HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 558 - ORD Amending Zoning ORD 111 III: J I L.. ,I J, . ., ,I "58 l 'I ORDINANCE NO. 558 . :1 ! I '~ AN ORDINANCE FINDING. AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL , :THINGS' DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OFA PUBLIC ~- HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENBING' ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF' THE CITY OF ~WEST UNIVERSITY~ PLACE; TEXAS~ SO AS TO PERMlT ~ AN, EX CEPl' I ON TO SECTION 12. OF SAID ORDINANCE TO THEREBY PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENCE BUILDING ON LOT NO. 40, BLOCK NO. 37,' COLONIAL TERRACE ADDITION, WITH MINI- Mm{DlMENSIONS OF 1000 SQUARE FEET> AS' APPLIED FOR BY MRS . LUCY" A. DARLING; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING,SUCH AMENDMENT' HAS BEEN'DU:LYAND~ ' . . ' . LEGALLy -HELD; - APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT, ;AND .RECOM- MEffl)ATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT SECTION NO. +2, OF ORDINANCE NO. ,Ill SH01JIDBE SO AMENDED INSOFAR AS SUCH,; SECTION OF SAID ORDINANCE APPLIES TO LOT NO. ,40,-BLOCK 'NO. _'. 3'7, COLONIAL TERRACE ADDITION; FINDING THAT SECTION NO. 12 :OF, ORDINANCE NO. III SHOULD .BE AMENDED ,SO AS TO PERMIT CONSTRUC- TION OF A RESIDENCE BUILDING ON Lor NO. 40, BLOCK NO. 37, COLONIAL' T.ERRACE ADDITION, WITH MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF.. 1000 c'SQUARE FEEl'; AMENDING SECTION NO. 12 OF .ORDINANCE- NO.1Il' ~ OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSTTY PLACE:, TEXAS, BY ADDING A SUB-PARAGRAPH TO SECTION NO. 12 TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION NO. . 12' (A);' llEPEALING ALL ORDINANCES,' OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IF CONFLICTING HEREWITH, INSOFAR-AS THEY CONFLICT'; AND PROVIDING ~ THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL. TAKE EFFECT ,AND BE IN FORCE IMME,. DIA'rELYFROM ANDAF'rER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. J WHEREAS, MRS. LUCY A.DARLING, owner of, Lot No. ,40:, Block No. 37, Colonial Terrace Addition, in the City of West University Place, Texas has here- tofore madewri~ten application to the Zoning and Planning Board of the ,City of West University Place, Texas,. for an exception to Section No..12 of Ordinance'( No. lllso;~as to permit said property owner to construct on said, lot a residence with the dimensions of the main building not less than 1000square feet; said lot being in the seventh single famiiy dwelling d,istrict as shown on the official zoning map of the City of West University Place as amended to January 1, 1947; a,I].d~ __~,~ ~. ~ . WHEREAS ,at a regular meeting'ofthe'- ZoniI'lg and Planning Board it was determined that such exception to the applicable provision of Ordinance No. III should be' granted, and .said Zoning and Planning- Board did recommend to the City Commission that an amendment to 'Zoning Ordinance No. III be adopted' after a full public hearing onothe.m~tter, so as.to permit the building of a residence on Lot No. 40, Block No. 37, Colonial Terrace Addition, with minimum dimensions of the main building of not less than 1000 square feet; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission held on ~he ~ 16thdayof MarCh, 1951,'it was determined that a public hearing should be held to consider whether Ordinance No. III should be amended so as to permit the construction of a residence on Lot No. 40~ Block No. 37, Colonial Terrace LJ l ~ I I ~ J J59 Addition, located on the Southwest corner of Community Drive at Richmond Road, with minimum~dimensions of the main building of not less than 1000 square feet; and . 1NHEREAS, the City Commission at its regular meeting on March 16, 1951 did instruct the City Secretary to advertise in the official publication of the City and to give written notice to all property owners whose property lies: 'Within 200 feet of Lot No. 40, Block No.. 37,' Colonial Terrace Addition, of' a public hear- ing to be h~ld on April 9, 1951 at 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall, in the City of West University Place, Texas, to determine whether or not. Ordinance No. III should be amended so as t9 permit the construction on said lot as requested in theappli- cation of MRS. LUej A. DARLING; and WHEREAS, in pursuance of the direction given him by the City Commission and in full compliance with