HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 378 - ORD Approving & Adopting the Report and Recommendation of the Engineer 153; I' u ORDINANCE NO. 378 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETEmttNING THAT ALL PROOEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN lW), AND ALL THINGS rom: PREREffUISITE TO THE EXECUTIONaF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND DIPROVING OF: ,~-- " ' STREET IN'l'ERSECTIO~ ON ACA1.'JEl.ff ~TREET' FROlf THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF UNIVERsITY BOUIEVARD TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINEOF' RICHMDNDRDAD, " APPROvING AND AroPl'ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER, ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAm PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPrING THE 'Bm OF BROGAN & WILLIAMS AS. THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THEIDWEST RESPONSIBLEBlI4l~, AND AWARDING TO IT THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAYING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID S~S: APFROVnm AN>> ACCEPl'ING AND AurIDRIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPl'ANCE OF THE,PERFomwroEBOND AND VAINl'ENANCE OOND INCOJNNECTION WITH SAm, DlPROVEMENT; FINDOO THAT SAID ,CONTRACTOR ,HAS PROPERL! EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVElIENTS ORDEftED ~ APPROVING SAID CONTRACT, AND AUfHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION, THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHAIF aF THE crTY OF WEST UNIVERSITYPLA.CE,TEXAB, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' WHEREAS, the City Ool1llli.ssion of the City of West University , Place, Texas, has heretoforee detennined the necessity for and ordered the pennanentimprovement of certain street intersections in, the City of West University Place, Texas~ in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by: the engineer for said City and approved by the City Comnission; and WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids made in full compliance with all requirements, of law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, sealed bids were duly and legalq , received upon the date and at the time stated in said advertis~enttherefor, and having been dUly and leg~ received, 'publicly, opened and,read aloud in a public meeting of thee City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas,were referred tot!ie eng:i.neer for said ci.ty for tabulation, 'report. and recommendation; and' , WHEREAS , it appears from the tabulation, report and recommenda- tion of Hemy J. Johnson, engineer for the City of West Upitrersity_ Place" Texas" which report and recollDllendation is hereby' app~ved anda.d.opted, that Brogan & Williams, ,is ,the lowest responsible bidder and'that its bid,,' in the sum of $9,,390..00 is the lowest seoure bid received for such improvements; and , , WHEREAS, said Brogan & Williams has executed and filed good and' sufficient perfo~ance and maintenance bonds "With proper surety, as requiredby'the City ChArter, and has duly and regularly-executed a contract for the perfonnance of the _rlc of paving and improving said portions of said streets, providing, amoung other things, fo,r concre~ with bar:reinforcement, as heretoforedetennined upon by-the City Commission, and is entitled to a contract/from the C'ity of West lJni.versity Place, Texas, therefore; ~ ':WHrmE:A.S,;o;PUrsuant 'to certificate by the Oity Treasurer duly and legally made as to the availability of, funds, the City Commission has, lleretofore by Ordi.na.nce" duly and legally' passed, made appropriation from the fUnd to the credit of Street Paving and Bridge 'Bonds, 1946,. in the City Treasury to _pay the ~st of paving and improving saidport.ioDs of said streets; I' '-1 - .".. I" II JJ I t 1 ,I 154 NOW, THEREFORE: ii' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: w ,Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place" Texas, does hereby find and determine that each of the steps and proceedings hereinabove mentioned have been duly and legally taken and per- formed in full compliance with the law and Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, and that all provisions and requirements of the laW and of said Charter and Ordinances prerequisite to the lettmng and execution of a,valid contract for the street improvements herein mentioned have been met and fully complied with. Section 2. That the report and recommendation of HenryJ. Johnson, engineer for the City of West University Place, Texas, on the l!id~ received May 3rd, 1948, for the paving and improving of t.he hereinafter stated portions of the streets named is hereby liPprovedand adopted. Section 3. That the lowest secUre bid received for the paving and improving of the portions of the streets hereinafter named and within the limits stated is the sum of $9,390.00, submitted by'Erogan & Williams, which is hereby found and determined to be, the lowest responsible b~dder on said improvements, and said bid is hereby accepted. Section 4. That the contract for the pavin~ and. i~roving of: Street intersections on A6.ADEMJ STREET from the north property line of, UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD to the south property line of RICHMOND ROAD, II , I' , , ~1 is hereby awarded to the said Brogan & Williams. . . . . . ~ Section 5. That the performance, and maintenance bonds presented by the said firogan & Williams with ,Anchor Cal;lualtyCO. as' surety, having been examined, are hereby approved and accepte<1; ,and tne Mayor of the City of West Universi~ Place is hereby authorized to approve a~d accept said bonds on behalf of the City. ' , Section 6. That said Brogan & Williams, having heretofore executed a contract for making the improvements heretofore ordered by' the City Commission, and 'said contract having been examined, is hereby in all things approved; and the Mayor and City Secr~tary are here~y authorized and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of and in the name of the City of' West University Place, Texas. , Section 7. The fact that the portions of :the streets hereinbefore stated are in need of improvement as promptly as possible creates a public emergency, and, therefore, this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction this lOth day of May, 1948, and shall take effect immediately'upon its 'passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this, the lOth day of May~ 1948. I~ . i I-.J Commissioners VOTING AYE: Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon, Dquglass and Mayor Lee. [ 155 Commissioners None Voting No. .APPROVED this, the 10th day of May, 1948. ATTEST: ..~~ 1)1 SEC~. ~ r--'. i APPROVED: i Li II I ' . I I . ! I '--' CITY ATTORNEY " "1 ~[