HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 363 - ORD Reference to Final Eestimate andAnalysis Concerning Completion of Work By Contractor o [ [ 87 ORDINANCE NO. 363 AN ORDINANCE WITH REFER&NCE TO THE ,FINAL ,ESTIMATE AND 'FINAL ES:VIMA.TE AND ANALYSIS CONCERNING THECOlMPIETION OF THE WORK BY CONTRACTOR, HOLLAND PAGE, ON PORTIONS OF AUDEN STREET AND UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, COMPRISING SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOt3. 1,;' 2, 3 ANID 6. UNDER THE APBrIL 3, 1947, CONTRACT, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, AND PRIOR ORDINANCES; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS laTH REFERENCE TO SAID ESTIMATES .AND ANALYSIS FILED BY THE ENGINEERS ; REAFFIRMING CERTAIN DECISIONS AND ACTIONS HERETOFORE MADE AND TAKEN WITH REFERENCE TO ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION BY -THE CITY IN THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENrS AND ORDERING CERTAIN CREDITS AND PAYMENTS/' AS HEREIN STATED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, pursuant to prior Ordinances and proceedings duly andregularly passed and held, the City of West Universi tyPlace entered into a contract with Hol1and Page, Contractor, and dated April 3,1947, for the paving and improvement of certain streets and certain portions thereof in the City, divided into eight Sections, each of which constitute a separate and distinct unit unto itself, whol1y unrelated to and independent of each other such section; and';,irihereas , by subsequent ordinances and proceedings duly and regu1a~ly passed and held with the consent of the Contractor, certain of said original sections and the contract with reference thereto were amended; and whereas, Howe & Wise,; Engineers for the City, on some portions of said work, subsequently issued work orders directing the contractor to perform work on the particular segregated sections hereinafter listed and on only those sections; and the Contractor has performed the work on said Sections and on only said Sections; and whereas, said Engineers have now submitted a,Fina1 Estimate with reference to the work performed by Contractor on said hereinafter listed Sections, reflecting that all work on each thereof has been fully and finally comp1l?ted, certifying that the work has be'en performed in accordance with the c~nt:ract and accepted, and showing the aggregate total amounts of work done on said Sections, including a detailed "Final Estimate and Analysistt as to each segregated Section separately and showing the respective total amounts payable by the property owners and by the City(l) under assessments as fixed by prior ordinances; and (2) after applyingcredits heretofore authori~ed; and said Final Estimate and said respective items having been examined and an~zed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the prior decisions and actions of the City Commission authorizing and providing foradditional contribution by the City toward the cost of construction on the hereinafter listed Sections and the consequent reduction of the cost to property owners by credits on assessments heretofore levied, be and are hereby reaffinned; and -without in anywise constituting a reassessment or correction, ,nor affecting the finality of the assessment proceedings, the following credits are hereby ordered and shal1 be endorsed on the proper respective Certificates of Special Assessment before issuance thereof to-wit: (a), As .to all properties on the south side of University Boulevard in the; 3700 BiocIt: there.on'and in the City of Southside Place, credit to . \ .................'.................$7.37 per front foot; L: " _,. '::'::.1 .1.1 I' JI 88 (b) As to properties on University Boulevard immediat.ely vrest of the Bridge and the property innnediate1y east of the Bridge on the north side of said street, credit to the extent of 14 ft. 9 in. by which the Bridge construction overlaps said properties, arid reduces the paved footage and therefore the quantity of work dore; , (c) ,As to all properties, except in (a) above , credit each assessment to the extent of fifteen percent (15$): thereof, all as reflected in tn.e detailed "Final Estimate and Analysis" as to each segregated Section hereinafter mentioned. ] Section 2. That the prior decisions and. actions of the City Commission aut.horizing and providing for (a) reimbursement tQ the Contractor for ,abstract work; (b) for taking of unused reinforcing steeJL mesh