HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 569 - ORD Closing the Hearing to Real & Owners of Property on Academt Street ~ I I ~ I ~I \ "--~ /87 ORDINANCE NO. 569 AN ORDINANCE CLQSINGTHE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTrrrNG ON: ACADEMY STREEr FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF SOillHWESTERN STREEl' TO THE NORTH END OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT AT A POINT APPROXIMATELY 120 FEET NORTH OF THE ,NORTH LINE OF CASON STREEl', . . .. , , , AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES; AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASS&CJSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGULARITY AND ~ VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN (::ONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, .AND ANY I'JIATTER. OR THING. CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING ANDDEl'ERMINING THE REGULARITY, OF ALL PRO- CEEDINGS Al-/1) THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO .FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSliSSMENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LU,BILITY OF PRO- PERTY O"UVNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO ~TICULAR CASES MENTIONED; FINDING AND DETERMINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE .L\IJ:OUNT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS; FIXING.A CHARGE MID.LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THesE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE . IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF' ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLEGT:I:ON;' ANI?, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, ~ the City' Commis~ion of the. City of VVestUni versi ty Place, Texas, has heretofore, by Ordinance No. 557 duly and regularly passed and approved March 26, 1951, determined thernecessity for and ordered: the improve- meht of ACADEMY STREEr from-the-South line of Southwestern Street to the North end of the existing pavement at a point approximately 120 feet North of the North line of Cason Street, in the City of West University Place, Texas, in accordance with- plans'and specifications prepared by the Engineer for the City, and approved by,the City Commission in said Ordinance, by the construction- thereupon of a reinforced, concrete pavement~with monolithic curbs and appurtenances..and.incidentals'to such improvemen ts ~ all. as more specifically shown by said plans~, and specifica- tions; and WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement therefor sealed bids were duly and regularly received and excimined, and'pursuant to report and recommendation by the Engineer for, the City, and after appropriation to cov.er the estimated cost to the City of such improveme.nts, all as provided by the Charter oL said City and by law and in fUll compl.ianc ~ therewith, said City, Commission. of the 861 ~L.l'-.~. "l ".:I " III lIT II I .1.. ~I 1:..,J,J1..,._ :I~ &g City of West University Place, Texas, did by its Ordinance No. 566 duly and regularly passed and approved April 30, 1951, award a contract for the con- struction of said improvements to Mischer-Harris Co., Inc. on its lowest secure bid, which contract has been heretofore fully executed;' and ~'VHEREAS, upon examination~ of the estimates of costs of said improve- ments and of the various portions thereof theretofore prepared by the Engineer, as earlier required, said City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, by its Ordinance No. 567, . duly and regularly passed and approved April 30, 1951, ordered that a hearing be given to all owning or claiming any property abutting upon any portion of the street therein and herein set out, and to all owning and claiming any interest therein, and to all interested in any assessment or any of the proceedings.with reference thereto, as to the proposed assessments and proceed~ng?, and on any matter as to whicn hearing is a constitutional prerequisite, and as to the amounts, of the prow~sed assess- ments, the lien and liability thereof, the special benefits to the abutting property and owner thereof by means of said improveme~ts for which assessments are to be levied, and as to the accuracy, suff~ciency., regularity, and validity of the proceedings and the contract in connect1.on with such improvements and proposed assessments, and concerning any other matter or thing as to which they are entitled to a hearing under the laws of Texas, and the Charter of the Cit,y of West University Place, Texas, with the right and.opportunity