HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 344 - ORD closing the Hearing to the Real and True Owners II ... ..J ....1.... ...1 z ORDINANCE.NQ;!~. 344 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: o UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE; AND WESLAYAN STREET FROM THE SOUTH LDlE OF RILEY STREET (EAST OF WESLAYAN STREET) TO THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD ; AND RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST tINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND AUDEN STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD; AND TO ALL OO'HER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS" AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENrS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS. AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THERE-w WITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PER- FORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIllNG AND LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL 0 PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS. OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PRRTICULAR CASES MENTIONED: .. FINDING AND DETERMINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE 0VfflERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS, FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEm COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS the City Commission of the City of West University Place, . Texas has heretofore, by Ordinance No. 335, duly and regularly passed and approved January 6, 1947, and as subsequently amended by its Ordinance No. 338, duly and regularly passed and approved March 5, 1947, determined the necessity for and ordered the improvement of certain streets in the City of West University Place, Texas, to-wit: University Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the east line of Communi ty Drive; and Wes1ayan Street from the south line of Riley Street (east of Wes1~an Street) to the south line of Richmond Road; and Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street; and Auden Street from the north line of University Boulevard to the north line of Rice Boulevard; o o o o 3 in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Engineers for the City, and approved by the City Commission in said Ordinance No. 335, as rev~ed and amended and approved and adopted by said O:rdinance NQ. 338, by the construction upon said portions of said streets of a 7-inch reinforced concrete pavement with monolithic curbs and appurtenances and incidentals to such improvements, alIas more specifically shown by said plans and specifi- cations as amended and revised; and which improvements were divided and seg- regated into separate and segregated sections as hereinafter' set forth, and WHEREAS pursuant to advertisement for bids, made in full compliance with all requirements of law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, sealed bids were duly and legally received; and the City Commission of the City of West U:niversity Place, Texas, .ifter having duly and regularly made appropriation, upon proper certification by the City Treasurer, to cover the estimated cost to the City of said improvements, all as provided by the Charter of said City and by law, did, by Ordinance No. 341, duly and regularly passed and approved April 3, 1947, award a contract for the construction of said improvements to Holland Page on his lowest secure bid; and said contract has heretofore been duly executed by the Contractor and by said City and is dated April 3, 1947, and the performance bond and maintenance bond required by said contract. have been presented and furnished and approved and accepted by the City Commission, as required by the Charter of said City and by law, and WHEREAS the City Commission. of said City of West University Place, Texas has caused the Engineers for said City to prepare and file an estimate of the cost of said improvements and of the various pI1rtions thereof, incl11d- ing the amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the property abutting each of the portions of said streets constituting the respective seg- regated sections of the improvement and against true owners thereof, which estimate and a statement of other matters relating. thereto has been prepared and filed by the Engineers for said