HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 567 - ORD Approving & Adopting Estimates Costs for Paving Permanent Improvements III I I, L ' ,I I ,I I , Hie , ,I ~ i I : / I / r t 11:<; ORDI-NANCE, NO. 567 .AN ORDINANCE "A'PPROVI.NG -,fND ADOPTING ESTIMATES' OF'THE COSTS AND, 'THE VARIOUS PORTIONS, OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND TH,EPERNIANENT IMPROvEMENT OF:, ' '. I ". . . ,. . ,Ac,adepry.s.treet from :the SOl:Ith line of Southwes.tern , , street to the North end of the existing pavement at a point .approximat,ely, 120 feet North ~ of, ,the North line: of Cason,Street. . IN THE CITY ~OF :wES,T. ,UNIVER'SITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGlNEElLFORTHECI':CY, ,I:'VRSUANT T,O LAW, AND, AS :REQUIRED BY:EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSlTY FORAJID ~P.;RrNG THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART.OF THE, COST ~OF SUCH.IlVIPROVEMENTS.AGAINST.CERTAIN PROPERTIES ABUTTI~G.ON SAID' PORTIONS OF ,SAID STREE~,A~ THE OWNERS THE~FIN 'THE AMOUNTS AS. SET FORTH IN,SAID ESTIMATE; PROVIDING FOB AND ORDERING TEA T A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN T,O ALL OWNING OR CLA:IMING' ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR ANY' INTEREST' ~ THEREIN, AS TO ',SUCH PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE ~HEREOF ,AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' :~REAS, the City Commission of .the City of West UniverBi~y Place~ 'Textfs' has heretofore byo-rdinanc'e d'etermined the necessity fo~ and ordered the permanent improvement of certain ~rtions of Academy street, in the City of West University Place, Texas by the oonstruction thereupon of reinforced concrete " pav~ement..;w1thmonolith1;cc,urbs, and appurtenances and incidentals to such improv,Etments, ~ in .accordance with plans and specifications and contract, refe'rrsd"to and approved in and by ordinances here- tofore duly passed; and ( WH~}REAS, af} ,authorized by ordinance of April 3t1 ' 1951, a contra~t h~s b~en entered into by and between the City and 'MisJ~her-H~rrts,. Cb....tpr ,.the construction of said improvements; and tne,~ngtne'e'r':'f.;o.rs~a:id: "01 tyhas, pursuant to law and the above ordinances, ~pr~paredand filed an estimate of the cost of said improvements ana\of the various portions thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, ~ . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, having examined the same, does hereby find that the estimate of the costs as prepared and filed by the Engineer fo~ the City has been duly and~gularly prepared and 'filed as required by Article 1105-b of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, hereinafter referred to and by the ordiances heretofore passed directing ;the preparation and filing thereof; which such estimate of costs, signed by the Engineer and dated April~o , 1951 is as follows:' ,..--., , I . I :-.-J [I , ~ Ii I : LJ l I-.--' '" 'I \\, \ . 1,'t~J, ,Engineer" s estimate. ()f costs for imp~9vement of: " . . Academy street from the South, lin~' of Southwestern street to the North endof.the.existin.g pavement at a point approximately '120 ifeet North of, the North line of Cason Street~ ~ Estimated' cost. of whole 'i~p~ovemen~" ~ ~,$10~167 .29 Es~imated amount~per front foot pro~ ~ posed to be assessed against abutting properties and owners for curb $ .49 Estimated amount per front foot pro- posed to be assessed .~g~inst.aQutting properties' and owners"~for improvements' exclusive .of curbs $ 4.36, ,Total estimated amount J),er front . foot proposed to be assessed ag~inst abutting propertiesa,nd Q,wnners, ' $ 4.85 .' Total estimated amo~nt~proposed to be . as,ses~ed against abutting properties and owners '~. ,. .,~ ,;" .. ~ . . $ 5~917..J9 . , . - .." ,', , .,,.- - ..-. . ---.J The City Commission, ,hav,ing ,examined same,' does hereby'appr.ove and "adopt ~ the foreg~ing estimates of ,co:sts and each port.ion .ther.eof. I ", i ~ , , , Sectidn 2. The City CO~ission does hereby find and determine that it is nec'essary to make and levy assessments of a part of the costs Of such ,.1mpr()v,ements against the,properties abuttIng upon the respective. portions of said s:tree,:t as herein- above s~tated~ 'a,nd agains.t t~e I.'eal:anc{ 'trUeowners ,~heI'eof ~and does hereby de'clare. its' iIi'tention to }i!3,.s.e'ss. agai..ns:~:i .~t~i:d ,a'butting prop,erties and the. real and true owners :th-.er.eo,f portions of, the costs as indicated and set fo.rth -in said estimate; that said assess- ments shall be made and', levied by virtue of the ppwers givenby~ but subject t'o all of the provisions pf, the Acts o'f the 40th Legislature of, the State of Texas, 1927~ First,Cal1~d Session, relating to street improve~en~s and asse~sme~ts ~perefor,. and being Chapter 106. of, the General and Spec1,al Laws of s aid Session, as amended~ said Act being ~ommonly kno~n as Article, 1105-b, Revised Civil statu~ofTexas~ 1925, and having beep adopted by the City of West Un1versity Place, Texas, in and as part of,the . Charter of sa~d ,City. . .~ Section 3. The City Commission does hereby provide for and order tnata hearing be he,;Ld by, a+ld before t)l~ Oi ty Commission of the City of We.stUniversity Place,. TeX:as,'-at7:~30o'elock p.m. on May /1 '. ~ 1951, 'in ~he Cit:y-~Hall, of, saiq. :City. of West University Place, ~exaf:! r at whiph time~nd place' a;ll.o.WI;ling any ,property abutting upon said portion of Academy Street." and:wfthin the limits~as L r ..~: .:: J: TI ~'~ ! III L' '[ 1..- III 1 I,. 1 ..,I..!.