HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 560 - ORD Finding & Determining the Construction of Wet Wall at Existing Sanitary Sewer Lift Plant } , -' ,~,;) L ORDINANCE NO. 1)60 AN ~ ORDINANCE FINDING AND DEl'ERMINING THAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A vVEl' WELL AT THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LIFT PLANT AT THE CORNER OF RUTGERS STREEl' AND UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, IN ~ THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED FOR IN ORDINANCE NO. ,48; AND IN THE CONTRACT BY AND BEI'WEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND RUSS MITCHELL, ~'ING., CON'tRACTOR~ 'DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1951, HAS BEEN COMPLEl'ED IN ACCORDANQE WITH, SAID CONTRACT AND SAID ORDINANCE; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND CONSTRUCTION OF SAID WE!' 'WELL; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMf\.TE OF THE CITY'S COSTS, AND AUTHORIZING AND ,DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY ENGINEER'S FINAL 'ESTIMATE,' AND DECLARING' AN EMERGENCY. " > ,.---., , I i ~j WHEREAS, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 548, passed and approved on the 26th day of February, 1951; declar.ing the necessity for, and ordering the construction of a wet we~l at the existing sanitary sewer lift plant at the corner of Rutgers Street and University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, Texas, the City of West 1Jnfversity Place made and entered into a contract dated February 26, 1951, :with Russ Mitchell, Inc., Contractor, for such construc- tion; and WHEREAS, said contractor has now constructed such wet well in accordance with the terms and provisions of said contract, and the City Engineer ! of the Ciiy of West University Place, Texas, has made his report and certifica- tion with reference;,to the completion of said work and has now presented his ~i final estimate in connection.therewith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMliITSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: Section I. The City Commission hereby finds and determines that the City Engineer of the City. of West University Place has examined, measured and tested in the manner proVided by said contract and the plans and specifica- tions appended thereto, the work done and the construction accomplished on the ,hereinafter designated construction pursuant to the February 26, 1951 contract between the City and Russ Mitchell, Inc., contractor, and which construction was done under the direction, supervision and examination of said City Engineer, and has found and determined that such work, construction and installation has been done and constructed and fully completed in full compliance with the terms and provisions of said contract, and of the plans and specifications constituting a part thereof; and that said Engineer has so certified to the City Commission that such work has been so constructed and done~ and has thet~fore recommended to the City Commission that the same be accepted; and the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, does hereby find and determine that the work of: "--, i ! Constructing a wet well at the existing sanitary sewer lift plant at the corner of Rutgers Street and University Boulevard in the City of West University Place, Texas, , L.J has been performed, constructed and done and satisfactorily completed by said .J -0.; '.i~. : lIT .:t~ ~..- ! J T.: : ._..: ,:1 'u, 4- Contractor in full compliance with the terms and prov~s~ons of said February 26, 1951 contract, and the plans and specifications constituting a part thereof; ~ and said City Commission does here and now accept such work and construction u; I on behalf of" and as the act of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. The City Commission, ha.ving examined the final estimate prepared a.nd presented by the City Engineer with reference~to the aforesaid work, and the sums due to the Contractor under said contract, here and now approves' and adopts said final estimate as so prepared and presented by the City Engineer; and hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Treasurer to make final settlement w~th said Contractor in accordance with said final estimate. Section 3. The fact that the construction of said wet well has been completed in full accordance wi th the above mentioned contract, 'and the Con- tractor being entitled to final settlement of said contract creates a public emergency, and therefore this ordinance shall be passed final~ on the date of its introduction, this the 2Jra day of April, A. D. 1951, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. . PASSED this the 23rd day of April, A.D. 1951- COMMISSIONERS Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet and Mayor Terry voting aye. C01ThITSSIONERS None voting no . o APPROVED this the 23rd day of April, A. D. 19,1. o the ei ty of West University P ace, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary ~~FORM: . . 'b, 4L~' ~~ City Attorney - o -:. . ',j ':_-'