HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 563 - ORD Approving City Enginee's Action Repair Certain Sanitary Sewer Sevices Lines ~'1 I I ---) ! , ~ r--. \ I I I , I --...,-' 1&1 ORDINANCE NO. 563 ~N ORDINANCE APPROVING THE CITY ENGINEERtS ACTION IN ORDER- ,ING THE REPAIR OF CERTAINSANITA.RYSID'VER SERVICE LINES P.PJACENT TO AND CONNECTED WrTH THE CITY'S LIFT -PLANT AND 'WET WELL LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF RUTGERS STREET AND UNIVER- SITY BOULEVARD; APPROVING THE AWARD ,OF SUCH WORK TO RUSS MITCHELL; INC., CONTRACTOR, AND FINDING THAT SUCH WORK WAS DONE BY RUSS MITCHELL, INC.' ON THE SAME LOW UNIT PRICE COST BASIS AS THE WORK DONE !N THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 'WET WELL AT SUCR LOGATI ON, VVITH A RESULTING SAVINGS TO THE CITY; FINDING THAT THE CITY ENGINEER HAS APPROVED THE ADDITIONAL WQRK.DONE BY RUSS MITCHELL, INC. IN REPAIRING THE SANIT~Y SEWER SERVICE LINES AT SUqHLOCATION; ACCEPTING THE ADDI- TIONAL WORK DONE BY RUSS MITCHELL, INC.; APPROVING THE CITY ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTlWA.T,EOF THE CITY'S COSTS, AND AUTHOR- ~::rZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE. CITY ~ENG!NEER'S F!NAL ESTIMATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. '. WHEREAS, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 548, passed and approved on the 26th day of. February, 1951, declaring the necessity. for,~ and ordering the construction of, a wet well at 'the sanitary sewer lift plant at the corner of Rutgers Street and University Boulevard, in the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, the City made. and entered into a contract dated'February26, 1951, with Russ Mitchell, Inc., C~mtractor, for such construction; and WHER&S, Russ Mitchell, Inc., Contractor, in the excavation work preparatory to the construction of said wet well, discovered~nd called to the attention of the City Engineer the fact that certain sanitary sewer seJ;'vice~ lines adja.cent to and connected W:lth'the"existing lift plant, and which would be connected with the wet well under construction, were broken and no longer usable in connection with the~lift plant and wet well, ~andthat it would be. 'useless to proceed with the construction of said wet well unless such sanitary sewer service 'lines were repaired; and' , 'WHEREAS, the City Engineer, .'upone:xamination of such. sanitary .sewer service liIles, did find and determine that "the ~ same were no longer usab:re::')~md did securefr6mRussMitchell, Inc., Contractor, an estimate of the cost ~f repair of the broken sanitary sewer service lines, such estimate of cost being on the same unit price as bid by Russ Mitchell, Inc., and as set forth in his contract with the City dated Februarj 26~ 1951,' which unit price was the best and lowest acceptable bid for the construction contracted; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer, finding that the repair of the broken sanitary sewer service lines adjacent to the existing liftplantand wet well then under construction at the corner of Rutgers Street 'and University Bbule- vard was a matter of imperative public necessity calling for immediate work, and further finding that the low unit price bid of Russ Mitchell,Inc., for such vmrk would result in substantial saving to the- City, did.order.the work and 'repair~.tb the sanitary sewer service lines done by Russ Mitchell, Inc., such work-and' repair not being contemplated in the February 26, 1951cohtract and being in addition to the work originally estimated by the City Engiheer'in j'~, ;.;~ 't.': ~.._.Ii r'~ ....~_m.T.TI. '1 r 11 "If 1 III [ I.. ~ ~:t ~_ ~..JJ__ T ::~ .:= .:~.,::t 1() connection with the construction of the wet well as contracted for by contract with Russ Nitchell, Inc.; dated February 26, 1951; WHEREAS, such additional work and repair has now been done by Russ Mitchell, Inc., and the City Engineer of the 0ity of West University Place. has, made his report and certification to .the City Commission with refer- ence to the completion of such additional work and ,repair, and has now presented his final estimate in connection therewith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF IVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Commission liereby'~:approves the action of the City Engineer in ordering the repair of the sanitary sewer service lines connected with and adJacent to the City's sanitary sewer lift plant and wet well at..the corner of Rutgers Street and University Boulevard in the City of West University Place, and the City Commission finds and determines that the . additional work ordered by the City Engineer was necessary work for the proper functioning"of the City's lift plant and wet well at such location. . Section 2. The .City Commission hereby finds and determines that the ~ additional work done by Russ. Mitchell, Inc., 'in repairing the sanitary sewer service l:lnes adjacent to the City lift plant and wet well located. at ,the corner of Rutgers Street and University Boulevard, was done on the sania low unit price basis as the work done by Russ Mitchell, Inc.,under the terms of its contract with the City dated February 26, 1951, and that such low unit price cost has resulted in substanti~~ savings to the City. Section 1. The City Commission hereby finds and determines 'that the City Engineer has examined, measured"and tested the additional work done py Russ Mitchell, Inc., in repairing such sanitary sewer service lines and that the City Engineer has found and determined that such work and repair has been done and fully completed in full compliance with the specifications pre- scribed by the City Engineer; and that said Engineer has so certified to the City Commission that such work and repair has been satisfactorily completed, and has therefore recommended to the City that such additional work be acc~pted; and the City Commission, on the recommendation and~.certificatioI:J.~of the City Engineer, does hereby find and d~termine that the work of: Repairing ,sanitary sewer service lines adjacent to and connected with the City's sartltary. sew4r lift' ~ plant and wet well located at the corner of Rutgers Street and University Boulevard ' has been performed satisfactorily by Russ Mitchell, Inc., and the City Commission does here and now accept such work on behalf of and as the act of the City' of ~ West University Place, Texas. :Se.ction 4. The City CommissiolJ., having examined. the final esti- mate prepared and presented by the City Engineer with reference to such addi- tional work' and repair, and the sums due to the Contractor, Russ Mitchell", Inc., for such work and repair, here and now approves and adopts said final f:OZ rl u II U '\ I I U c, ~ I ~ ~~~~ ( l *:C ~ I ~j '----', I ! '--..--1 ) 7 J ~stimate as prepared and presented by the 9ity Engineer; and hereby author- izes and directs the Mayor and the City Treasurer to make final settlement with said Contractor in accordance with the City Engineer's final estimate. Section '5. The fact that the repair of said sanitary sewer service lines has been completed in full accordance with the order of the City Engineer, and the Contractor being entitled to final settlement for such work and repair done, creates a public emergency, and therefore this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1951, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this the 23rd day of April, JA.. D. 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet and Mayor Terry voting aye. COIvThHSSIONERS None voting no . APPROVED this the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1951. est s ATTEST: City Secretary AP~~avED AS TO FORM, .0", ~ ~ . J. a.~ r.-. i y Attorn ~ .LA p iLY-( 1"'" I':' '-::--~.. . r -. r't ,-.' :'I IiI