HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 535 - ORD Enacting Electrical Code, Creating an Electrical Board
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Section 1. ELECTRICAL BOARD -- There is hereby created an Electri-
cal Board which shall consist of five members. The Chairman of the Board
shall be elected by vote of the said Board. The Chief Electrical Inspector
shall be a member of such board. The remaining four members of the Board.
shall be appointed by the Mayor arid conf irmed by the City Commission. <
Each of said five positions shall be numbered. Each of them shall have
been residents of the City of West University Place for the last two years
immediately preceding said appointment.
Position Number One shall be filled by the Chief Electrical In-
spector of the City of West University Place, Texas.
Position Number Two, Three and Four, shall each be filled by a
duly licensed master electrician,: as that term is used herein.
Position Number Five shall'be filled by an electrical engineer in
the employ of some industrial concern, hotel or office building, or some
recognized school teaching electrical engineering, or a representative of
the Board of Fire Underwriters, or Texas Inspection Bureau, or a"recognized
independent Registered electrical engineer, provided such qualified person
is available, otherwise the postion shall be filled by a person ,qualified
for positions 2, 3 and 4. The first appointments to office created hereby
shall be made immediately after the final passage hereof, and every such
person shall serve until December 31st, next, or until his successor has
been appointed and qualified; and appointments thereafter shall take effect
on that date. All appointments except the first shall be for a term of
one year, but, each member of the Board shall serve until his successor
has been appointed and qualified. Any member of the Board shall be sub-
ject to removal at the will and pleasure of the City Commission. Each
member of the Board shall receive $1.50 for each meeting he attends, pro-
vided however, he shall not be paid for more than two m~tings in any
one month's period, said perioas to commence on the date' of the passage
of this ordinance.
Three (3) members. of the electrical board present at any meeting
shall constitute a quorum for the granting and revocation of licenses and
for the transaction of all other bus mess of said Board, and a majority
vote of the members of the board at anY meeting shall prevail.
The electrical board shall give written examinations for master
electricians' licenses, and either written or oral examinations for mainte-
nance electricians' licenses, at the discretion of the Board. Acomplete
record of the examination given, consisting of the questions, answers,
grades and final results shall be kept in the records of the electrical
board for a period of not less than one year. The applicant shall have the
right at any time during regular office hours to inspect such records as
to his examination in the presence of the secretary of the electrical
board or any member of said board.
ELECTRICIAN: Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unla'Wful for
any person to do electrical work within the City unless such person is a
licensed Master electrician, licensed under the provisions of this chapter,
or unless such person does such electrical work under the supervision, di-
~rectionand control of a licensed Master electrician, licensed under the
provisions oftbis chapter, except as hereinafter provided. By the term
"electrical work", as used in this section, is meant the installing, main-
taining, altering, repairing, or erecting of any electrical wiring, apparatus,
devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for which a permit is required
under the terms and provisions of th:hs, chapter, except poles ~nd guy anchors
installed by an electric, telephone, telegraph, signaland!or public service
company as a part of its distribution systems. The provisions of this
ordinance shall not apply to electrical work, equipment and installations
made by or for communications agenciesiri the actuaL furnishing of com-
munications service nor to emplO,yees and to those doing communications
electrical work and making installations in and on the load side of the
connecting switch on the communications agencies communication power swith-
board, but said electrical work, installations and equipment shall comply
with the provisions of the National Electrical Safety Code and the National
Electrical Code.
as a master electrician shall be made in writing to the electrical board,
stating the name and address of the applicant, a statement as to the active
and practical experience of the applicant and such other relevant information
as may be required by the electrical board. All applications sha+l be sworn
to before an officer of the state authorized to administer oaths, and of-
ficially certified to by such officer under his seal of office.
Those applying for said license shall be given a reasonable exami-
nation as to (par\ one) their qualifications to install, repair, alter, and
maintain electrical appliances, wiring, apparatus, devices, fixtures or
equipment, for which a permit is required under the terms and conditions of
this article, and as to (part two) their qualification to plan installations
of electrical wiring and equipment, to plan changes, to prepare plans and
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specifications, to interpret plans and specifications and to supervise
various types of electrical installations for which a permit is required
in this article.
The master electrician shall, in his application for any license
or the renewal of any license, state the firm name under which he will do
business, the business address, and the names of the partners or officers
of the corporation. The master electrician's certificate issued by the
electrical board ,shall show the name of the master electrician, the name
of the firm under which business will be transacted, the address, the date
issued, and the date of expiration.
The electrical board shall grant licenses applied for and shall
issue certificates therefor to each applicant who shall make a grade of 70
per cent or better on each of the two parts of the examination given him;
provided that in no case shall a license be granted until after payment by
by the applicant of the fee provided for in Section 15.
) .
No permit shall be issued under any master electricians' license
until he shall have arranged to carry the following insurance.
. A. Workman I:s Compensation Insurance on each and every one of
his employees and this insurance shall be in accordance
with the provisions of the Workman's Compensation Act of
the State of Texas;
B. Public Liability Insurance to the extent of $50,000 for
anyone accident and $25,000 for anyone person;
C. Property Damage Insurance to the extent of $IO,OOO for any'
one' accident and $1,000 'for anyone piece of property; and
D. Such insurance shall be written by an accredited company
under the supervision of the Board of Insurance Commissioners
of the State of Texas, and approved by the City Commission
of the City of West University Place.
Evidence of compliance with the above insurance requirements shall
be considered as having been met when the policy, a copy thereof, or a certi-
ficate of insurance has been f iled with and approved. by the electrical
board. Such policy shall include an indorsement thereon that the electrical
board will be notified at least ten (10) days in advance in the event the
policy or policies are canceled or expire before the expiration date of the
Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing or re-
quiring a master electrician to be an owner or part owner in any firm or
corporation engaging in transacting "electrical business." A person, firm,
or-corporation may employ on a full time permanent basis a master electrician
and the master electrician may list: the person, firm or corporation as the
firm name under which said master electrician is transacting business, and
this article shall not be considered as being violated.
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Section 4. MASTER ELECTRICIAN DEFINED: The holders of the li~
censes provided for in Section ,2 and 3 shall beknGWn as master electricians.
