HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 570 - ORD Amending and Changing 1952 Busget III I, ~_ :t -':=__I:J - I..- _:: ::~l _,::I 1f r I. 1- . ;: - _~' :' ,f~, ,':"~ -J '... .AN ORDINANCE AUENnING AND' CH!NOI-NG,THE';'195Q,.BUDGEl OF THE CITY OF WE5T UN,IVERSrry PLACE, TEUS; ALLOCATING . 'AmkTRANSFERRIN,G CERTAJiN -FUNDS DESIGNATED ,~IN:SAID.BQDGET; ,PROVIDING FOR::!DHEm'iTRANSFER, '!-NDDECLA,RING-Atl'EMElUJF;NCY.:L _, , ORDINANCE ..JfO.5-?O ~, t, ..." i'-,. :,';, . ," ' ~ ,-,. ,J- o .:.:\. . .. f' ~ , .,' t' ,I.. : ~. )"': ,'. , WHmEA:S.,since t.he'.adoptioIFof "tbe.'1951. bud.get~6.t the1Cit,y of :wei3t .~Un:ivers.ity Place, Texas , 1i,t has -::became ',necess.ary: and..' .expedient. to.'make cwrtain budgetary "changes' and 'certain expenditur.es lnot ,contemplatedby' ;said195l ' ' budget of- the City ',of- ;Wes.t ;Univer.si1;y.:Place,' Texas ; and ; ,. ",: ... 1IHEREAB, :Section:8, 'Art:i;cle'l14,>rOf the C:L't, Charter,.ot the City of '. West; :UniversityP1ace prov.1des1iha;kthe Ci~y;vGo,mm1:'ssion may revise, ,alter, ',increase .oll'.decrease,the .items,:ofLt.he:budget; 'and' .c<' ' . " - ,. j . I 'f ~"1 '~.. . '. I WHEREAS, it has becane necessary for the City Commission of the Cit:r of West University Place, Texas, to transfer certain funds for the pU1'J?ose of 'public health from.the 'Genera)-":iT~.:Revenue Fund,'and such 'eXpenditures for <public health were'notconteinpl:atEKl,at,the time ,of the approval of. the: budget of the City of West 'lJnt~ersity.pJ:ace, Texas, ,for the year. ,'1951,.;.. " -.I " '~ .~ ' , ... I . . . r' NOW, THERmORE~ BE IT :ORDAINED BY THE'CIT,Y2COllMISSIQN OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . ~ . . . ~. \ t', Section lot That there appears, from Certificata-No. ,7, issued ~- by the City Treasurer, that there ',is ~an unappropriated cash .os'i1rplus in the !li General Tax Revenue Fund of' the amount'- of. $1t,0;' .ihich amount has not i~ previously.been -appropriated for any:pUrpose and,:wliich is~now available for appropriation by ihe- Cl:ty 'Coiumission.- ..,.. , ' - ,. ~ .., ._,. ~ .~ . , Section -2~. There ~is hereby -tranSferred from the General Tax. Revenue Funa. to the Health Departmen~'of the City of West university Place, Texas, the sum of $1750 for ,the cost of purchase of an insecticide fogging machine. Section 3. That there is hereby appropriated out of the .funds t.o the credit of the Health Department of the City of West University Place, as the same .may accrue, the sum of $1750 to be transferred to the General Tax Revenue FUrid; ~1ihen such"sum shan 'nave accrued in said department. . Se~ti()1Ltf.,.'. The fact that the immediate expenditure of such sum of money by the Health Department for the purchase of an insecticide fogging ",. machine vitally affects the public health, and the need for which creates ,an emergency, this Ordinance shall therefore be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this the 11th day of June, 1951, and shall take effect immediately upon its 'passage and approval by the Ma~or. n' .. PASSED this the 11th day of June, 19,1. COMMISSICWERS~s. Mooney. Nisbet and Mayor Pro tam Ho~~~ aye. COMMISSIONERS None voting no. J 161 ~I I I i '-----' ----: ~i ] ATTEST : . " ( ~. ",.- ... I .", Jqs- :APPR?vm ,this the 'l~ih day 'or,JQrte, 1951. ('." . .:." ~ ',. :-: . :-1 ~: . (' ~) ..~' ll~). '....:" <..\1"", _ ___ ~ l ~ \; '.' JlJw.U/~~ Mayor Prlt:~ or 1!he City <or West - (. .:: :Un1versity 'Place" Texas'" , ,", .~ . . '. J . , " J i' '. '.:;:. .. ~ " , '.' ... ,..,,~ ,:. " I. .I ~ . r L;.-j e ': . ,,", ~.~. '" _"? ....i,. ,-' ~ "~ ' APPRovED: J ~..~ ~.:.s' ~,~'-.~~' G' "'" QiM~A~t~~ '-. . qi~y, .se~rfat-ary '. ',I ' . '....j t .. ':, ;t..... . ,J: l~ ,~ ' i., , ". !. ~.~'.' J. ['[ , 1 r,.. . ~J . ' .~. r .' ',' , ~,: 'I.. ' -~ . " :-:':', .' <- ~'. . t.t. ,: i.' . . ,"..(" , ;i \' ,\. , ~>' ~ i ~ ,~.: .' , I. ~..... ,I.: , r~ ) " j i j .; . . r ", 061 III