the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, the City Secretary did cause to be published in the Southwestern Times on March 29, 1951, and did mail to each of the owners of property lying within 200 feet of Lot No. 10, Block 'No. 37, Colonial-Terrace Addition, :notice of a hearing to be held by the City Commission at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., Monday, April 9, 1951, 'to consider amending Ordinance No-.lll as recommended by the Zoning arid Planning Board, so as to permit the construction of a residence on said lot with the main building having dimensions of not less than 1000 square feet; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such notice J' a public hearing was'~ held by the City Commission of the Ci~y of West University Place, Texas, in the City Hall, at 7:30 P.M., Monday, April 9, 1951, at which hearing all testimony and evidence was heard and 'fully considered by the City Commission as -to~the advisability and propriety of amertdingOrdinance No. III so as to permit the construction by the owner of a residence building on Lot No. 40, Block No. 37, Colonial Terrace Addition, with dimensions not less than 1000 square feet; and VVHEREAS, it appears to the City Commission from~the report and recom- mendation of the Zon~g and Planning Board and 'from the evidence and testimony presented at the pUblic hearing aforesaid, that Zoning Ordinance No. 111 should be amended 50 as to~.permit such proposed construction on said lot 'With minimum dimensions of 1000sguare feet; and \" WHEREAS"the City, acting through its City Commission and Mayor, desires to amend Ordinance No. III of the City of West University Place, so as to permit such construction and believes that it will be to the public interest to so amend the same; NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, does hereby find and determine that each and all of the steps and proceedings hereinbefore mentioned have been duly and legally taken and per- formed in full compliance with the law and Charter and Ordinances of the City; that all provisions and requirements of the law and of said Charter and Ordinances r ,,---.- - T - r-r ~'-1 III r '1 III i L .L J L,.~ 1..1. ~~.,_" .,1 . 160 prerequisi teto J/~eholding .of a public hearing. for the, purpos,e o;f, cgn~id~r;ing thl? amending of Section No. 12 of Ordip._arlce No_~ III have be.en m~:tdand fu~.~y 101, . complied with; and that a public hearing for the purpose of considering ~n , . amendment to Section No. 12 of Ordinance No. III so as to permit the construc-- tion pf a residence building on Lot No., 40, Block No. 37, Colonial Terrace, with dimensions of not less than 1000 square feet, was held at 7 :30 P.,~.:,_ .. Monday:, ,A.pr,il 9-, .1951, at the, City Hall of the City of Vlest Universlty.'PI?-ce, Texas; purt?uant~!t9 nl1>ticesp:+oper~y' giysn. " .. . ~ , Section 2. That the City~ Comrilission of the City of West University ~l.ace does herepy find that ~ection No. 12. of Ordinance NQ. III sho.uld,)>e,J amended so as to permit the construction of a residence buildir\g pn L5~t No..".4oj,' B+oc~." No. 37, Colonial Terrace Addition to the City of West University Place, with the dj,mensions of the main building to .be: not less than ,1000 square feet. : , . .." {' Section 3. : That Section No. - 12 of Ordinance No.' III of the City of West UniV:~Fsity PJ,ace;,Texas is, hereby amended by the addition of' a su:b~paragraph to be known as Section No. 12 (A) and to read as follows:. ,- ,~ :. ' , ,- - ~. - ::.. . - . t . . n's'e~tion' No.:12 (A). Provide.d, howeve,r', that a, si!lg]:e f~mily' . .'~ residence co~taining"a minimum of. 1000 square fe.et may be erected" on' Lot No. 40, 13lock No. 37, Colonial Terrace Addition", in th'e City.~:t,,_: West Urii versi ty Place." <,. .. Section 4.. ,All ordinCl:nces or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with, insofar as they conflict, are. herewith repealed.' ~ '. Section C; ~ This ordinance shall take ef.fect and be in f~~ce ,r :~ immediately from. and after its pa~sag~ by the. City Commission and approval by the Mayor. J PASSED this the 9th day of April, A. D. 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs Holman, Mooney and Nisbet aQd Ma,yorTerry vot,;ng aye. - COMMISSIONERS None voting no. API:'R,OV~ this the 9th day of April, A.D. 1951. ..{c.. City of West 1.ace, Texas ATTEST: ,. City Secretary ~OVEll' ~ A~t~1M~ ~ L