-.1 '" ,I t~il. '~"i</ 'l I ";'1 :"', hereinabove set forth, and all owning and claiming any interest 0 in any of such pro.perties, and all interested in any assessment ;'1 or any'of the prec~edings with reference thereto shall have the opportunity_~dri~t aj; such nearing, tobe ,heard as to the pr()posed~fJsessments, and prQc~e~ings-. and on any matter as to which ,hearing is coiistitut:il)1a1a.i~, prerequi,site to the validity of any assessment author~d by the above .,.entioned Act, and to contest the amounts of the proposed assessments, the lien and liabilitythereof,thespeeial benefits to, the abutting property and owner thereof qy means of the improvements for whieh assess- ments are to be l~yied, andaceur~cy, ,s~ficie~ey and regularity and validity of the proceedings, 'and the contract in connection with such improvements a~d p~oposedassessments. Section 4. , That following/such hea~ing, Iilssessments will be levied against said abutting proper~y and the real and true owners thereof, __whethElr e.orre~t~"Y "nl:i.med or t)ot and whether known or un~nown, in the respective amounts which'shall be determined at such';,.earing to be payable by said respecti'\'e"abuttirig properties and the real and true ,owners thereof; provided, however, that no amount shall be assess'ad -agabist, 'anjsuch abutting 'property or the owner thereof-'in e~ees~'qf tihe benefits to said property in the enhanced va.-lue thereof by reason of said-improvements; said assessments are to be levied and to beseeured by the first and prior lien against "said respecti,veproperties ~nd a~e to be made as provided by the above mentioned Article 1105-b of the Revised I::U Civil Statutes of Texas; and to evidence the amounts so ~sessed and to evidence such lien and the rights and liabili t~,es of the parties, assignable certificateS shall be issued ~hich shall 'bear interest, all as set forth in the respective ordinances above referred to and which shall hereafter be passed, and as provided by the above referred to Article 1105-b. . ~ , That saidamounts_, payabl'e by the property owners as determined at said hearing, shall be payable in five equal install- ~ ments-,on:e.:;Qtallment to be due and payable, ,in _thirty da,ys after the completi()n of said improvements ~~d the acceptance the~eof by the City of West Uriiversi-ty Place, and another ,installment in a like amount to,be due, and payable in one, two, three and four years, 'respectively, af1:;er said date of- acceptance"with interest thereon from said date of acceptance at the rate of 5~ per annum, payable annually, and with 8% interest' On past ,due principal and interest; but saia. prope~ty~owne~s shall have the privilege of paying any t one or more of ~aid installments before their maturity by payment of p'I'ineipaT and interest thereon, and said,pertiflcates as may be issued to evidence. such assessments shall- provide that,_ in the event of default in 'payment of' any installment thereupon when due, whether of principal or interest, the whole' of such certificate may be matured and declared due at the option of the holder thereof. ... ,section 5. The Oi ty Secretary is hereby dire,eted to, give n . n"otice or'the hearing hereinbefore. ordered" which notice shall i I be directed to all owning o~c,lalming any pr:operty:abutting uponL! any portion of the. s t-reet hereinabove set out and--"included' within the designated limits!; and to all owning and claiming any I __J I ~J J \ \ \ , ) /23 interest therein, and to all interested in any assessment or any of the proceedings with reference thereto; and said notice shall be given by advertisement thereof inserted at least three times in the Southwestern Times, designated as the official newspaper of the Gity~ the first publi- cation to be' made on May.1 , 1951; arid' by insertion at least',three times in some newspaper published in the City of Houston, being the n.earest to the Gi ty of West Uni versi ty Place of general circulation in Harris County, the first publication therein to be made at least ten days before the time of the hearing. In said notice tb.eCity Secretary shall describe in general terms the nature of the improvements for which assessments are proposedto"be( Hniied.and'to which such notiCe relates, shall state the s:treet~and, highway and the portion thereof, to be improved; shall state the ,estimated amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the owner or owners of abutting property, and such property on such highway with reference to which the hearing mentioned in the notice is to be held; and,shall state the estimated totalcostsof,theimprovements on such portion of such highway and shall state the time and place atwhich'such hearing shall ~ be held. The City Secretary may' a.lso J.rlclude 'in such notice such further data and information regarding the proposed improvements and the pro- posed assessments consistent with these proceedings as the City Secretary deems proper and sufficient to acquaint those to whom it is directed with the fact that 'such hearing is to be held and that said persons have a right and-shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to inform tlhem of the matters upon'which they are entitled to be heard. Section 7. The fact that the portions of the street herein- before stated are in need of improvement as promptly as possible creates a public emergency;, and, therefore, this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this the ,30th 9,ay of April,1951, and shall take effect ~ediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED' this, the.:fo~'d~YOf :A~ril,~951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs. >II(lJl1~l'l.' Mooney and NiSbet;- , ;;jnrl M~yol' p";r.'.'';l;prn Hr.1 m~n "ITot.ing aye. COMMISSIONERS: .None , i ,." APPROVED' this' .th~~aa;~fAPril) 1951. voting no . ATTEST: LY cAJ~..... City Secr a" ~ - , " ' APPROVED : ~Dv~{,~~,~ . City Attorn ' . 4/vuv~ ~ Mayor ,of. -the qity of West University Plac:e,Texas ""1 r !'~f ;'.. t; 'l~