City, and has been examined, approved and adopted by the City Commission, and . WHEREAS by its Ordinance No. 342, duly and regularly passed and . approved on April 3, 1947, said City Connnission of the City of West University Place, Texas ordered that a hearing be. given to all o1Vning or claiming aI\V property a,but ting upon arry of the respective portions of the. streets therein and herein set out, and included within any of the designated sections, and to all owning and claiming any. interest therein, and to all < interested in any assessment or any. of the proceedings with reference thereto, as to the proposed assessments and proceedings and on any matter as to which hearing is a consti- tutional prerequisite and as to the amounts of the proposed < assessments, the lien c;md liability thereof, the special benefits to the abutting property and owner thereof by means of said improvements for which assessments are to be levied and as to the accuracy,. sufficiency ; regularity and validity of the proceedings and contract in connection with such improvements and proposed assessments, and concerningarry other matter or thing as to which they are en- titled to a hearing under the laws of Texas, and the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, with theright:andopportunity to contest the amounts of the proposed assessments and all other such matters andthingsj said hearing to beheld b,y and before the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas at 7:30 p.m. on April 25, 1947 in the City Hall of said City, at "Which time and place all of such parties might appear and be heard on all such matters; said Ordinance further ordering and directing the City Secretary to give notice of said hearing by public advertisement thereof, I" I 11 J. , II .1 _ L..l.. I ... ,,1 4 as therein specified, in accordance with the law and the Charter and Ordin- ance of the City of West University Place, Texas, and WHEREAS said notice, as ordered and' directed by the City Commission and as requiredl by the terms and provisions of Chapter 106 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the 40th Legislature of the 5-tate of Texas, commonly known as Article 1105 (b), Revised Cii'il Statutes of Texas, 1925, heretofore adopted by the City of West University Place, Texas in' and as a part of the Charter of said City, and as required by the Charter and Ordinances of said City, has been duly given by advertisement thereof by piiblidation of saina in the Southwestern Times, designated as the official newspaper of the City,' on April 10, 17, and 24, 1947, and bY-publicat.ion of said notice on April 8, 9 and 10, 1947 in the Houston Press. published in Houston, Texas, being the nearest to the City of West University Place, Texas of general circulation in Harris County, wherein said City is located; said notice so published having described the nature of the improvements for which assessments' were proposed to be levied and to which such notice related, having stated the highways and the portion or portions thereof to be improved, the estimated amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the owners of abutting property, and such property on each such htghway and each respective portion. thereof with reference to 'Which the hearing mentioned in said notice was to be held, and having stated the estimated total cost of the improvements. on each such highway and each of the segragated portion or portions thereof, and having stated the time and place at which such hearing should be held, and said notice having given additional information and having, in all respects, fUlly met and complied with all pro- visions of law and of the Charter and Ordinances of said City requisite or pertinent thereto, aild WHEREAS at. such hearing, of which notice had been given as above stated, numerous property owners and other parties interested in' the . proceedings appeared and made statements and gave testimony, and additional testimony and evide~ce waS given by .the Engineers for the City, and by real estate experts familiar with the proposed improvements, the respective properties on the streets to be improved, and the present condition of the liDdsting streets; and at said hearing all parties desiring to, be heard concerm.ng any of the matters mentioned in said Ordinance No. 342 and in said notice, and as to any