Section 5. OUTSIDE ELECTRICIAN : For the purposes of, this article,
the term "outside electrical work" shall mean the installing, maintaining,
altering, repairing, or erecting of 'any electrical wiring, apparatus , de-
vices, a.ppliances, fixtures, or equipment located outside of and separate
. from buildings and on poles, towers," or other structures designed or con-
structed to be used exclusively for .the support of such electrical wiring,
apparauts, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equipment for which a permit
is required under the terms of this article, except that overhead conductors
may be attached to buildings.
Except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful for any person
to do "outside electrical work" within the City unless suc,h person is an
outside electrician, licensed under the provisions of this article, or un-
less such person does such electrical work under the supervision, direction
and control of an outside electrician or a master electrician, licensed
under the provisions of this article.
The holder of a license to do,outside electrical work shall be
known as an outside el~ctrician.
The application for a license, qualifications of applicant, re-
quirements, and terms of licensing shall be the same as for those of a master
electrician in' all respects except terms and conditions herein set forth and
except that the examination given the applicant for an outside electrician's
license shall cover'only outside electrical work. The outside electrician
will otherwise be under the same rules and regulations as the masterelec-
trician and all rules, regulations, rights, privilege~ and duties other-
wise imposed or enjoyed by the master electrician shall apply to the outside
Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing a duly
licensed master electrician from. performing any outside electrical work.
Section 6: MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN' DEFINED: Electricians reg-
ularily emplOYed on a permanent basis. by any person, . and who perform work
only in the confines of the building or in or on the premises where they
are regularly employed: on a permanent basis, and who. do "electrical maintenance
work", as defined in'Section" 7, shall be known as. maintenance electricians.
"Electrical maintenance work" shall mean the keeping in safe repair of any
and all electrical installations, apparatus and equipment; and the keeping
in safe repair or moving and relocating of electrical equipment within a
building or in'or on the premises: where the maintenance electrician, as
defined in Section 6is regularly employed on a permanent basis, for which
work a permit isrequired'under the terms and provisions of. this article,
but does not include the installation of new and additional electrical work,
electrical equipment or electrical apparatus.
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MA-:tNTENANCE ELECTRICIANS; EXCEPTIONS: It shall be lIDlaWful for any person :\
to do any electrical maintenance work, as defined in Sect.ion 7, within the :IJ'
City, unless such person is a maintenance electrician, licensed under the .
proVisions of this articler provided, however,.that this section shall not
,prohibit a journeyman electrician employed not on a permanent basis, but
temporarily, from doing. such, electrical ,maintenance, work under the.' super-
vQsion, direction and control 'of a maintenance electrician, licensed under
the provisions of this article, without said journeyman electrician having
to obtain a license as a maintenance electrician, provided, further, that
should the holder of a journeyman electrician's certificate at any time
bring himself within thedefini tion of 'a niaintenance- electrician' by be-
coming employed on a permanent basis and in general'as provided for in
Section 6, such journeyman electrician shall be required to obtain a license
as a maintenance electrician, in addition to his journeyman electrician's
<: Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the rights
of a master ,electrician to perform such electrical maintenance work, or
to limit such work being performed by a journeyman electrician under the
supervision, direction or control of a master electrician, or to prohibit
an apprentice from working under the direct personal and constant super-
vision of a maintenance electrician.
for a maintenance electrician's license shall be made in writing to the
eiectrical board, stating the~nameand the address of the applicant and a
statement as to the active and. practical experience of the applicant. All
applications shall be sworn to before an officer of the state authorized
to administer,oath~, and officially certified to by. such officer under his
seal of office.
Those applying for such licenses shall be given a reasonable
written or oral examination as to their qualifications only to perform
maintenance work as defined in Section 7.
The board~shall grant licenses applied for and shall issue certifi-
cates therefor to. each applicant who shall make a grade of seventy per cent
or better on the examination givenhhim;'provided, that in no case shall a
license be granted lIDtil after payment by the applicant of the fee pro;...
vided for in Section 15. A complete record of the. examination given, the
applicant's answers, the grade and the result thereof, shall be kept by the
electrical board in its permanent record book for a p~riod of not less than
one year, and such record shall'be open for inspection at any meeting of
the board and under its supervision~
Each'person seeking such maintenance electrician's license shall
furnish the board three bust pictures of himself, one and one-half inches
by two inches.' One of such pictures of the indi vid:ual receiving the li-
cense shall be placed on the license certificate issued to him, and the
other of such pictures shall be retained by the board. Each such certifi- r-i
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cate issued to a maintenance electrician shall specify the name and address
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of the person to whom the certificate is issued, the location of the premises L-J
in or on which the maintenance work is t9 be dane, the date of the issuance
thereof, shall carry a picture of the license, and such other information
as may be deemed necessary by the electrical board.
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Every holder of a maintenance electrician's license shall notify
the secretary of the board immediately when such holder makes any change
in his employment, giving in such notice the name of his new employer and
the location of the premises in and on which he is to be employed to per-
form maintenance electrical work.
EVerY holder of such maintenance electrician's license shall
wear his certificate upon or abo-ut .hispersonwhile perform..ingthe acts
which such license entitled him to perform.
Section 10. JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN DEFINED: Except as otherwise
provided herein, those persons undertaking ltelectrical work" as defined in
Section 2 of this Article, under the supervision, direction. and control of
a licensed electrician and who has been properly registered with the electri-
cal board as provided in this article, shall be known as journeyman electri-
cians. The term "journeyman electrician", however, shall not include an
"apprentice electrician", and nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting
an apprentice electrician from doing electrical work under the direct, con-
stant, personal supervision and control of either a licensed Master electri-
cian or journeyman electrician.
shall undertake any work as a journeyman electrician, as that term is de-
fined in Se~tion 10, unless such person shall have first registered with
the electrical board and received his certificate from ,said board as a
journeynian electrician. Applications for such certificates shall be made
in writing to the electrical board, stating the name and address of the
applicant, a statement as to t~e active and practical experience of the
applicant and such other relevant"information as may be required by the
electrical, board. All applications shall be swoI?J to before an officer of
this state authorized to administer oaths, and officially certified to by
such officer under his seal of office. Each person seeking such certificate
shall furnish the Board three bust pictures of himself, one and one-half
by two inches. One of such pictures of .th~ individual receiving the certifi-
cate shall be placed on the certificate issued to him, and the other of
such pictures shall be retained by the Board. Each certificate issued to a
journeyman electrician shall specifY,the name and address of the person to
whom the certificate is issued and the date of the~ssuanc~ thereof, and
shall carry a picture of the registrant together with such other information
as may be deemed necessary by the board.
