HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 496 - ORD Appropriating $500 Improvement Bonds Series 1948 233 ORDINANCE NO. h96 I ----- AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: 4100 and h200 BLOCKS OF LEHIGH STREET; hlOO and 4200 BLOCKS OF DARTMOUTH STREET; 3800 BLOCK OF SWARTHMORE STREET; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. VlffiEREAS, the City Treasurer has duly and regularly in accord- ance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, certified to the City Commission that there is in the City Treasury to the credit of the Street Improvement Bonds Series 1948 the sum of $500.00 which has not been already appropriated for any other purpos~ and which is now available for appropriation by the City Com- mission; and which sum is sufficient to pay the City's portion of the cost of paving and improving certain streets in the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, hereinabove and hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREF ORE, ~ I BE IT~ ORDAINED BY THE CITY COl.lJMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: i ----- Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of the fund to the credit of Street Improvement Bonds Series 1948 in the City Treasury the sum of $500.00 to pay the City's portion of the cost of paving and improving: Section No.2-A: The North one-half of Lehigh Street (in the 4100 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 14 to the West line of Lot 15 in Block 20, College Court Addition (being Section No. 2 in said April 11, 1949 ordinance); Section No.3-A: The South one-half of DARTMOUTH STREET (in the 4100 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 8 to the West line of Lot 7 in Block 19, College Court Additi,an (being Section No. 3 in said April 11, 1949 ordinance); and Section No.1: North one-half of DARTMOUTH STREET (in the 4200 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 23 to the West line of Lot 23 in Block 9, College Court Place Addition; and . I I Section No.2: The South one-half of DARTMOUTH STREET (in the 4200 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 13 to the West line of Lot 13 in Block 8, College Court . l' ... 1111 .L1 ' r... I, z - ~ 0'" jy~" Place Addition; and :] Section No. '3: The South one-half of LEHIGH STREET (in the 4100 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 2 to the West line of Lot 2, in Block 21, College Court Place Addition; and Section No.' h: ,!,he South one-half of LEHIGH STREET (in the 4200 block thereof) from the East line of Lot 9' to the West line of Lot 9, in Block 6, College Court Place Addi tion; and , Section No. c;: The North one-half of SWARTHMORE STREET (in the 3800 block thereof) ,from the East line of Lot 16 to the West line of Lot 17 in Block 15, Collegeview First Addition; Section No.6: The North one-half of SWARTHM:ORE STREET (in the 3800 block thereof) from the East,line of Lot 12 to the West line of Lot 12 in Block 15, Collegeview First Addition; on which improvements bids were received Decemper 2,19h9;'and the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to draw warrant or war- rants against said fund ~ereby, appropriated to the extent of said sum or such portion or portions thereof as may be necessary to pay and dis- charge the obligations of the City of West University Place, Texas, chargeab~e thereto.' ' ] Sectjon 2. The fact that the portions of the streets here- inabove defined are in need of improvement ,as ,promptly as possible creates a public emergency and therefore this ordinance sha~l be passed Lnally on the date of its introduction, this 23rd day of January, 1950, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. ' PASSED this 23rd day of January, 1950. APPROVED this 23rd day of January, 1950. ATTEST: /~ etary J