to contest the amounts of the proposed assessments and all other such matters and things; said hearing to be held by and before the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, at 7:30 P.M. on May 18, 1951, in the City Hall of said City, at which time and place all of such parties might appear and be heard on all such matters; said Ordinance further ord~ring and directing the City Secreta~ to give notice of said hearing by public advertisement thereof, as therein specified, in accordance with the law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, said notice, as ordered and directed by the City Commission and as required by the terms and provisions of Chapter 106 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, commonly known as Article 1105 (b), Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, heret9fore adopted by the City of West University Place, Texas, in and as a part of the Charter of said City, and as required by the Charter and Ordinances of said City, has been duly given by advertisement thereof by publication of same in the Southwestern Times, designated as the official newspaper of. the City, on May 3rd, 10th and 17th, 19,1, and by publication of said notice on May 2nd, 9th, and 16th, 1951, in the Daily Court Revie'!f published in Houston, Tex?s, being the nearest to the City of West p"~iversity Place, Texas, of general circula- tion in Harris County, wherein said City is l~cated; said notice so published having described the nature of the improvements for which assessments were . proposed to be levied and to which such notice related, having stated the high- way and the portions thereof to be improved, ~he estimated amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the owners of abutting property, and such property on such highway and each respec~ive portion thereof with reference to which the hearing mentioned in said notice was to be held, and having stated the estimated total cost of the improvements on such highway and each portion thereof, and having stated the time and place at which such hearing should be held, and said notice having, given additional information and having, in all respects, fully met and complied with all provisions of law and of the Charter and Ordinances of said City requisite or pertinent thereto; and I';: . " ' ..' .; :. ~ :.J . ~. ' . '.. . ;.'-. -: j r: ("\ .-- L-...::. -: -' .~.... o r! ! I LJ o l ,~ ~ ~I i i i '-----' t81 WHEREAS, at said hearing, of which such notice was so given, ,-testimony and evidence was given by the Engineer for t'he City, and by real estateiexperts-familiar with the proposed improvements, the respective pro- perties on the above and hereinafter stated portions of the street to be' improved, and the present condition of the existing street, and various pro- perty owners and other parties interested in the proceedings appeared ahd made statements and gave testimony; and at said hearing, all parties desiring to be heard concerning any of the matters hereinabove and, in said Ordinance, No. '567 and in said notice mentioned, and as to any other matters~ connected' with said proceedings, and concerning any other matters or things with refer- ence thereto, having been heard and their statements and evidence duly and fully considered; and said City Cominission having heard evidence as to the special benefits 'of and to saidabuttirigproperties, and each parcel thereof, and to the respective owners thereof in the enhanced value ,of. said: respec- tive properties by means of such improvements, and said City Commission having heard and considered the evidence and having given a full and fair hearingtb all parties appearing or desiring to appear; and having determined at such hearing said special benefits as aforesaid; and having,determined that 'ther~ is not to be assessed against said abutting properties and the respective owners thereof more than all the cost of constructing curbs and 9/10thscof'"the remaining cost of such improvements, as shown on the estimate 6f. the Engineer for the City; and having determined that the Front Foot Plan or Rule is just and equitable except in 'particular cases"iWherein, in the opinion of the CitY' Commission, the application of such rule would result in injustice or inequal- ity, and in each of which particular cases the City Commission has apportioned and assessed the costs of such improvements in proportions found and now declared by it to ~e just and equitable, having in view, the special benefits in enhanced value to be received by such respective parcels of property