Each ,applicant before he shall be entitled to registration and the
issuance of a certificate to him, shall have had four years' active and
practical exp~rience,during which four-year period he shall have devoted
not less than two-thirds .of his time, exclusive of normal periods of rest
and recreation, tO,electrical work in general as the term "electrical work"
is defined in Section 2. For the purposes of this requirement a degree or
diploma from an accredited school of electrical engineering shall be con-
sidered as the equivalent of two years' active and practical experience.
. Every holder of such certificate shall wear his certificate upon
or about his person while performing the act which such certificate entitles
him to perf orm.
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Before a registration certificate is granted to any applicant,
and before any registration certificate is renewed, the applicant shall
pay to the assessor and collector of taxes of the City a fee of $1.00.
Section 12. APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN DEFINED : Except as other-
wise provided herein, those persons undertaking "electrical work" as de-
fined in Section 2 of this article, uhder the direct, constant, personal
supervision and control of either a-licensed electrician or a journeyman
electrician, and who have been properly registered with the Electrical
Baord, as hereinafter provided, shall be known as "Apprentice Electricians".
shall undertake any work as an apprentice, as that term has been defined
in Section 12, unless such person shall have first registered with the
electrical board and received his certificate from said board as an
"apprentice electrician". Application for such certificates shall be made
in writing to the electrical board, stating the name and address of the
applicant, and such other relevant information as maybe required by the
electrical board. The applicant for' registration as an apprentice electri-
cian shall furnish with his application a letter from a Master electrician
licensed by the City of West University Place electrical board recommending
the applican~ for registration and also stating that the said licensed
electrician will employ the said applicant as an apprentice electrician.
Each person seeking such a certificate shall furnish the board three bust.
pictures of himself, one and one-half inches by two inches. One of such
pictures of the individual receiving the certificate shall be placed on ,
the certificate issued to him, and'theother of such pictures shall be
retained by the board. Each certificate issued to an apprentice shall
specify the name and address of the person to whom the certificate is issued,
the date of the issuance thereof, the expiration date; shall carry a picture
of the apprentice electrician and such other information as may be deemed
relevant by the electrical board. .
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Before a registration certificate is granted to any applicant and
before any registration certificate is renewed, the applicant shall pay to
the assessor and collector of taxes of the City a fee of $0.50.
Every holder of such apprentice's certificate shall wear his
certificate upon or about his'person 'While performing the acts which such
certificate entitles him to perform.
Section 14. ELECTRICAL SIGN CONTRACToR: The provisions of this
section shall apply to those who undertake the business of manufacture and/
or installation of electric signs and. conductors and equipment for signs
and outline lighting, as defined in the National Electrical Code adopted
in Section 34, of this article, and for inside lighting with high;;..voltage
gas tubes. Any person qualifying Under this section shall be known as an
"electrical sign contractor", and shall not be required to be a master
electrician or maintenance 'electrician.
An "electrical sign contractor" shall be permitted to manufacture, n
install and do such wiring as is required to connect the sign, outline
lighting or inside lighting to an existing circuit or circuits that have
been apprQvedUbythe electrical, insp~ctor f,or connection of the specific
load covered by the permit issued~ Should the available ~ircuit or circuits
not be'adequate for the specific sign and outline ,lighting load to be con-
nected, then a master electrician shall be, employed by the owner or his
agent to install the necessary wiring required to provide the required load
capacity and circuits for the proposed signs and outline lighting. An
electric~l sign contractor shal~ be permitted to ~stall the necessa~y ser-
vice and circuits ,for an isolated ~ignand/or outline lighting installation.
The electrical sign contractor shall employ only properly registered journey-
man electricians and apprentice electricians to performany work requiring
a permit under this article..
For the purposes of this article an isolated sign and/or outline
lighting installation. shall be defined as an installation'in which ne~1}her
the meter nor service supplying such installation" nor any of the sign,
signs, or outline lighting are mounted on.or in anY,building or structure
not a part of said sign, signs, or outline lighting.
As applied in this sec~io~, signs or outline lighting on the ex-
terior of a building must have the circuit or circuits available on the
exterior of the building.
Before anycperson, except a master electrician, shall engage in
, the l;>usiness of "~:J..ec'trical Sign Contractor" he shall' make application to
the Electrical Board for an "Electrical Sign Contractor's Licensen. The
application shall state the name of the per~on who will sign applications
for permits, the business address, the name undeJ;' which business will be
transacted, and such other relevant information as deemed necessary by the
Electrical Board. The annual fee shall by $25.00, and the annual renewal
fee shall be $25.00 Ij.kewise. Electrical Sign Contractor's License shall
expire on December 31 fo~owing date of,issue.The Electrical Sign Con~
tractor will be, under the same regulations otherwise as the master. electri-
All work performed and materials, apparatus, devices, appliances,
fixtures, or equipment used shall conform -with the full requirem~nts of
this Article. Any electric sign built within the City of West University
Place and to be installed within the City shall have a shop inspection
by the City electrical inspector b,eforethe sign is shipped out of the shop.
The shop inspection fee shall be separate from and shall be one-half that
required for signs as specified in ,Section 27. Signs constructed outside
the City shall be supject to the same rules anp. regulations aSJapply to
any other electrical materials. After approval by the electrical inspector,
said iIispector shall attach an approval label or st~p to the, sign. Nothing
in this section shall be construed as preventing a licensed master electrician
from engaging in the business of "Electrica;LSign Contractor", but. said
master electrician shall, otherwise comply with the requirements of this
section as torlilesfor sign work.
Sectionl5.. EXAMINATIONS AND FEES :Reg~ar examinations for
master electricians' licenses, outside electricians' licenses, andmainte-
nance electricians' licenses shall be held monthly. Any applicant for
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master, outside, or maintenance electricians' licenses who shall have
failed an examination the first time shall be allowed to take a second ex-
amination after 45 days. . After the second failure, an applicant for master
electricians' license must wait at least six months for the third examination,
an additional 12 months for the foUrth examination, an additional 18 months
for the-fifth examination and 24 months between any additional examination
after the fifth failure. An examination fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) shall
be charged each applicant for an examination for Master, Outside, or Main-
tenance Electrician's license and such fee shall be paid for each and every
examination taken.