other matters connected with said proceedings and said proposed improvements" con- tracts and assessments and the amounts thereof, the lien and liability thereof and the special benefits to respective abutting properties and owners by means of said improvements, and concerning the accuracy, suffi-emency, validity and regularity of the proceedings and contract in connection with such improvements and proposed assessments, and conceriring any other matters or things with refer- ence thereto, having been heard and their statements and evidence duly considered, said -hearing on benefits was, upon proper motion, recessed until 7: 30 p.m. on the 28th day of April, 1947 in the City Hall of said City of West University Place, Texas, to enable other parties who might desire to be heard to be present; and at said recessed hearing, additional parties having appeared and made' state- .ments and given evidence with reference to said improvements, said meeting and hearing to property owners on benefits was again recessed, by due and proper motion, until 7:30 p.m. on May 7, 1947, at said City Hall of said City, to afford additional opportunity to all interested parties to be heard or further heard; and at said original and recessed hearings, all parties desiring to be heard concerning any of said matters having, been heard and their statements and evidence fully considered and said City Commission havirig heard evidence as to the special benefits of and to said abutting properties, and each parcel thereof, o o o o o [J 5' and to the respective owners thereof in the enhanced value of said respective properties by means of such improvements, and said City Commission having heard and considered the evidence and having given a full and fair hearing to all parties appearing or desiring to appear, and having determined at such hearing said special benefits as aforesaid, and having determined that there is not to be assessed against said abutting properties and the respective owners thereof more than all the cost of constructing curbs and 9/loths of the remaining cost of such improvements (exclusive of intersections), as shown on the estimate of the Engineers for the City; and having determined that the Front Foot Plan or Rule is just and equitable except in particular cases wherein, in the opinion of the City Commission, the application of such rule would result in injustice or inequality, and in each of which particular .cases the City Commission has apportioned and assessed the costs of such improvements in proportions found and now declared by it to be just and equitable, having in view the special bene- fits in enhanced value to be received by such respective parcels of property and the owners thereof, the equities of such owners and the adjustment of such appor- tionment so as to produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed, each of which adjustments and apportionments have been taken into con- sideration and made in the assessments hereinbelow set forth; and said City Com- mission having determined that by the application of said Front Foot Plan or Rule and the apportionments in particular cases do produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens .imposed, and having deterinined at said hearing that the assessments hereinbelow made and the charges hereby declared against the property owners and their respective properties are, in all things, just and equitable, and that in each instance the assessment made against any parcel of property and its owner is less than the special benefits to said property and the owner thereof by means of said improvements, and that, -with the exception of apportionments and adjustments in particular Cases which have been granted and allowed in determining the amounts of the assessments hereinbelow made, all other objections and protests should be overruled and denied; and WHEREAS all proceedings with reference. to the making of the iIilprove- ments hereinabove mentioned have been regularly had and duly and legally taken and performed in full compliance with the law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, and all prerequisites to fixing the assessment lien'against the properties hereinafter listed, and the personal lia- bility of the respective owners thereof, have been performed, and upon completion of each respective separate and segregated