HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 471 - ORD Appropriating $686.14 from Street Improvment Bond Fund Series 1948 in the City Treasure l..LllIl II" I.. - '.. l /jO ORDINANCE NO. L.71 --------, AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $686.14 OUT OF THE"FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 19h8 IN THE CITY ,TRE!SURY TO PAY THE CITY'S AGREED CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE COST OF'STREET IlR'ROVEMENTS ON ACADEMY STREET UNDER DIRECT CONTRACTS BE- TWEEN THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTY OWNERS AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CON- TR4.CTOR, NOT COVERED BY PRIOR APPROPRIATIONS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. '--..-._--) WHEREAS, certain appropriations have heretofore been made by Ordinances No. 412 and 443 for the purpose of paying the City's agreed contribution to and for the respective lots abutting on Academy Street South of University Boulevard, to be paid and disbursed under' certain conditions as specified in Ordinance No. 413 of October 8, 1948; and 'WHEREAS, additional portions of'Academy Street South of University Boulevard and not covered by said prior appropriations have since been paved under direct contracts between the respeptive property owners and Brogan & Williams, Contractor, and an additional sum is required to pay the City's agreed contribution, together with certain expenses; NOW, THEREFORE, BRIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of the fund to the credit of Street Improvement Bonds, ::Series 1948 in the City Treasury the sum of $686~14 to pay the City's aggregate contribution to the cost of the ini.provements on Academy Street abutting Lots' 10,11 and 118, all in Fair- haven Addition South of University Boulevard, together with the expenses to the City thereon, as hereinafter mentioned. ! i I_-.-J Section 2~ The Mayor and'. City Treasurer ar.e hereby authorized to draw warrants against said fund so appropriated as may be necessary to sepa- rately pay and discharge the obligations of the City in the amount of its specified contributions to and for said respective abutting properties entitled to contribution under the terms and conditions of said Ordinance No. 413; and. to pay the expenses of the City in connection therewith approved by the Mayor and the City Secretary; said payments being as follows, to-wit: To Brogan & Williams, Contractor, Lots 10, 11 and 118, Fairhaven Addition. - - - - - - - - - - - - $615.96; 70.18. To Henry J. Johnson, Engineer - - - - - - - - - Section 3. The fact that the improvements on said Academy Street abutting said lots have been completed and said additional contributions by the City are due creates a public emergency and therefore this ordinance shall be passed finally on the day of ,its introduction, this the 27th day of June, 1949, and shall take effeqt immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. ' 'I PASSED this 27th day of June, 1949. I ~ -, 18J APPROVED this 27th day of June, 1949. ATTEST: ~~.-~ . 'I ,.Oi., ,tary ',,' ~ ... ,---' j'l....:...L.I