Before a master electrician's license or outside electricians'
license is granted to any'applicarit'Orte Hundred Dollars ($IOO.oo) shall be
p€iid to collector of taxes of the City, and before any expiring license is
renewed, the applicant shall pay to the assessor and collector of taxes of
the City a fee of $25.00. Before a maintenance electrician's license is
granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pay to the assessor and col-
lector of taxes a fee of $5.00 and before any such license is renewed, the
applicant shall pay renewal fee of $1.OO. " -
Each application for renewal of maintenance electricians I license,
journeyman electrician's registration or apprentice electrician's registration
shall be accompanied by one picture of the applicant. Additional pictures
shall be furnished when the applicant for renewalof-~hislicense or !,egis-
tration certificate does not have on file with the Electrical B'oard '. two
specified pictures of himself.
Master Electrician's licenses shall be renewed by the Electrical
Board upon application aricl:payment of the required fee; provided, however,
that no license'which shall hav~ lapsed for as much as six months shall be
renewed except upon re-examination upon the same terms and conditions as
provided for herein, in the case of original examinations.
A duplicate license or registration certificate may be issued
upon request after payment of a fee of 50 cents and furnishing the required
When an applicant for a license or certificate has. complied with the pro-
visions of this article, the Board shall issue a license or certificate to
such applicant forthwith and said license or certificate shall expire on
December 31st following the date of issue or renewal.
or certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this article shall
be assignable or transferable.
No electrical work shall be performed by any person not the holder
of the required license or certificate. No person, firm or corporation
shall employ any other person for doing electrical work unless such person
proposed to be employed is the holder of the proper license or certificate.
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or certificate may, after hearing by the electrical board, be repealed,
revoked or suspended by the electrical board for any of the following
reasons: (a) habitual drunkenness or the use of narcotics; (b) conviction
of a crime involving moral turpitude; (c) adjudication of insanity: (d) fraud
in obtaining a license; ,(e) knowingly viOlating 'on more than one occasion,
any provision of this ordinance or any amendment thereto; (f) defrauding
any person for whom he has rendered or contracted to render service; (d'
securing permit for installation not to beperformed'bypermittee; (h) se-
curing permit under ally pretext for an iristallatioticoncerning which ap-
plicant has no valid contract. (This is interidedto prevent a Master
Electrician from securing a permit for the purpose of evading the spirit
and intent of this ordinance by any simulated scheme, transaction or device.)
dissatisfied with a decision of the 'Electrical board shall have the right
to appeal therefrom tbthe City,Commissionby addressing a letter to the
City Secretary within ten (10) days after the action appealed from, stating
his desire to appeal from such action. Upon receipt of notice of such ap-
peal, the City Commission shall set same down for hearing and the City
-- Secretary shall notify the appellant and also the Chairman of the Electrical
Board of the date of such hearing. The Electrical Board, as well as the
applicant, shall have the right to be heard at the 'appeals above provided
for. Furthermore, the City Commission shall have the right to affirm,
modify or reverse the action of decision complained of. The action of the
City Commission shall be final. If no appeal be taken within the time and
in the manner hereinabove provided, the ruling of the Electrical Board shall
be final. The action of the Electrical Board shall be in all things effective
unless reversed or modified by the>City Commission.
Section 20. CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: One of the electrical
inspectors shall be designated by the City Commission as Chief Electrical
Inspector and such Chief Electrical Inspector shall have direct supervision
of the electrical, inspectors and such clerical employees as maybe assigned
to the electrical inspectors.
The Chief Electrical inspector shall, upon application, cause to be issued
permits for the installation and alteration of electrical wiring, devices,
appliances, fixtures, apparatus and equipment, and certificates of filial
approval therefor, and shall be responsible for inspection of all new elec-
trical installations/and re-inspectionsof all electrical installations,
all as provided in this Chapter. He shall keep complete records of ,all
permits issued, inspections and re-in~pections made, and other official
work performed in accordance with the pro \Tis ion of this article. He shall
also maintain, up to date a file of listed inspected electrical appliance
cards issued by or for Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., which file shall
be accessible for public reference_during regular office hours.
It shall be unlawful. for the electrical inspectors to engage in
the business .of the sale, installation or maintenance of electric wiring,
apparatus,de~ces, appliances, fixtures, or equipment, either directly or
indirectly, and they shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged
in such business in the City, at any time while holding the office of electri-
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cal inspector for the City of West University Place, Texas.
electrical inspector and any of his assistants, and any member of the Electre-
cal Board shall have the right from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. to enter any
building in the discharge of their official duties or for the purpose of
making any inspection, re-inspection or test of the installation of electric
wiring, apparatus,. devices, appliances, fixtures, and elect.rical equipment
contained therein,'and shall have the authoz:ity to cause. the turning off of
all electric currents and to cut or disconnect in cases of emergency any
wire where such el,ectric currents are. dangerous to life or property or
where such wires may interfere with the work of the fire department. The
electrical inspectors and any member of the Electric~l Board are hereby em-
powered in emergencies to disconnect and to order the discontinuance of
electrical service to any electric wiring, apparatus, device, appliance,
fixture or equipment found to be dangerous to life or property because of
, its being defective or defectively installed or otherwise not in conformity
with the provisions of this article until such wiring, apparatus, device,
appliance, fixture, or equipment and its installation has been made safe
as directed by him in conformity with th:i3 article.
The electrical inspectors of the City shall have and are he~eby
given the powers and duties of speci~l policemen while in the actual dis-
charge of their official duties, and shall.be authorized to wear badges as
special policemen; provided, that before being permitted to wear such
badges they shall apply to the Chief of Police for such badge, aI:1d shall
make and have approved the bond required of all police officers of the
City and said bond shall be paid for by the City.
application therefor, be issued to any person employing a maintenance
electrician, as that term is defined in Section 6, for the keeping in safe
repair. of any and all electrical installations, apparatus, and equipment
within the confines of the building or in or on the pr~mises where he is
The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing
to the chief electrical inspector and shall cont~in a description of the
premises on which work is to. be done under the permit and information con-
cerning the type of work to be done on SUCh premises under such permit.