section into which the work has been divided, and upon the acceptance the:repf by the City of West University Place~ assignable certificates should be issued in evidence of said assessments and liens, and the personal liability of the true owner or owners of the respective properties, whether correctly named or not, all as provided by law and by the Charter and Ordinances of the City; ,Now, Therefore, \ , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That_ there being no' further testimony or evidence or protest, for or against the improvements heretofore ordered, at said hearing granted to the trrieowners of properties abutting upon: I'" -- ~"j . '.L:J . :"i:J:i : J.[ r JI .....j,... ...".1 6' University Boulevard from the Est line of Kirby Drive to the east line of Community Drive; and II : f !~ Wes1ayan street from the south line of Riley Street (east .ofWes1ayan Street) ~o the' south line of Richmond Road; and Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to tbe west line of Belmont Street; and Auden Street from the north line of University Boulevard to the north line of Rice Boulevard; and "Within the limits above defined, and upon any of the respective portions of said streets included within a.rsy of the designated sections as hereinafter stated, and. to all owning and claiming a.I\Y interest therein,' and to all inter- ested in any assessment or any of the proceedings with reference thereto, or in any of the matters hereinabove mentioned, said hearing should be, and the same is hereby, closed. Section 2. That the City Commission finds and determines and so . declares that each of the steps and proceedings hereinabove mentioned, and all proceedings with reference to the making of the improvements on: University Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the east line of Community Drive; and Wes1~an Street from the south line of Riley Street (east of Weslayan Street) to the south line of Richmond Road; and o Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Stnet; and Auden Street from the north line of University Boulevard to the north line of Rice Boulevard; as herein stated, have beend.u1y, legally and regularly had, taken and performed in full compliance with the law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas; that all prerequisites to the making of the above mentioned April 3, 1947 contract, and all prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment lien against the respective properties hereinafter listed, and the personal liability of the respective owners thereof, whether correctly named or not, and whether known or unknown, have been, in all things, met, performed and complied with; that all persons interested have been given a full and fair hear- ing on all matters and things in connection with said improvements and assess- ments; that there is not to be assessed against the abutting properties and the owners thereof more than all the cost of curbs and 9/loths of the remaining cost of such improvements (exclusive of intersections.Ql, as "shown on the estimate of the Engineers for said City; that adjUStment and apportionment of costs among all properties and the owners thereof have been made in full compliance with the.,.' "c~.D" '. law and with the Charter and Ordinances of the City, so as to produce a substan- tial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed; and that the special ben- efits to each parcel of property and the owner thereof in the enhanced value o D\ G T thereof by means of said improvements, as determined at said hearing, are, in' each instance, in excess of the amoy.nt of the assessment made against such parcel of property and its owner, and that the assessments, liens and charges herein levied, declared and fixed- against said properties and theiz: owners, are, in all things, just and equitable; and that 41 protests and objections, otl}.er than those taken into consideration in fixing the amounts of the assessments and liens, as herein- after stated, and whether specifically herein mentioned or not, should be, and the same are hereby, in all things, overruled and denied. Section 3. That the City Cammissian .of the 9it:y .of Wes~University Place, Texas, - being the governing bod;y of said City, pursuant ta the Ordinances and all ather praceedings heretofarepassed and held, and pursuant ta the abave mentioned April 