resulting from failure of a sufficient number ,of property O'WIlers to give security for paym~nt of their part of the cost of the payement and consequent inability to complete the entire original1y contemplated paving project; (c) for sharing a portion of excess cost of ,trucking materials into the City in the Contractor' seffort to complete the contract in spite of inability to secure .material shipments .during the l:'ailroad car shortage; and ~d) providing for payment to contractor' in. reconstructing driveways, and each of which items are reflected in said "Final Estimate and Analysis", be, and are hereby reaffirmed. Section 3. That. the Cit.y Commission does hereby find and det.ennine:: ~). [J (a) That the above referred to, FinalEstimate" including the detailed "Final Estimate and Analys.is" constituting a part thereof, correctly states the total quantities of the respective items of work done by the Contractor, and the aggregate sums due Contract~r therefor; . (b) that the statement by said Howe & Wise, Engineers, in said Final Estimate that the "per cent complete this estimate" is 28.88" per cent, and the statement in the "per cent complete" column tabulation, that certain items are, less than one hundred per cent complete, are each erroneous, due to the fact that same are improperly based on improper' "Contract or project Estimate quantity" figures which are the aggregate for the entire original eight separate, segregated, unrelated, Sections, including those as to which said contract has been heretofore apandoned and cance11ed, as distinguished from the aggregate of estimate quantitie~'for the particular sections on which work has actually been done; and which conflicting statements the Engineers have ,failed and refused to correct and reconcile with the specific detail showing that the particular Sections therein treated and hereinafter listed are complete; (c) that said total quantities of work done, the detailed "Final Estimate and Analysis" as to each segregated section separapely, the Certificate of said Engineers and other Certificates submitted show, and the facts are, that all required work has been fully perfonned and completed on the following segregated and unrelated sections, being all those on which work has been ordered or authorized, to-wit: Section No.1: Auden Street from the north line of University Bouleva:rd to the north line of Rice Boulevard; Section No.2: University Boulevard from the west line of Auden Street to the East line of Mercer Street (divided for convenience into two portions: 2-a, west of Edloe Street; 2-b, east of Edloe Street.) iJ Section No.3: University Boulevard from the east line of Mercer S~ree,t. ,t.o, .t:neo~aS:t, ~ine .o.f. Se:w:.anee Street; o [J o 89 Section No.6: University Boulevard from the west line of Auden Street to the East line of 'lIJ'eslayan Street. Section 4: That the City Council does hereby further find and determine that theofo110wing net sums are payable by the property owners and by the City, respectively: Sec. No. , Credit to Property Owners Total to Net by City Contractor Net by Proper~ Owners $ 6,664.52 1 $ 1,176.09 $ 8,021.74 $ 14,686.26 2 A) 5,202.25 19,651.49 .m) 1,044.81 5,920.58 3 927.00 5,253.00 6 2,256.57 12,787.26 10,606.72 50,276.85 13,679.73 33',331.22 3,762...36 9.682.94 2,872.00 8,125.00 10.2'32 .O~ 23<019. '31 38,567.88 88.844.73 892...50 892.50 478.1.5 478.15 '3.671. 76 '3,671. 76 $ 43,610.29 $93,887.14 ~8_ 760.6~ 15,150.36 Abstract work . . . . . . . . . . . . t_ e- . Overhaul .................. Steel Mesh .................. Total owed by City Heretofore paid Contractor by City Due by Contractor to City ,all as reflected in said "Final Estimate and Ana1ysislt. Section 5. The fact that all improvements have been completed on those portions of said streets constituting the above listed separate segregated sections, in full accordance with the above mentioned contract and amendments thereto, and the Contractor is entitled to final settlement of said contract as to said segregated sections thereof, creates a public emergency, and therefore this ordinance shall be passed final1y on the date of its introduction, this the 8th day of March, 1948, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this 8th day of March, 1948. COMMISSIONERS Lanmon. Anner and Douglass and Ma;vor Lee voting aye COMMISSIONERS none VOII'ING no. r.,,".>f r JI I .. '. 90 r: L, APPROVED THIS 8th daJr of March, A. D. 1948. Texas. . ATTEST: ~ APPROVED : LJ City Attorney [j