. The fee for said annual permit shall be $12.00 and shall expire
on December 31st of the year in which said permit is issued.
For all moving and relocating of electrical equipment authorized
to be done under the terms and conditions of this article by a maintenance
electrician, such maintenance electrician shall be required to obtain a
permit in accordance with the other provisions of this article pertaining
to permits and inspections.
No person, firm or corporation shall employ any person to do any
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electrical maintenance work, as defined in Section 7, unless employer ob-
tains the above specified annual permit and the proposed employee is the
holder of a valid maintenance electrician's license.
Section 24. PERMITS: No wiring, poles, duct line, guy anchors,
apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for the transmission,
distribution or utilization of electric energy for any purpose shall be in-
stalled within the city limits of the City, nor shall any alteration or ad-
dition be made in any such existing wiring, poles, duct lines, guy anchors,
apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or eq'Qipment without first securing
a permit therefor from the chief electrical inspector, except as stated in
the following paragraphs numbered I to 5, inclusive.
(1) No permit shall be required for replacing fuses or lamps or
the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been
permanently installed for repairs to portable appliances.
(2) No permit shall be required for minor repair work such as re-
pa1r1ng or replacing flush and snap switches, receptacles and lamp sockets,
or minor repairs on permanently connected electrical apparatus, appliances,
fixtures or equipment, or the installation of light globes.
(3) No permit shall be required for poles and guy anchors, for
the installation, maintenance or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus,
-devices, appliances or equipment for telegraph, telephone, signal service
or central station protective service used in conveying signals or intelli-
gence, except where electrical work is. done on the supply or line side of
the Power Switch Board but excluding the Connecting Switch on said Power
Switch Board.
(4) No permit shall be required except for poles and g~y anchors,
for the' installation, maintenance or alteration of electricvtiring, apparatus,
devices, appliances or equipment to be installed by an electric public ser-
vice company for the use of such company in the'generation, transmission,
distribution, sale or utilization of electrical energy. However, an electric
public service company shall not do any wiring .ona customer's premises
other than wiring which is a part of the company's distribution system, in-
eluding metering equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in which
company's transformers are located, nor shall any of its employees do any
work other than that done for said company as hereinbefore provided for,
by virtue of this exemption.
(5) No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary
wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment used by a recognized
school in teaching electricity.
(6) It shall be unlawful for any person to bridge, tamper with
or change from its original installatioIl,except upon the approval of the
chief electrical inspector, and then only ,after a proper permit for alter-
ationhas been issued, any fuse of the plug, cartridge type or link type,
iristalled in panel boards, mainswitches20r switchboards, or.to alter or
change circuit breakers so that the original calibration will be affected
or to tie down or secure any circuit breaker so that it will not function
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prope~. n
No such perm t shall be issued to any person who is not the holder l
of the proper electrician's license or electrical sign contractor's license.
Where no permit is required for the installation or repair of
wiring,-" apparatus:,' den"ces or equipment for the transmission, distribution
or utilization of electric energy for any purpose, the wiring, apparatus,
devices or equipment shall be .installed or repaired in conformity with the
provision of this article.
The application for a permit shall describe the work to be done
and shall be made in writing by a person holding the proper electrician's
license or an Electrical'Sign Contractor's license. The permit when issued
shall be issued to such applicant to cover such work as described and de-
tailed. Any changes or additions must be covered by additional permits
at the time changes are made. The application shall be accompanied by such
plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether
or not the installation as described will be in conformity with the require-
ments of this article.
No such plans, specifications, and schedule shall be submitted
and no such plans, specifications and schedule will be examined under the
, provisions of this article, unless the same are submitte.d by the holder of
'the proper electrician's license or Electrical Sign Contractor's licens~.
If it is found that the installation as.described will in general conform
to the requirements of this article, and if the applicant has complied with
all provisions of the ordinances of the City, a permit for such installation
shall be issued; provided, however, that the issuance of a permit will not
be taken as permission or as a license to violate any of the requirements
of this Chapter or any other ordinance of the City.
On all new installations the permit for electrical work shall be
displayed in a rea~ily accessible location, as directed by the chief electri-
cal inspector, throughout the time such installation as is covered by the
permit is being installed.
On all installations where wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances,
fixtures or equipment are added to previous installations, or where changes
,are made on wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equip-
ment, the permit for such installations or changes shall be delivered to
the one person for whom the installation is to be made or posted on the
building or structure as directed by the chief electrical inspector before
the installation or change is started. 'The chief electrical inspector may
issue and enforce any rules or regulations he may deem necessary covering
the granting of emergency permits, where real emergencies exist.
ETC: No person or public service company that does not operate under a
franchise granted by the City shall have the right to install any electri-
cal conduit, wires , ducts, poles or equipment of any character for the
transmission, distribution or utilization of electric. energy, or for the
operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence on, over or under
I 1
the streets, in the City, without, first obtaining from the City Commission
a franchise l'ight or grant for the particular installation so desired to be
made, and any such installation so made under such franchise or grant shall
be in strict conformity with all rules and regulations and ordinances of the
No such plans, specifications, and schedule shall be submitted
and no such plans,specification~ and schedule will be examined under the
provisions of this article, unless the same are submitted by the holder of
the proper electrician's license'orElectricalSignContractor's license.
If it is found that the installation as described will in general conform
to the requirements of this article, and if the applicant has complied with
all provisions of the ordinances of the City, a permit for such installation
shall be issued; provided, however, that the issuance of a permit will not
be tal,{en as permission or as a license to violate any of the requirements
of thilis Chapter or any other ordinance of the City.
On all new installations the permit for electrical work shall be
displayed in a readily accessible location, as directed by the chief elec-
trical inspector, throughout the time such installation as is covered by
the permit is being installed.
On all installations where wiring, apparatus, devices,,.appliances,
fixtures or equipment are added to previousins~allations, or where changes
are made on wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, ,,,,fixtures or equipment,
the permit for such installations or 'changes shall be delivered to the
one person for whom the installation is to be made or posted on the building
or structure as directed by the chief electrical inspector before the in-
stallation or change is started. The chief electrical inspector may issue
and enforce any rules or regulations he may. deem necessary covering the
granting ofeni~"rgency permits, where real emergencies exist .
