HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 559 - ORD Providing Control & Direction of Vehicular Traffic on Certain Sections J f..t; I ~ ---I ORTITNANr.'F. Nfl. ,59 I ~ A-N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF DIRECTION OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CASE STREET A..NDBYRON:STREEI' VUTHIN 'l;'HE CITY OF WEST .DNIVERSITYPLACE, TEXAS;.DEFINING TERMS, FIXING, THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOI,ATH)N CF SUCH REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDI- NA1JCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING4NEMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place~ Texas, maintains and. opepates, between May 1, and October I, of each year, a municipal swimming pool in the City of West University Place, the public park area within which the swimming pool is located being bounded on the North by Case Street and on the South by Byron Street and on. the West by West Point Street; and ! ~ WHERE;AS<!t,he Chief cliPolice of the City of West University Place, has made his reconunendat'ion, in writing, to the City Commission that, for the safety of.. the patrons . of the swimming. pool, . it is advisable to reverse the direction of the flbW':'of vehicular traffic in the 4100 block of Case and Byron Streets abutting the pub~ic park area where said swimming pool is located as heretofore restricted by Ordinance No. 459, and to now restrict the direction qf tr~vel of motor vehicles in tl:1e'4l00block of Case Street to an 'easterly direction and to restrict the direction of the flow of travel of motor vehicles in the 4100 block of Byron Street to a westerly direction from May 15 to October 15 of the calendar year, such period being the time of each year during which said swimming pool is open; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place has considered the~recbriimendationsof the Chiefc6f Police and is of the~opinion that such recommendations are in the interest of public safety and that the direction of flow of vehicular traffic should be so regulated: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That from and'after the date of passage of the Ordinance (a) it shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle in a westerly direction in the 4100 block of Case Street 'within the 'City of West University Place, Texas, from May 15 to October I" of each calendar year, both dates inclusive; ~ ~ (b) it shall b~ unlawful to drive any vehicle in an easterly direction in the 4100 block. of Byron Street within the City of West University Place, Texas from May 1, to October 1" of each calendar year, both dates inclusive.. r-I I Section 2;. By the term "vehiclt=l"J,as used "herein ;is meant U every device in; upon or by which any person or property is or may be trans- ported or drawn upon a street. '..... ';', r ,-,"" j,' L~~~~-::_=::::":: -_:.::::_~:.t :-.t::l_:::~~~ __________~_L 1___ III 11111 I ~l I:_..~.I.J ]_ ,~.I-~ } (p 2.. Section 3. Any person who violates the provJ.sJ.ons of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, -befiried -any amount not less than $5.00 and not to exceed $100.00. Section h. 'All ordinances'and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions' of this ordinance, insofar as the same may conflict, are hereby repealed. , Section ~. For the protection of. public and private property, and for public safety, the immediate passage of this ordinance is a matter of imperative public necessity and constitutes an emergenc,y; therefore, this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor and publication as required by law. PASSED -this the 23rd day of April, 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet and Mayor Terry voting aye. ~~ ~ COMMISSIDNERS . None ARPROVED this the 23rd day of April, 1951. voting no ATTEST: City Secretary ~r'As~:<r:l A --- -&t,y Attorney .~ ~v... ,. .. ;'") 'f' 'l..' i ; "t} o o o