HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 444 - ORD Setting Schedule Rates to be Charged for Water Delivery :JT'""""TI1 ~ ..,... , ,.--- I: I. . H....r.. ~ 1 ..=1 fl;8 J' " ~~ ORDTNA-JlTr.E' NO_ J,I,J1 ..' . . 6. AN ORDINANCE SETTIl~G THE SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR WATER DELIVERED TO jSERS BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITYPIACE 'INSIDE OR-buTSIDE THE CITY OF ,\i'ffiST:UNlVERSITY PL.A.CE, AND SETTING,' UP .PROVISIONS FOR THE COLLECTION OF ALL DELINQUENT WATER ACCOUNTS AND THE FURNISHING OF SERVICE IN CONNECTION THERElJIlITH. IT LL WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has been furnishing and selling water to residents or persons do~g business inside or outside the corporate limits of the City. of West University Place without the benefit of an::: 'OI"dihance setting up the schedules. of ,fees or rates to be cl;1arged such users b~ wate~; and, WHEREAS, 'there have been .no provisions set up by Ordinance for the. collection of delinquent water accounts, and the City Commission of the City of West University Place is desirous of setting up an Ordinance clearly defining the water rate schedules to be applied, first, to the users of water residing and doing business within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, and second, to those users residing or doing business outside the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, and third, is d~siro~ of setting up/such Ordinance provisions as are necessary to co~lect all de- linquent water accounts and to control and handle the extending of water service privileges to persons who have delinquent water accounts shown on the books of ,the City of West University Place. BE IT 'ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION .OF THE CITY OF WJ):ST UNIVERSITY PLACE: ,---, Section 1: That beginn~~g on 1he'lst day. of January, 1949, the following schedule of water rates shall apply and be effective, used, and followed in connection with the water, used by, and the billing to, water users, residing or, doing business within the, corporate limits of the City of West University Place: MinimumCharge:-$l.OO for ,the first four thousand (4000) gallo~s) ,$.2.5 for the next one ,thousand" (1000). gallons; , "$.20 per thousand gallons for the next five thousand (5000) gallons; $.15 per thousand gallons of water used over ten thousand (10,000). gallons. ' By the .terrn"Minimum Charge" is meant the minimum charge of $1.00. , will be charged every water user, whether 'such user uses one to fo'ur thousand, gallons. A discount of ten per cent (10%) will be given on all charges made for water metered to water users, if water bill is paid within ten days from date of billing' at the City Hall of the City of West Univ.ersity Place, or if water ,user has mailed check or money order to cover such bill, postmarked within ten days from, the dat~ of bill, and properly addressed and with sufficient postage to the City of West University Place. ".. Section 2 : Where water user tenders cash or check or money order Ui after ten day discount time, in discounted sum, such payment will be accepted only as a credit 9n the total water bill, and the balance due will be added to the next month's pill, and such unpaid portion of water user's previous bill , .~ . , /1 119: will be brought fo~vardandwill not be subject to ten per cent, (10%) o.i~- count' on current water bill. I ~ Section 3: The' schedule of rates applicable ,to water, users, residing or doi~g business outside the corporate limits of the City of West Uniyersity Place will be, after the 1st day of January, 1949, as follows: Minimum Charge: $1.50 for fi~e thousand (5000) gallons; $.25 for each additional one thousand gallons above five thou~and (5000) gallons. No discount on such bill will be allowed. Section 4: There will be Ira- deviation in the billing of ' water metered to water, users inside or outside of the corporate limits of the City of West University Place from the water rate schedules set out in Sections 1, 2,: and 3, except on direct authorization. of the City .Commission of the Ci ty of We$t University Place by Resolution duly passed. and recorded in the Minutes of the. City of West University Place. Section 5: Bills rendered or sent to water users inside of the cor,porate limits of the City of West University Place will become delinquent if,not paid by the water user within thirty (30) days from the date stamped on the bill rendered. Section 6: Bills rendered or sent to water users outside of the _ corporate limits of the City of West University Place will become delinquent if not paidb:v the water user by the last day of the month in which the bill is 'rendered or sent. Section 7: Where the water bills shown upon 'the- books of the Ci ty of West University Place of any water user residing inside or outside the City of West University Place is delinquent for such amount and for such time as to exceed water user's $5.00 water deposit made with the City of West University Place at the time of applying for and securing water service, such water user will. be notified by regular mail by the City'Treasurer to the address shown upon the books of the City of West University Place of such delinquency, and such water user still having failed tu pay such water bill within ten (10) days from the date of the mailing of such delinquent water notice, such wlater service shall be 'discontinued without further notice, aric:iwater'user's.-$5.00 water deposit will be applied at once to the payment of such delinque~:bill, an~ if such deposit of $$.00 is not sufficient to discharge and pay off such delinquent water bill, such water user will then be billed for such excess amount,of delinquent bill remaining after the application of $5.00 water de- posi t. Section 8: Any water user whose water service has been discontinued may not again have water service ~ithout the payment of all delinquent water , bills and the payment of service charge of $1.00, and water deposit of $5~00. Section 9: Where applicant or water user has outstanding delinquent water account or accounts shown by the records of the City of West University Place eoveringwater service given or furnished by the City of West University Place at any address inside or outside of the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, and such account or accounts remain delinquent at the time--applicant applies for water service at some other or additional address, 1,120, ~ ,~ ]E;:.I. "I. .;, ,.;1 Section];1.: Under the emergency, referred to, it is necessary that this Ordinance be promptly enacted ana. made effective on the 1st day of January, 1949, so that the water billing under the rates (schedules hereinbefore set out can be used and followed in connection,with the billing of the water users ,for the month beginning February 1st, 1949. Hence this Ordinance becomes effective on the' 1st day of January, 1949. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of January, 1949, by a vote of, 5 AYES and 0 NOES. ATTEST: ~... "'~' .:Cl orotary ...... . .. ,j l~~ '>",,~ ~: ~~ J