No person or public service company that does not operate under a franchise
granted by the City shall have the<right to. install any electrical conduit,
wires, ducts, poles or equipment of any character for the transmission,
distribution or utilization of electric ,energy, or for the operation of
signals or the transmission of intelligence on, OVer or under the streets,
in the City, without first obtaining from the City Commission a franchise
right or grant for the particular installation so desired to be made, an~
any such installation so made undeI'~such franchise or grant shall be in
strict conformity with all rules and regulations and ordinances of the City.
Any installation,of duct tv.be, conduit or wires under the public
streets shall be in accordance with this chapter and other City ordinances
covering the use of public places and streets.
part of a wiring installation.i.s to be hidden from view by the permanent
placement of parts of a building, the licensed electrician or electrical
sign contractor to,whom the permit.has been issued shall notify the chief
electrical inspector, providing that on such installation as the conceal-
ment of parts of the wiring must, in the discretion of the chief electrical
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inspector, or his assistant, necessarily proceed continuously, the licensed
electrician or electrical sign contractor to whom the permit has been issued
shall give the chief electrical inspector due notice and inspection shall
be made periodically during the progress of the work, and where, in the
discretion of the chief electrical inspector or his assistant, it is neces-
sary, he shall post notice upon the premises stating that work is approved
and may be covered, or is not approved and may no,t be covered, until such
further inspection as is necessary has been made. Any person removing,
destroying, al tering or defacing said notice without the consent of the
~hief electrical inspector, or his assistant, shall be deemed guilty of an
offense under this section, and any work described in said notice shall be
stayed pending the further necessary inspection. Upon the completion of
the work which has been authorized by the issuance of a.permit, it shall be
the duty of the licensed electrician, or electr,ical sign contractor to
whom the permit has been issued to immediately notify the chief electrical
inspector, who shall inspect or cause to be inspected, such installation
within three days, exclusive of Sundays and Holidays, of the time such
notice is given.
If the work: is found to be in compliance with~the provisions of
this article, the chief electrical inspector, subject to the other appli-
cable provisions of this article, shall issue a final certificate of approval
to the public utility company furnishing the electrical service or the per-
son supplying the energy, which certification shall authorize connection of
such approved work to the source of energy ,of the electrical service, the
turning on of current and the us'e of the installation. No 'connection shall
be made until such authorization and final certificate is issued.
Section 27. SCHEDULE'OF FEES lOR INSPECTION: The holder of an
electrician's license or electrical sign contractor's license, making or
supervising the installation or alteration of electric wining, apparatus,
devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment, shall pay to the City a fee in
such amount as specified below:
All services . . .
All meter loops . . . .
$1.00 each
$1.00 each
First four (4) lighting outlets are included 'in service and
meter loop fees.
Allover four (4) . '. . . . . . .$.25 each
All light, switch and receptacle openings are classed as
outlets, also bell ringing,transformers.
Fixtures of one circuit or under and combination
coiling fan and light . . . . . . . . . . .$.20 each
Each additional circuit, per fixture . . . . . . .. .25 each
Any current-consuming device permanently attached to an outlet
for illumi~ating purposes shall be classed as a fixture.
Up to but not including l H.P. . . . . . . . . . $ .25 each
t H.P. and less than 2H.P.. . . . .. . . . .1.00 each
2 H.P. and less than 10 H.P. ..... 1.50 each.
10 H.P. and less than 25 H.P. 2.00 each
25 H.P. and less than 100 H.P. . 4.00 each
100 H.P. and less than 150 H.P. .... 5.00 each
150 H.P. and over. . . . . . . . . . .04 per H.P.
The. fee of four cents per horse-power applies to individual
motors rated 150 H.P. and over.
Motor control equipment is included in mo~or fees.
1fuen future motor outlets are installed they shall be charged for
one-half the regular motor rates applying, the other one-half shall be paid
at the time the motors are installed.
Motion picture machines .,.... . .. . . . .. . $1.00 each
Sound equipment, up to 10wa.tts output . . . 5.00 each
Sound equipment 10 watts to 15 watts output. . . 7.50 each
Sound equipment, overl5 watts output . . 10.00each
Electric ranges not over 12,000 watts . .50 each
Electric Water Heaters . . . . .50 each
X-Ray Machines ...... . . . . ... .. 1. 50 each
Incandescent electric:signs. ';. ~".::).!(;... .... . ., I.OOper cir.
Gas or vacuum tube signs ..... . . . . . 1.00, per transformer
Poles, anchors and guy stubs ... . . . . . .. .25 each
Permanent~ connected electric appliances and equipment of any
nature not otherewise specified shall.be charged for as follows:
. . . . . $ .25 each
. . .. .20 per K. W.
.15 perK.W.
.10 per K.W.
at 10F excess, K.W. at.02 per K.W.
Up to oneK.W., Inclusive. . .
Allover I K.W. to 10K.W. ..
All over 10 K.W. to 50 K.W.. .
Allover 50 K.W.to 100 K.W.
Allover 100 K.W. toIOOK.W.
. . . .
Temporary installments, such as work saws, .floorsurfacing
machines, paint spraying apparatus, and the like, shall be charged for at
the rate of Two ($2.00) Dollars per installation, plus the regular service
and Meter loop charges.
Temporary lighting installations shall be charged for at the rate
of Two ($2.00) Dollars per installation, plus the r~gular service and meter
loop charge.
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Additions to old work shall be charged for at the same rate as
The minimum inspection fee shall be Two ($2.00) Dollars.
new work.
On moving and re-Iocating of electrical equipment authorized to
be done bya maintenance electrician and a master electrician for which a
permit fee .is not otherwise provided for in this section" the minimum in-
spection fee shall apply. "
No fee shall be -charged ~or routine re-inspections of electrical
-installations, however, when the inspector is ,required to make additional
trips to the premise as a result of being unable to perform inspection at
time requested, a charge of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) will be made
for such inspection.
Section 28. FAILURE TO PAY INSPECTION FEES': . Upon the failure of
the holder of an electrician's license or electrical sign contractor's li-
cense, within ten days after the final certificate of approval is granted
on the installation or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus, devices,
appliances, fixtures or equipment, to pay the City in full, the fees pro-
vided for in Section 27, the license of such electrician or electrical sign
contractor so failing shall be automatically suspended without action on
the part of the Electrical Board, and shall be of no force and effect, and
said license shall remain -suspended ,and nullified unti:l such time as such
fees are paid.in full~ provided, that no license which shall have been sus- [I'IJ
pended under the terms and provisions of thi!3 section for as much as six
months' time shall be .renewed, except upon re-examination upon the same
term and conditions .as provided for in.the case of original examination.
