constitutes a condit~on,vital17 arfectiJ:lg the public health, and the pressing need for such machine creating a public emergency, this Ordiilanc8; shall be 'passed ,finall", upon ;ts first reading by the Council and '. J. _ .. . 1, ...,. .. l' .. 'approval,_by.the,Ma1Or. ,j ~" ,,'~ ',,: ' ~~,'; i .. ,', ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , . '. . -:,PASsEDthis the 11th ,day',of"June" 1951. ; . : COMMISSIONERS Hangs, Mooney, Nisbet ;4 .' .. .. ,+ '. ,- .;.1. J:-' ~ . ".' . I . . ; ,~and., MaYQr,Fro..';~eDl,Holman ' v~~e aye~,.' , , , '~coJP.iISSI~, None. ~ '; 1. r..., vo~ini' no '. ~~ . ~ . M .; \ . ~ . ' . " ,,}APP:aOVEDtp~~the~;L:t~_ qaygf J~(J, 4. D. ,)951, ~ . 0/~~~. ; "Mayor. Prp tem o~, '. ~h~ (;1:tY o~ Wes,t '~ ~~v!!;-s1ty ,~lace",;,'re~~~: . . '"J -; ~::.." . ; . A'.l'T~T,: , , '-: .: -: . ~ ~: ~ ... : ,..:-,),.,- :..' I . ' f'- C~ty,S!!cretar.t', .. ,,' .. . ' ; -. ~ ,; t. ; , .- '.t. . ,; ',~ .':'" . r'< ~... Jli~O;i ~ - fA;r ' ~. ". C:toy t:to~ ,', " 881 L I' ~I ' LI ~'~ r- III