HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 497 - ORD Finding & Determining Proceeding, Prerequiste to the Execution of the Contract for Paving and Improving 4200 & 4200 Blocks of Leigh Street 27a~ .~;. -,'~::"'. l ORDINANCE NO. 497 ! I j AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT F OR THE PAVING AND IM- PROVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: hlOO AND 4200 BLOCKS OF LEHIGH STREET; , 4100 AND 4200 BLOCKS OF DARTMOUTH STREET; 3800 BLOCK OF SWARTHMORE STREET; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED F OR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETSrACCEPTING THE BID OF J. L. WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE CON- TRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPRO- VAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACTORfS BONDS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED; APPROVING SAID CONTRACT, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERSIT!_t.~,E!" TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ,', ' ,'..:', , 'I I WHEREAS, by its Ordinance No. ,.?:t~,~.;l!",",~llly and regularly passed and approved Apr.il 11, 19h9, the City CommiSSion of the City of West University Place, Texas, determined the necessity for and ordered the permanent improvement of portions of the, 4109 Block of Lehigh Street I ' and portions of the 4100 Block of Dartmouth Street, constituting three separate and segregated sections, more particu~arly described in said ordinance, all in accordance with plans and specifications therein ap- proved and adopted; and WHEREAS;, by Ordinance No. 489 ,~'~illy"and regularly passed and approved November Ih, -1949, said City Commission determined the neces- sity for and ordered the improvement of certaj,n portions of the 4200 Block of Dartmouth Street and certain portions of the hlOO and 4200, Blocks of Lehigh Street and portions of~the3800 Blo~k of Swarthmore Street, constituting six separate segregated,sections~ more particularly described in said ordinance, all in accordance with plans and specifi- cat~~ns tnerein approved and adopted; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and Ordinance No. h90 duly and regularly passed and approved Noirember Ih, 1949 advertisement for bids was made in full compliance with all requirements of law and the Charter and ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas; and pursuant thereto sealed bids were duly and legally received upon . ' the date and at the time stated in said advertisement therefor, and having been duly and legally received, publicly opened and read aloud . 1 .. ':I. " I JJI "" tj'" ."'..{ /'V,., :J' ~l I -.;;., I..:, om'" ..1: ~.,;",-"i'?--i:" . . .",.h1'" f'" ~..... ip a public meeting of the City Commission of the City of West Uniyersity Place, Texas, were referred to the Engineer for said City for tabulation, report and recommendation; and o WHEREAS, it appears from the tabulation, report and recommen- dation of Irving L. Peabody, Erlgineer for the City of West University Place, Texas, which report and recommen~~;t...;!;Qp..Js hereby approved and adopted, that J. L. Williams Construction Co." Inc. is the lowest re- sponsible bidder and that its bid (for all of the work theretofore or- dered, save and except segregated SectiQr,L~,R!,...l, in said April 11, 19h9 ordinance, which portion of the 4100 Block of Lehigh Street had mean- while been paved by pri va te contract with the approval of the City) in the sum of $5,304.80 is the lowest secure bid received for such improve- ments; and that the Engineer has estimated the Cityts part of the cost of the paving and improving of said streets; and WHEREAS, said J. L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. has exe- cuted and filed good and sufficient performance and maintenance bonds with proper surety, as required by the City Charter" and has duly and regularly executed a contract for the perf'orniance of the work of paving and improVing said portions of said streets, 'providing, among other things, for reinforced concrete, as heretofore4Etermined upon by the City Commission, and is entitled to a contract from the City of West University Place, Texas therefor; and WHEREAS, pursuant to certificate byt~e City Treasurer duly and legally made as to the availability of ,funds, the City Commission has heretofore by Ordinance, duly and legally passed, made appropriation from the fund to the credit of Street Impr9vement Bonds, Series 1948, in the City Treasury to pay the Cityt s PJP;1;.,g,:t the cost of paving and improving said portions of said streets ; JW1f{", , THEREFORE, IJ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST' UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, does hereby find and determine that each of the steps and.proceedings hereinabove mentioned have been duly. and legally taken and performed in full compliance with ~}.he law and Charter and ordi- nances of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, and that all pro- visions and requirements of the law and of said Charter and ordinances prerequisite to the letting and executiQ!L.R.f,;,9.c valid Contract for the street improvements herein mentioned have been met and fully complied with. Section 2. That the report and recommendation of Irving L. Peabody, Engineer for the City of West University Place, Texas, on the bids received December 2, 1949, for the paving and improving of the hereinafter stated portions of the streets named is hereby approved and adopted. Section 3. That the lowest Secure bid received for the paving and improving of the streets hereinafter named and within the limits o 237 \ stated is the sum of $5,304.80 submitted by J. L. Williams Construction Co., Inc., which is h~reby found and determined to be the lowest responsi- ble bidder on said improvements, and said bid is hereby accepted. Section h. That the contract for the paving and improving of: Section No.2-A: The North one-half of Lehigh Street (in the 4100 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 14 to the West line of Lot 15 in Blbck 20, College Court Addition (being Section No.2 in said April 11, 19h9 ordinance); \ Section No.3-A: The South onei-half of DartmOl th Street (in the 4100 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 8 to the West line of Lot 7 in Block 19, College Court Addition (being Section No.3 in said April 11, 19h9 ordinance); and Section No.1: North one-half of DARTMOUTH STREET (in the 4200 block thereof) from the,East line of Lot 23 to the West line of Lot 23 in Block 9, College Court Place Ad- dU ion; and ~ I ! Section No.2: The South one-half of DARTMOUTH STREET (in the 4200 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 13 to the West line of Lot 13 in Block 8, College Court Place Addi ti on; and Section No. : The South one-half of LEHIGH STREET (in the 100 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 2 to the West line of , Lot 2, in Block 21, College Court Place Addition; and Section No. h: The South one-half of LEHIGH STREET (in the 4200 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 9 to the West line of Lot, 9, in Block 6, College Court Place Ad- dition; and / Section No. I): The North one-half of SWARTHMORE STREET (in the 3800 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 16 to the West line of Lot 17 in Block 15, Collegev~ew First Addition; ','..,' . ....n..'C" ".,.'v.: Section No.6: The North one-half of SWARTHMORE STREET (in the 3800 block thereof) from the East line of Lot. 12 to the West line of Lot 12 in Block 15, Collegeview First Addition; I i I all in said City of West University Place, Texas, 'and each of which sections constitutes separate, segregated, independent and unrelated sections as set forth in the above mentioned ordinances and in said con- tract, is hereby awarded to J. L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. Section 5. That the performance and maintenance bonds pre- "J::J!':!::rrrr-- -. - -.:-.~ I. :. '-Z '~'8, ' ; sented by the said J.,L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. with U. S. Fi- deli ty and Guaranty Co. as Surety, having been examined, are hereby ap- proved and accepted; and the Mayor of the City of West University Place is hereby authorized to approve and accept said bonds on behalf of the City. Section 6. That said J. L. Willia~~ Construction Co., Inc., , having heretofore executed a contract for making the improvements here- tofore ordered by the City Commission, and said contract having been ex- amined, is hereby in all things approved; and the Mayor and City Secre- tary are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract for, and on behalf of, and in the name of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 7. The fact that the portions of the streets herein- before stated are in need of improvement as~romptly as possible creates a public emergency, and, therefore, this ordinance sha~l be passed fi- nally on the date of its introduction this the 23+0. day of January, 1950, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this the 23rd day of January, 1950. Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, fIolrnan,.Terry;and Mayor Lanmon voting aye. None - voting no. Approved this the 23rd'day of January, 1950. ATTEST: ~ ,n 1_-, II LJ ,/l u