. The chief ;electz.ical:i:n.specto:v. ol'.hi's',:oassistailt electrical inspectors shall
make, upon information or belief that faulty conditions exist, a thorough
re-inspection-of any electrical-wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances,
fixtures and equipment now installed or that may hereafter be installed
within the City and within the scope of this article, and when the installation
of such wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment is
found to be at variCl;nce with the original permit issued, or to be in a'
dangerous 'or unsa$e-condition; or if it is found.that the electrical
measuring-device has beentampel"ed with so as to create a condition danger-
ous to the continuity'of the electrical service or to life or property, the
person OWning; using or 'operating the same shall,be notified in writing
and shall 'make the necessary repairs or changes_required to place such
wiring, apparatus, devices, and equipment in safe condition so as to en-
tirely relieve the hazards created by such unauthorized conditions, and
shall have such work completed within fifteen days or any reasonably longer
period specified by the chief electrical inspector in said notice.
Section 30. CONNECTION TO INSTALLATIONS: It shall be unlawful
for any person to make connection from a source of electrical energy to
arwelectrical wiring, apparatus" devices, appliance; fixture and equipment 0
for the installation of which a permit is required until a certificate of
approval has been issued by the chief electrical inspector authorizing such
connection and the use of such wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances,
fixtures and equipment.
It shall be unlawful for any person to make connection"from a
source of electrical energy to any electric wiring, apparatus, devices,
appliances, fixtures and equipment which have been disconnected by an
electrical inspector to be discontinued until a certificate of approval
has been issued by the chief electrical inspector as herein provided.
shall be unlawful for any person, in any manner, to interfere with any
electrical wiring installed or being installed in, or on, within or with-
out any structure or building. If in the course of ,erection of a building
or structure the wiring is in such position as to interfere with the .e~
rection or completion of the building or ,structure as called for by the
plans, notice shall immediately be ' given the person installing the wfring
and the needed change shall be made by such person.
persons aggrieved by any action of an electrical inspector may within two
days after such action file a petition in .writing for review of said
action of such electrical inspector with the electrical board by serving
same upon the City Secretary, or leaving same at his office, and thereupon
the electrical board, within fifteen days after date of the 'filing of said
petition, shall hear and determine said appeaL The Board shall have the
right to sustain, modify-or reverse the action of the electrical inspector;
provided, that until such time as the electrical inspector's action is re-
versed or modified by the electrical board, such action shall in all things
be effective. The decision of the electrical board shall be subject to
review by the City COIllmission as provided for in Section 15 hereof.
No certificate of approval shall be issued unless the installation.is in
strict conformity with the provisions of this article, the statutes of
the State of Texas, and the rules and regulations issued by the industrial
commission of the State of Texas under authority of the State statutes.
1949 National Electrical Code, Standard of the National Board of Fire Under-
writers as amended for electric wiring and apparatus as recommended by the
National Fire Protective Association and approved by the American Standards
Association, and the National Electrical Safety Code as approved by the
American Standards Association, being the National Bureau of Standards
Handbook B30 issued, March, 1948, authentic copies of which shall be forth-
with filed with the City Secretary, are hereby adopted as a part of this
chapter and copies att'ached hereto for reference, and shall govern and be
observed and followed in all electrical wiring, and in the construction,
installation, repair, alteration, operation and maintenance of electrical
wiring, apparatus or fixtures, except in so far as they may conflict with
the provisions of th~s chapter.
In case of conflict between the National Electrical Code and The
National Electrical Safety Code, the provisions of the National Electrical
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Code shall prevail.
No electrical materials, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or
equipment shall be sold or installed in the City unless they are in con-
formity with the provisions of this article, the statutes of the State of
Texas and the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Commission
of the State of Texas under authority of the state, statutes. The Maker's
name, trademark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all
electrical materials, apparatus, devices, appliancef?, fixtures and equip-
ment used or installed under this article.
In general, any type of wiring or wiring system may be used in the City
Limits of West University Place, Texas, as approved in the National Codes
adopted in Section 34 of this article, except where specifically pro-
hibited herein.
Armored cable t,yle AC-shall not be used UQder any conditions ex-
cept where it has a lead.sheath, Type AC1, and then shall not be used under-
ground or imbedded in concrete.
Flexible metallic conduit shall not be used except for motor
connections' not over five feet long where flexibility is necessary, except
where longer lengths are necessary for a particular installation to obtain
the flexibility necessary for that installation.
Non-Metallic sheathed, cable or knob and tube Vlork shall be used
only for temporary work or outside of the ],ire Zones, limits of which are
described .in other parts ofOrdinaI,lce No. III & Amendments, and then only
within buildings or structures of frame or frame and veneer construction
where such buildings or structures are designed or ~ed,exclusively for
dwelling occupancies.
All joints in or to branch lighting circuits shall have soldered
connections, or the connections shall be made with an approved solderless
connector and such approved solderless connector shall be of the positive
pressure type only and not of the screw-on or fixture type.
In cold storage vaults, all wiring shall be approved for moist
or wet locations and encased in rigid galvanized conduit; or electrical
metallic tubing. All equipment shall be of the vapor-proof equipment.
Other equipment shall be approved as being suitable for use under the
conditions under which it will be used.
Open wiring is approved only for tempor~ry work, and in central
stations, sub-stations, transformer.v.aults and at switchboards. Elsewhere
than in central stations and sub-stalt-ions, all circuits operating at more
than 600 volts shall enter bui~dings or., structures in conduit run under-
ground or extended overhead from another. structure.
All sockets within 8 feet of earth of:earth or grounded surfaces,
such as floors of conducting material, bathroom fixtures, kitchen sinks or
other grounded surfaces, shall be controlled by a wall switch or wall
s~thces which shall be fulIy:finsulated from the operator.