and the owners thereof, the equities of, such owners and the adjustment of such apportionment so as to produce a substantial equality ofbenefitsrecei'ved and burdens imposed, ~ each', of which adjustments and apportionments have been taken into consideration andmadeinthe'assessmentshereinbelow,setforth; ands~aid 'City:Contrnission'ha:ving determined that, the application of saidc,F:ront FOdt' Plan or Rule and the apportionments in particular cases do produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed, and having determined at said hearing that the assessments hereinbelow made and the charges hereby declared against the' property owners and their: respective pro- perties are, in all things, just and equitable, and,thatin each instance 'the assessment made against any parcel of property and its owner is less than the special benefits to said property and the, owner thereof by means of said iInprovements,andthat,withtheexception of apportionments and adjustments in-particUlar cases which have beengrantedatJ.d allowed in determining the amoUnts of'theasse'ssmentshereinbelow made, all other objections and,protests should be overruled and denied; and 1JiiHEREAS, all proceedings with reference to the making of the!; ~ improvements hereinabove mentioned have been regularly had and duly and legally taken and performed in full compliance with the law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, and all prerequisites to fixing the assessment lien against the properties hereinafter listed, and the personal liability of the respective, owners thereof, have been performed, and upon completion of the work, and upon the acceptance thereof by the City 961 t: L:~:::': r: [[ '::1 ~n_r '[ ~ _~_~_____JII III T ] I: ...,,1 ,:r,~ ' ,1 ,1 qD of Wes~ University Place, assignable certificates should be. issued in evidence [IJ of said asses.sm~nts and liens, and the, personal liability of the true owner or owners of the respectiye proPerties" ~bethe~ correctlyn~ed or not, all as provided by law and by the Charter and Ordinances of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSI,Dr-r OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'J;'Y PLACE, ~ TEXAS: Section 1. That there being no further. testimony or evidence or protest, for or against the improvements: heretofore ordered, at said hearing .g;rantE:)d ,to the true. owners of properties abutting upon " . ACADEMY STREET from the South line of Southwestern Street to the North end of th.e existing pavement at:,ca point approxiinately 120 feet North of the North line of Cason Street, and within the limits above defined and to all owning and claiming any interest therein, and to all interested in: any assessment or any of the proceedings with refe~ence thereto, or in any of the matters hereinabove mentioned, said hearing should be, and the same is hereby, closed. Section 2. That the City Commission finds and determines and so declares that each of the steps and proceedings hereinabove mentioned, and all proceedings with reference to the making of the improvements on ACADEMY STREEl', from the South line of Southwestern Street to the North end of the existing pavement a1;. a point approximately,., 120 feet North of the North. line of Cason Street, rJ , I I I LJ as herein stated, have been duly, legally, and regularly had, taken and per- formed in full compliance with the law and the Charter and'Ordinances of- the City of West University Place, Texas; that all prerequisites to th'1 making of the above mentioned April 30, 1951 contract, executed on behalf of the City, pursuant to Ordinance passed and approved April 30, 1951, and all .prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment lien against the respective properties herein- after listed, and the personal liability of the" respective OWners thereof, whether correctly named or not, and whether known or unknown, have been, in all things, met, performed and complied with; ,that ~ll persons interested have been given a full ahdJfair hearing. on all matters and things in connection'with said improvements and assessments; that there is not to be assessed against the abutting properties and the owners thereof more than all the cost of curbs and 9/1Oths of the remaining cost of such improvements, as shown on the estimate of the Engineer for said City; that adjustment and apportionment of costs among all properties and the owners thereof have been made in full compliance with the law and with the Charter and Ordinances of the City, so as to produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed; and