HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 490 - ORD Directing The City Secretary to Advertise fro BIDS 1'1'1 I - - 1 r~--.::-......J.:~. ~ 16' ORDTNANCE NO. ),90 AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETA-BY TO ADVERTISE FOR- BIDS II] FOR THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF PORTIONS OF THE hlOO BLOCK OF LEHIGH. STREET AND' OF THE 4100 BLOCK OF DARTMOUTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN ACCORD~NCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE ADOPTED THEREFOR BY ORDINANCE OF APRIL 11, 19h9; SAID' BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME HEREIN PROVIDED; DIRECTING THAT THE ADVERTISEl..iTENT FOR SUCH BIDS BE INCORPORATED IN AND WITH THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE IMPROVE- MEJ.'JT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE.4200 BLOCK OF DARTMOUTH STREET, THE 4100 Al'JD 4200 BLOCKS, OF LEHIGH STREET AND THE 3800 BLOCK, OF SWARTH- MORE STREET ORDERED IMPROVED BY ORDINANCE OF NOVEMBER Ih, 19h9; AND THAT SAID PORTIONS OF THE 4100 BLOCKS OF LEHIGH AND DARTMOUTH STREET BE INCORPORATED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH REFERENCE TO ,SAID PORTIONS OF DARTMOUTH, LEHIGH AND SWARTHMORE STREETS LAST MENTIONED, AS ADDITIONAL SEGREGATED SECTIONS OF WORK TO BE COVERED THEREBY, AND DECLARINGAN' m.:rERGENCY. , WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. h56, duly and regularly pas~ed April 11, 19h9; the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, de- termined the necessity for, and ordered the permanent improvement of, portions oft-he-North one;"half of Lehigh Street in the 4100 bloc~ thereof, on -which Lots 9, 14 ~nd 15 in ,Block 20, College Court Place Addition abut, and of a portion of the South one-half of Dartmouth Street in the 4100 block thereof, on which Lots 7 and 8 in Block 19, College Court Place Addition abut, con- , stituting three separate and segregated sections, more particularly described ] in said ordinance, all in accordance with plans and specifications therein approved and adopted; but no contract has yet been let nor bids received for ' said work; a~d , WHEREAS, by its Ordinance No. 489 duly and regularly passed November 14, 19h9the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, de- termined the necessity for, and ordered the improvement of, certain portions of the 4200 block of De~tmouth Street, and of the 4100 and 4200 blocks of Lehigh Street, and of the 3800 block of Swarthmore Street, constituting six separate and segregated sections, more particularly described in said Ordi- nance No. h89, all in accordance with plans and specifications therein ap- proved and adopted; and has directed the advertisement for bids for said work; and 'WHEREAS, the City Commission finds and deems it advisable to advertise for and receive Sealed bids for each of said improvements at the same time and to incorporate each of such improvements in the same contract documents and transactions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . Section 1. The City Secretary is hereby 'directed to advertise for sealed bids for the work and improvement on and of the above mentioned portions of the 4100 blocks of Lehigh and Dartmouth Streets as described in said ordinance of April 11, 1949, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor heretofore adopted and approved; that the bids may be received by and II 'J ~ I i _I I, ! i 217 - filed with the City Secretary at or before 7:30 o'clock P.M. December 2, 1949. Section 2. That the advertisement for bids for said work mentioned in Section 1 ,hereof shall be incorporated in and with the advertisement for bids for the improvement of those certain portions of Dartmouth, Lehigh and Swarthmore Streets ordered improved by Ordinance No. 489 of November 14, 1949; and that the bids on each of said improvements be received and filed at the saine time. Section 3. That the work and improvements with reference to said portions of Lehigh a~d Dartmouth Streets mentioned in Section 1 hereof shall be incorporated in the same contract documents concerning the work and im- provement of those portions of Dartmouth, Lehigh and Swarthmore Streets des- cribed in Ordinance No. 489, and as further separate and segregated sections in said contract, each and all of which sections shall be separate and dis- tinct units wholly unrelated and independent of each other section. Section 4. The fact that each of the portions of the respective streets hereinabove mentioned are in need of improvement as promptly as pos- sible creates a public emergency, and therefore this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction this 14th day of November, 1949, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this Ihth day of November, 19h9. Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman, Terry and Mayor Lanmon voting aye. - Commissioners - none voting no. APPROVED this 14th day of November, 1949. University ATTEST: ~~ City s.,c . . . .