3, 1947 contract and the estimates, reparts, lists, and state- ments .of the Engineers far the City, and pursuant. to the nattce and hearing here- inabave mentianedand by virtue' .of the powers conferred by, and the pravisians of, the ~ above m~ntioned Cl:1apter 106 .of the Acts .of the First Called Sessian .of the 40th Legislature .of the State .of TexflS, commanly knawn as Article 1105(b), Revised Civil Statutes .of Texas, 1925, heretafore adopted by the City .of West University Place, Texas in, and as a part .of, the Charter .of said City, does hereby ~ix and Q.etermine {IDd does hereby levy and assess against the respective properties abutting upon the h;hghwa;y-s and the portian .or portians thereaf here- tafare .ordered impraved and against the real and true .owners thereaf, whether hereinafter carrectly named .or nat, the respective amaunts set apposite the names of the respective apparent .owners and the descriptians .of the respective praper- ties; said praperties, the apparent owners there"of and t.he 0 assessme:Q.ts against each, being divided and segregated accarding ta the respective separate and segregated sectians, .of the streets ta be impraved, inta which the wark has been divided, to-wit: Section Na. 1: , - Auden Street fram the narth line .of University Baulevard to the narth line .of Rice Baulevard. Sectian No.2: University Baulevard fram the west line .of Auden Street ta the east line .of Mercer Street. Section Na. 3: University Baulevard fram the east line .of Mercer Street to the east line of Vanderbilt Street. Section,No. 4: University. Boulevard from the east line .of Vanderbilt Street ta the west line of Ki.rby Drive. Section No.5: Rice Boulevard fram the west line of Kirby Drive ta the west line .of Belmont Street. SectiaI}. No.6: University. Boulevard from the west line .of Auden Street ta the east line of Community Drive. Section No.7: Weslayan Street fram the narthline .of University Boulevard to the south line of Richmond Road~ Section No.8: Wesla;y-an Street from the narth line of University Boulevard to the south line of Riley Street (east of Weslayan); fhe description .of said properties and the apparent .owners thereof , respectively, and the several amounts so assessed (save and except- City-owned property an Sectians 1 and 6, as ta which the City is to pay Contractor all of the cost .of the improve- ment) being: .' . I 8 For improvement of Auden Street, Section No.1, 36 Feet 'Wide, from North Line of University B.mvd. to North Line of Rice BlVd: Under April 3, 1947, Contract I'I!; f- with Holland Page, Contractor. Cost per linear front, foot for curb $1.19 - Paving rate per ~nt foot ~8.21. '. L...J I B1k., front- Paving Curb Property O'WIler . No. I Addition Lot No. ! age cost Cost Total /ft.. -.1 l_ I I I EAST SIDE Houston Indepen:- Altract of land out 0 dent School Dist. he A~ C. Reynolds Survey No. 1 e,ending from Aud.en S . East o E oe St. & from Unive sity 1vd. north to Pershing Pace, ec.. : occupied by Persh g. choo1 & fronting 506 r on Auden tree . 06.00 4154.26 602.14 4756.40 Allison Sanders & Wife Thelma A. 1 Pershing Place Sanders Section 1 1 24.00 763.84 147.56 911.40 WEST SIDE Trustees of West A ract of land out of University Bapt. he A C. Reynolds Survey Church 61 c nveyed in two tract Ii an described in, dee U dated Feb. 29, 1940 and 18, 1 40 recorded in Vol. 12.25 1742.57 252.58 1995.15 160, P. 92 and Vol. 1184 . 16 deed recards of H ris ount , Texas; LESS and e cept orxl 5' thereof conveyed to ity f West UniversityP ace, or 1ton Street. Martin H. Kieschni & Wife Elda M. 4 Sunset Terrace Kieschnick Section 3 4 18.9 155.1 "22.49 177.66 Total Section 1 61.15 6815.8 1024.71 7840.61 o 9 For improvements of University Blvd. Section No. 2A . .52 Feet Wide, from W. Line Auden Street to E. Line Edloe Street. Under April 3 1947 Contract with Holland Page, CQntractor., Cost per linear front foot for curb '1.i9. Paving cost per front f06t $11.86 , Blk.Front- Paving Curb C ,Property,Owner i No. Addition Lot No. I e Cos C To-tal o ..,~ Houston Indepen- d~tSchoo~ Dis- trict. NORTH SIDE A tract of land out 0 tl.1e A C. Reynolds Survey No. 6 extending from Au n Stree east to Edloe- St.re t. a.I}.d f om Universit.y'Blvd. north to Pershing Place S c. 1: oc upied by Pershing S hool . and f onting 1064.40' on versi y Blvd. North Side Tot.al SOUTH SIDE Charles R. aIds et uX Dolly aids 13 o J. E. Darnell et Rut.h Darnell Glenn Wood Bruner et . ux Annie Mary Bruner South Side Place Addition 13 II 13 II Roy I. lIes et ux Edna Mae nes 13 II G. C. Jahn et ux RhodaJ~n 13 II Anita M. OI'Donnell 13 " Frret Marett Jr. et ux Elizabet.h Maret. 