that the special benefits to each parcel of property and the owner thereof in the enhanced value thereof by means of said improvements, as determined at said hearing, are, in each instance, in excess of the amount of the assessment made against such parcel of property and its owner, and that the assessments, liens and charges herein levied, declared, and fixed against said properties and their owners, are, in all things, just and equitable; and ~hat all Ii LJ g6T I I ~ ~ I ~I ,----, i ~. {1 ! protests and. ob'je.ctions ,other than those, .taken into consideration in fixing the' ~m9unts ,of the asses~m..ents and liens,; ~ as ,her.ein'after state~, and whether s'Pecific~lly. herein mentioned .or; not"should be.,;~and. the. same. are h~reby,. in all'things, overrule9. and denied. J ,.' ~',~~ ~. ". . ..' , ' . ' Section 3. That, the, City-Commission of the. City of West University Place!, Texas:, being the gQverning, body..: of . said City,' pursuant to, the Ordinances and.~ll oth'?f:proceedings.heretofore p~$$ed and. neld" ~ndpursuan:tto the above ~ent-j.9ned; !April 30., '1951 G.on:traGt:. ?nd. the es:tim<;l.:tes" reports, lists. and ,sta:t~Plents of the Engineer.fo;I'; th~'d::ity;and.,pursuan:tit9 the, notice and hear- . -ing here:i,.nab~vementioned, a:nd.QY virt'lle,.of the. powers 'conferred by.,. and the~ . provis.ions of.; .the above mentioned Chapter, lo6 of the ,ActsJof the, First~ Called Session of the 40tn, Legislature of. the State:of:',TexiilsTcommonly' known as,' Article'1105: (b.);-, Revised Civil ,Statutes of iTexa~'" 192" heretofore !3-dopted'l by the -City of West, University Place, . Texas, in. and as a part of,;the Charter of saidd City, .doe:;; hereby ~fix ~d:"determine and ~does hereby levy ~ and ass.ess . against the respective properties abutting upon, the:, above and ,hereinafter, stated. portions of.: the ~ highways and tb.e por,tion: or portions thereof c hereto+.' fore ord~red: improved and. against tbe real and,' true; owners thereof". whether. hereinafter correctly. named or not,' the . respective amounts hereinafter set.', opposite the' names of' the respective. apparent owners and the descriptions ;. of the respective properties; to-,it: ' . " WEST UNIVERSITY.PLACE,' TEXAS:-. PAVING,ASSFSSMENT , ' . , For:,',~ving ot Academy Street. from tlieSouthLine orSQuthll'estern Street to the ~ North' end of the ~istiDg,pavement'at ,a point. approximately 120 Feet ".' North of the North line or Cason Street under contract with Mischer-Harris .i Company, Inc. ~ J /!!!! Front Ft. Rate ~~85. FEET AMOUNT .~cBLOCK, " ADl)ITION G. F. Peacock, :: 1 25 G:e:A~,"Blackburn, Jr.l 24, Dr...,C;. :H'ti<Bradley [<20~, ~"24': ' ~R.: P.. Archer" c' ~'1,;'> ,',23: . T. C~' Guseman' -1, 26 ,,75, 74 MaUrine. Mitchell; '53> J. S. Cain 52 H.P. Audley , ' :31 College View 1st Addn'. ~ , College View 1st Addn'~ ~'Co1l:ege'; View 1st, Addn ~'; ; ',College View lst.Addi1~':', . 'College View 2nd Addn.. t' , .Fairh~ven Addi1iion' . ~ Fairliaven Addition: " " Fairhaven Addition ' , , !. ~c I Fairhaven Addition ';Fairhaven.~ Additi'on, . 83 $ 402~55 .120 ,582.;00 120' 582.,00 131.87 639.,7 155.21 ~~752~77 .125 606.25 125 606.25 120 ~82~00 120 582.00 .120 582.00 :$5,:917-.;39 ....' . ... ., . ".! '", '. ~ . " ' '} . TGrAL " ':' : " 'J~ 11 .: ! ' " (s), . Irving' L. Peabody' , , Engi.i1eer for the Ci1iy, ,. ~ vSI 1. 1 ::1'11':3 1. . III It! ..~..~, ,:) ~:. !..J__ -:c= _=-~-=-J .:::1" q'h " : Section: 4. That said several amounts here~ asses8ed~ together II with interest; expense or collectionsjand reasonable attorney's fees; if' I I incurred, shall be and: the, s~e are hereby'declared",to be a . first , and' prior LJ lien on and against said respective abutting 'properties"whi'ch lien shall:~be superior to all other liens and claims exceptSt.ate, County, and City ad valorem taxes; and said amounts so assessed~ together with said'other items, shall be and,the same are hereby declar8d.to be personal liabilities and charges against'-the, true owners of "said properties, respectively', "whether ':correctly,named or:not) all as'provided iri any by. said ArticlellO$(b) of ~'Verrion 's Annotated Ci vilStatutes ot, TeXas; and such assessments and said other 'items shall be collectible and the liens entorceableinany court having juris- diction; and shall be.a personal liability and' charge against the said.own:ers ot the property assessed; that said sums so assessed shall be payable as ,~ tollows, to-wit: In five equal installments, one installment payable within "thirty days. after the canpletion. of said