HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 554 - ORD Finding & Determining Consdtruction of 460 Lineal feet of Cast Iron Sanitary Sewer ] l ~ n J 14T GRDINANCE NO. ~~4 . \ AN ORDINANCE FllIN~i AND .DErERMTNING THAT THE CONSTRUC- . TION OF. 460LIN$L FEET OF CAST IRON, SANITARY SEWER WITH 0.' ~ MECHANICAL JOINT~ON WESLAYAN STREEl' FROM THE WESLAYAN LIFT STATION SO H TO THE MANHOLE IN CASE STREEl', WITH APP'URTENANCES, A . THE INSTALLATION OF ONE SK<<AGE LIFT I PUMP AND FITTINl IN- THE EXISTING WESLAYAN STREEl' LIFT STATION, IN THE ITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED FOR NORDINANCE NO.' 540, AND IN THE DECEMBER II, 1950 com~clt:'BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXA.S AND RUSS MITCHELL, INC., CONTRACTOR, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND SAID ORDlNANCE;{:CCEPrING THE WORK AND CONSTRUCTION OF SAID SANITARY S AND INSTALLATION OF SAID PUMP AND FITTINGS; APPRO NG THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE OF THE . CITY'S COSTS, ANjD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT . IN ACCO~DANCE WI~H THE CITY ENGlNEJiR'S FINAL ESTIMATE, AND DECLARIN G A, EMERGENCY. , ~ \"lHEREAS, pursul to its Ordinance No. 540, passed and approved on the 11th day of December, 9,0, declaring the necessity for and ordering the construction of approximately 460 lineal feet of cast iron sanitary sewer with mechanical joints on wesjayan Street from-the Weslayan Lift Station ,South to the manhole in Case Street, with appurtenances, and the installation of ,June sewage lift pumP' and fittings in the existing Wes'layan Street Lift Station, ~ ~ the City of West University P ace made and entered into a contract dated . December II, 1950 with Russ Miltchell, Inc., Contractor,. for such construction and installation; and J . ",' IIlJHEREAS:, said C ntI"actorhas now constructed such~'cast iron: sanitary sewer and installed IUCh sewage lift pump and fittings.in accordance with,the terms and provisions of said contract, and the City__Engineer of the City of West University Place has made his report and certification with reference to the'coinpletion o:f1saidwork and has now presented. his final esti- mate in connection therewith; , , NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS. Section 1. The}CitY Commission hereby finds and determines: that the City Engineer of the City o~ West University Place has examined, measured, and tested in the m nner provided by said contract and the plans and spec:i.ficationEi appended ttl.ereto, the work done and the construction accomplished on the hereinaftJr designated construction and installation pursuant to the December 11, i950 contract between the City and Russ Mitchell, Inc., Contractor, and which c~nstruction and installation were constructed and installed under the direction, supervision and examination of said Engineer, and has found and determined ~hat such work, construction and installation has been done, constructed, insta1led and fully completed in full compliance with the terms and provisions of s.itid contract, and of the plans and specifications constituting a part thereof; nd that said Engineer has ,so certified to the III, I.. .:] ~. :.!.! .1: ,.. .., l48 City Commission that such work, cons:truction and installation has been so constructed and installed, and has therefore 'recommended to the City Commission that such work, construction and installation be accepted; and the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, does hereby find and determine that the work of: 11 : I I ' U (I) Constructing approximately 460 lineal feet of cast iron sanitary sewer with mechanical joints on Weslayan Street from theWeslayan Lift Station South to the manhole in Case Street, with appurtenances; and (2) The installation of one sewage lift pump and fittings in the existing Weslayan Lift Station; have been performed, constructed and installed and satisfactorily completed by said Contractor in full compliance with the terms' and provisions of said December II, 1950 contract, and the plans and specifications constituting part thereof, and said City Commission does here and now ~ccept such work, construction and installation on behalf of, and as the act of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. The City Commi~sion, having examined the final estimate prepared:and presented by the City Engineer with reference to the aforesaid work, construction andinstallatio~ and the sums due to'.the 'Contractor under said contract, here and now ,approves. and adopts said final estimate as so pre- pared 'and presented by the City ~~gineer; and hereby authorizes and directs. the Ma:u'or and the City Treasurer to make final settlement with said Contractor II in acc~rdance with said, final estimate. .' 'U Section 3. The fact that the construction of said sanitary sewer and the 'installation of said sewage lift pump and fittings has been completed in full accordance with the"above mentioned contract, and the Contractor is entitled to final settlement. of said contract qreates a public emergency, and therefore this Ordinance shall be passed. finally on the date of its introduc- - tion this the 26th day of, March, A. D. 1951, and shall take effect immediat~~y upon its passage and approval by the Mayor., PASSED this the 26th day of March, A.. D. 1951. COMMISSIONERS Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet and Mayor Terry .voting aye. COMMISSIONERS None . voting no ~ ~ APPROVED this the 26th day of March, A. D. 1951. :: . of West Texas if LJ ~~VED: ~~~.~~~, ~ City' tto ey