All services.and interior feed~rs'shall be installed in rigid
metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing, except" that underground
services or feeders maybe run in approved duct encased in at least 2
inches of concrete and except that overhead services or feeders may be
run inapprovedbusways. Overhead services or feeders run between two
buildings within six feet of each other shall be run in rigid metal con~
duit, electrical meta.llictubingorapproved'busways. . Where underground
services or feeders are run in approved duct, a continuous grounding wire
or cable shall be installed in this duct from metal to metal to make a
continuous ground and the minimum size of this wire or cable shall be that
required for grounding. the alterna,ting-current. circuits ~nd service equip-
ment or interior raceway and equipment, as the case may be. Where duct
is used, it shall in no case be smaller than two inches inside diameter.
Where duct is used, it sh~ll be buried at least eig1].teen inches below the
ground surface. The portion of the service ahead of the meter cabinet
shall not be run through attic spaces. Where conduit fittings are used
ahead of meter cabinets, .same shall be sealable type and shall be plainly
The National Electrical Code Rules adopted in Section 34 of this
article shall be modified to the extent that on services, of not over 600
volts between conductors no service disconnects or over current devices
will be required ahead of the meters. In a multiple occupancy building
using multiple metering, each set of service entrance conductors shall be
limited to six sets of service disconnects and over current devices except
that where the'number of meters exceeds 6, a single main service dis-
connect and set of overcurrent devices shall be provided for each meter.
Service disconnect switches must be of the externally operable
All distribution cabinets must 'be of the dead front type with wiring
All service and branch circuits over current protective devices
rated at thirty.amperes or less, are to be,equipped with automatic over-
curren t protective elements which are definite and cannot readily be
changed from one rating to another.
Where meters are installed in inaccessible pla~~sr;:iJl.houses or
buildings and the. electric public services company desires to relocate
sa.id meter loops for convenience in the rendering of its service, it may,
upon request to the chief electrical inspector, have a licensed electri-
cian re-installmeter loops toa point where the same would be located if
the house or building were having a new system of wiring installed, and all
su.ch work so done at the request of the electric public service company
shall be performed without cost to the owner; unless said re-location is
the result of said wiring having been condemned by the chief electrical
inspector for practices in violation of the ordinances of the City of West
University Place.
The meter cabinets and electrical metering equipment, through
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which service is rendered by the'electric'ptiblic-service company-to do-
mestic establishments and buildings conibining domestic" establishments wi th
commercial or industrial usage, 'shall be installed whe~e readily accessible
on the exterior of the building. Fire-proof meter cabinets or meter
sockets shall be supplied by the electric public service company and in-
stalled by the electrician performing the work, said meter cabinets ,to be
located so the center of the opening for the meter dial shall not be less
than five feet nor more than siX feet above mean -ground level, and to be
readily accessible to the electric public service company service. On
apartment buildings; where space limitations wili not permit"placing all
meters at the same height, they may be arranged in two tiers, with the
openings for the meter dials in lower tier as near as practicable to five
feet above mean'ground level and second tier placed as near as practicable
above the first. Where space limitations will not permit"placing of meter
cabinets as outlined above, the electric public service company, subject
to the approval of the City Electrical Inspector, may determine the ar-
rangement to be used.. All service outlets shall be located so as to per-
mit placing the electric public service company's service,wires on the
wall of the building next to the su.pply..
The electric public service company shall never require the
placing of meter on the front or street side of a building, without the
written consent of the oWner, and where not practical in the opinion of
the Chief Electrical Inspector to place metering deVices on the exterior
of the building said location shall be at a point, or points, convenient
to the electric public'service company's' service as determined by the
Chief Electrical Inspector.
The point of attachment of service drop conductors shall be at
the highest practical point but in no instance less than 10 feet or more
than 25 feet above mean ground level unless a greater height is necessar,y
to obtain the required clearances;, except on buildings not high enough to
permit a point of attachment at least 10 feet above mean ground level, the
point of attachment shall be as high as possible but not less than,B feet
above mean ground level with no exposed conductor within B feet of the
ground.. Minimum height of the service head shall be B-I/2 feet and the
point of service drop attachment shall in general be six inches below the
service head. .
Service disconnecting means shall be located so that the height
to the oenter-of the operating handle shall be not less than four feet
nor more t~an six feet above the floor or finish grade.
Service switChes and other electrical equipment installed on the
exterior of a building or outside any building shall be considered as
being exposed to the weattler and all switches and equipment shall be of a
type approved for the prevailing conditions. Switches and equipment in-
stalled on the outside of the building in a recess in the outside wall and
covered by a door as a part of the building structure shall be considered
as being on the exterior of the building but not exposed to the weather.
Service conduit for any occupancy shall be not less than one
inch size. \
! \
In unfinished/attics or roof spaces all knob and tube and non-
metallic sheathed . cable and armored lead cable wiring shall be run through
bored holes in joints and studs, wh~re head clearance between top of joists
and bottom of rafters is 3 feet or more. When clearance is less than 3
feet, non-metallic sheathed cable and armored lead cable may be run on top
of the joists.
Section 37: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: For the purpose of this article,
the distribution system of any person, firm, or corpora,tion furnishing
electric power shallnl,):i:; extend to any property which such person, firm,
or corporation does not own in fee simple or control by easement.
Section 38: LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES: This article shall not be
construed to relieve from or lessen, the responsibility of aIiyparty owning,
operating orcontr,olling any electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliance,
fixtures, or equipment for damages toper~on or property caused by an de-
fect therein, nor shall the City be held as assuming by this article any
such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or the certifi-
cates of approval issued as herein pro-rlded, or otherwise.
Section 39: PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF CHAPTER: Any person or his
agent violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon con-
viction thereof where no other penalty ispI'ovided,be fined not less than
Ten Dollars nor more than Two Huridred Dollars for each offense and this
penalty shall be cumulative of any other provision of this ordinance rela-
tive to revocation, suspension, or cancellation'of licenses issued hereunder.
Each days v;i.olation of any provision of this ordinance shall be
considered a separate offense and shall be punishable accordingly.
All licenses presently in effect under the provisions of Ordinance
169 as amended of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be valid
through December 31, 1950.
Section B~ .REPEALING CLAUSE: All ordinances or pari;.sof ordi":'
nances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the exte~t of
such conflict only.
Section C~ This ordinance shall take effect immediately on the
23rd day of October, 1950.
/ ,CITY . ,