improvements" and the acceptance thereof' by the City of West University Place, and ,another installment to be due ,and payable on the respective dates in 1, 2, 3 and 4 years, 'respectively-, after said date of nclI' acceptance, with interest on the respective 'sums so' assessed" and each installment thereof from said date of acceptance, at the ~ rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable~annually, and with interest on principal and :interest after the respective maturity- dates at eight per cent (8%) per annum; and provided further, that,. in the event~ of default in payment of ,any installment of any such assessment and certificate when due, whether of principal or ,interest, the 'Whole of such' assessment and "certificate may- be matured and declared dlie at the option of the holder thereof; provided, further that said, respective, property<61mers. shall have the"::prinlege of, paying any [!I.] one or more .. of" said' installments before their :maturity', by'pciymeilt of'-'principal and. : interest thereon.." "," . Section 5. That for the purpose of evidencing said assessments, the 'liens securing same and the several sums payable by- said property owners , and- the- time and terms of paiD-ant,.. ~nd to aid in the enforcement the~eof, assignable certificates shall be issued by the City of West University-Place to the Cop-tractor, or assigns,: upon completion and:':acceptance of"said ~,.. ~, ~rovements, which certificates shall, be executed ~ by the lla,.~r and" attested ,by~ the City Secretary,w1th ,the'C'orpor.ate ~ seal affixed,i ,and" shall. be payable · t9,' said W-scher-Harr:J,.s- Co. " Inc. ," or assigns; said' certificates shall declare , ttle said,amounts, anQ,the time' and terms :of payment thereof, the rate of, ~it1terest payable thereon, th~descriptionof the respective properties against ~ich theatorementioned ,assessmentsc'have been levied, sufficient to identify " s4UIe, and. same shall contain, the name ()f ,the apparent OlII)ers l thereof. , ..., .. ,,' . ' Said certificates.'shall furthen'set forth andlevidence ,the ,assess- ~ ~ ments levied and shall declare the lien upon the respective properties and . :t.he liability of the, true owner or owners thereof, whether correctly named or not, and shall provide that if default be made in the payment thereof, same shall be enforced by a suit in any court having jurisdiction. . And the said certificates shall further provide~:thatif default be made in the, payDient'ot any installment of prinCipal or interest thereon 'When due, then, at ,the option 'of said tischer-Harris Co., Inc., or assigns-, bein~ o f:61 -I I I i -----..,. ,--. i I i ~ 1'13 the owner and holder thereot, the whole of said assessment shall become at once due and payable and shall be collectible with interest, expense ot collection and a reasonable attorney.s fee, if incurred. Said certiticates.shall further recite that: the proceedings with reference to making the iDiprovements.thereinreferred to have.been regularly had in~ compliance with the law and the Charter of the City of West University .J!l.lace, and,that all.'prerequisites:'Jto~the 'fixing- ,Of the assessment lien against ,:the property,deseribed ;and the peI!sona1'liability, of "the ~er or ower.sthereof have " been ,performed, which'r.ecitaQa. ,shall; :be >'evidence 'of, all' .the, mat:ters" l' '} recited in said certificate and ~o' f,Urther ,:pr.oot. thereof"shall be ,required:. ',' "Section6.: That the City;.'off;West'!tJni,.versity;"Pl~ce shall not be liabledn,any'manner for:'cthepaymerit of,any,,-'sumhe.reby assessedFbut said 'City shall exercise its Charter powers and the,power.s',;conterredupon':it :by:law'wlien requested soto'do by the holder ot said certiticates, to aid in the collection thereof.,... " ,'!: " .' Section .7~, ,The .fact that the:port.ions' ot,the, street" hereiri . defined are .in,need ,of improvement ,as promptly as'.possible 'creates a public emergency and, therefore, this . Ordinance shall be tpassed "finallyqmthe date of its . introduction this the 18th day ot May, A. D. 1951, and shall take effect immediately upon' its passage and approval by the :Mayor., PASSED this 18th day ot May, A. D. 1951. . ( -'COMMISSIONERS ". iHangs, and Mooney' . ' , - COMMISSIONERS ~ and, Jlayor~lTerry None voting no. ,,_ .' . votmg".aye. :.. J, " . ~ t . .--. ; '", 4 APPROVED this 18th. day of :May,. A.:D. .,1951. ." ~\ \ ': : ~"-; .":.".~'~".... ,; ~~~:.t I '. , ATTEST:'; 1) , ~ j , .-~ . ,~." I,;' ~ '.: . ' ; City Secretary- .. ..< "'''~ ' ~ "', . , ' , ~-,,~ ~~..~_.- " City Attorne,., . , ' Z61