13 " . Abel B. Pierce, Jr. et u.x Ruth H. Pier e13 " De1ber Wm. Turner uxThelma R. Turne 13 " Donald M:~.Robinson et ux Mildred G." 13 o u. L. Ledford et ux Odette o. " " 13 " Wm. C. Foss et ux Louise L. Foss 13 1." ,.-.- ,. " "'I~ 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 12623.78 1064. 0 064~4 12623.78 1266.64 13,890.42 57.4 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 -11 522.91 455.50 .455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 455.50 1266.64 13,890.42 68.31 59.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 59>>50 59.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 .1.'1:1" i . 591.22 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 , "J ., . ..II ' .....1.. . .l 10 Blk. Front- Paving Curb Properly Owner' No. Addition 'Lot No. ,~.I Cost Cost Total Wm. J. 'Wi11ke et ux Leonie A. Wi11ke 13 South 'Side Place 30 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 0 I. G. Strauss. 13 " ' 29 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 B. J. Ogburn 13 " 28 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Geo. RBifID.ond Baldwi et ux Edna E. ft 13 " 27 50 '455.50 59.50 515.00 Gerald K. Miller et ux Fannie Lee Mille 13 " 26 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Mrs. Julia'Ashford a feme sole 13 " 25- 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Wm. M. Sayers et ux 'Gladys C. Sayers '13 " 24 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Wilson E. Meaders et ux Jewel " 13 " 23 & 22 107 974.77 127.33 1102.10 otal South Side 064.4 9696.68 1266.64 10,963.32 0 Section 2A Total 128.8 22,320.4 2533.28 24,853.74 o For improvement of UNIVERSITY BLVD. $ect.ion No. 2B.. 40 Feet wide, from Ii. LINE OF EDLOE to E. . LINE MERCER. Under APRIL 3, 1947 Contract with HOLLAND PAGE, Contract9r. Cost per linear front foot for curb $1.19. Pfl,vitlg Rate per front foot $9.11 1 B1k. I I ront- Paving Curb Property Owner . No . Addition , I Lot No. age Cost Cost NORTH SlDE Tra t at the N.E. corn r of W. Univ. Blvd. and E oe St. 0 t of the A. C. Re olds Surve Abs,tract #61, des rib~d in De d dat;ed Jan. 2,193 re- c,orde in Vol. 819, P. 6 0 Deed Recor of Harris Co., T xas o L. H. Baines' " . Sam Minchen 44 West University Place, Second Add. J. E. Aydt 44 " Mrs Lucy Anderson 44 \I 4A hE W 50' 5 W.S. Werner,et ux Margaret E. Werner 44 tt E 50' 5 F. M. Hughe~ et ux Ava Mae Hughes 44 tt o Gulf 011 Corp. , . City of South Side Place, Owner & Ear W: Mitche11~ !.esse 6 North Side Total SOUTH SIDE 53 1 South Side Additio tt 53 Trustees of West University Place Methodist Episcop Church Soutl1 ,25 West University Place Add. [ 7 8 South Side Total Total Section 2B Total Section 2A & B 155 100 l412.05 50 50 50 455.50 455.50 455.50 50 455.50 455 4145.05 911.00 100 911. 00 55 501.05 260.5 2373.15 . 184.45 59.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 119.00 541.45 11 Total 1596.50 515.00 515.00 515.00 515.00 1030.00 4686.50 119.00, 1030.00 65.45 310.00 566.50 2683.15 415.5 3785.20 494.45 4279.65 870.~ 7930.25 1035.90 8966.15 999. 30250.71 3569.18 33819.89 Jl . .. .1 I. I . .1 12 For improvement of UNIVERSITY BLVD.' Section No.~ .1iQ' wide, from E. line Mercer to E. Line Vanderbilt. Under APRIL 3, 1947 . Contract with HOLLAND PAG}5 Contractor. Cost per linear front foot for curb $1.19. Paving rate per front foot 9.11. . - . ,I B1k. Front- P-aving Curb r Property OWner No. Addition 'Lot No. age Cost Cost Total _J J.G. Ligon et ux West University wi. Glenna Ann Ligon '4~ Place 2nd Addition 4 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 C .L. Smith et ux E ]" .Z Barbara P. Smith 45 " 4 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 J .E. McMahon 45 tt wi5 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Ray W. Turner et E ]" 2 ~Lay Turner 45 " 5 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 A na . Arthur J. Penick 45 \I 6 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 David H. Pressly e. wt4 ux Lucille Pressly 46 " 50 455.50 59.50 515'.00 Eugene T. Sealey e we Helen C. " 46 tt Ei4 50 455.50 .. 59.50 515'.00 Mrs. Ettie Lee Carter, Widow 46 " 5 97.5 888.22 116.03 1004.25 !I Herman Hargrove 46 fl W!6 50 455.50 5lR.50 515.00 J Harvey B. Richards et ux Mildred It 46 " E ! 6 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Gertrude Richards 47 " w.t 4 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Geo. H. B1issard et ux Mary L. " 47 " E t 4 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 R.E. Auer et ux Mathilda Auer 47 " wt5 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Floyd M. Cosby et ux Marguerite Cos " Ei5 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Lewis G. Schaeffer et ux Mary Schaeffe 47 " 6 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 E.C.Bates 48 " 3 150 1366.50 178.50 1545.00 T. H. Rogers 48 " 4 150 J.)66.50 178.50 1545.00 E.E. Harrison et ux 515.00 ] Frode11e Harrison 13 Rice Court Add. 18 50 455.50 59.50 Rufus L. Terry et Gladys Terry & Fred 13 " 19 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 McE1ya et ux Clara McE1ya r::.,...,::.'::':,'.~ I !"'Cl' ~ ~.f' II ~ D o o 15 ... For Improvement of !mJVERSITY BLVD. Section 4. L.o' wide. fromE. LINE VANDERBILT, to W. LINE KIRBY DRIVE. Under APRIL 3, 1947, Contract with HOLLAND PAGE, Contractor. Cost per linear front foot for cu:t:b $1.19. Paving rate per fro~t foot $9.11. Blk. Front- Paving Curb ,No. Addition Lot No. age I c'ost I Cost j- -,- - Property O'Wner Anestasia Mil1er 16 B.E. Talmage et ux Kathryn II 16 B1ance I. Watson a fe1f\e sole (Und. ~ int.) John W. Watson (1/6 into Thomas A. Watson(Und. 1/6 int) Joseph S. Watson (Und. 1/6 int) 16 Andre Blanchard et ux Marguerite " 16 W.M. Birnbaum et ux Leoda R. Birnbaum 15 M.R. Scholb1 et ux Ester ". 15 Mrs. Lenone Coskey et vir, C.A. Coskey 15 Mrs. Lenone Coskey et vir, C.A. Coskey 15 Albert H. Howzeet . Janice T. Howze 20 Elmer E. Cary et ux Mildred Cary 20 James H. McGuirt et ux Katherine B. " 20 Mrs. Catherine C.K. McLaughlin (Widow) Sanford I. Patillo et ux Florence " A Mauring Post, a feme sole A _.- '-I::~ SOUTH SIDE N 100' West University PI 9 " 8 " 7 N IlJo' " 6 If N 115' 9 " 8 " N 100' 7 " N 100' 6 " 8 N 100' n 7 " 6 A Pemberton Add. 1,2,3, wi4 " 5 E!4 " 6 W 10' 7 1--'--" ~. n ;1..00 100 100 100 100 911.00 Total 119.00 1030.00 911.00 119.00' 1030.00 911.00 119.00 1030.00 911.00 119.00 1030.00 911.00 119.00 1030.00 100911.00 119.00 1030.00 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 175 1594.25 208.25 1802.50 75 683.25 89.25' 772.50 60 546.,60 71.40 618.00 .J '. II .. I.. ." , . .-. , _.1 16 Section 4, Con't. Blk. Front- Paving 'Curb Property Owner No. Addition 'Lot No. age Cost Oost Total - -====-- 'l Elmer E. Boyce et E 40' 7 .-.J ux Ida Boyce A Pemberton Add. W 20' 8 60 546.60 71.40 618.00 ,John M. MpKinney 9 et ux Martha n A " E 30' 8 80 728.80 95.20 824.00 Jas. L. P?rker et ux Dathryn F. " A " 10 55 501.05 ./ 65 .~5 566.50 Roger F. McCall et ux Jean B. ." B " 1 & 2 105 956.55 124.9 1081.50 Harry O. Heller et ux Marie H. " B " 3 50 455.50 515.00 Mrs. Catherine C.K. McLaughlin (Widow) B " 4-5 200 1822.00 238.00 2060.00 6-7 H. W'. Krakower, Trus eB " 8 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 A.I. E11is B " 9 & 10 100 911.00 1030.00 South Sitle Total 2110 19222.10 2510.9 21733.00 I i I I r NORTH SIDE ~ Josie M. Roberts , (Widow) 13 Rice Court Add' n 27 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 flobt. w. lJundas et ux Elizabeth M." 13 " 28 50 455.50 .59.50 515.00 Robt. W. Dundas et . . 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 ux Elizabeth M.n 13 " 29 Q.W. Stigall et ux . Francis F. Stigall 13 " 30 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 '!1m. Henry. Marshall . 31 et ux Anne " 13 It W t 32 75 683.25 89.25 772.50 ~ohn But1<jlr et ux 33 Isabel Butler 13 " E t 32 75 683.25 89.25 772.50 . Mrs. E. Bertrand 13 It 34 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Catrina Zinanti 14 " 14 55 501.05 65.45 566.50 " Thomas E.' Critten I I et ux Helen E. n 14 It 15 50 . 455.50 59.50 515.00 U G. W. Butler 14 " 16 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 17 B1k. Front- Paving Curb Property Owner I No. Addition Lot No. age Cost Cost i Total i - 0 I Guy M. Butler 14 Rice Court Add. W l' 17 1 9.11 1.191 ,10.30 L. Goldston et E 49' 17 I Ada It 14 " .V( 25" 18 74 674.14 88.061 762.20 I I Mrs. E. A. Konke E 25' 18 I I & Edna Potthoff 14 \I w 40' 19 65 592.15 77.351 669.50 I I Leo Bertucci et 20 I ux Genevieve It 14 \I E 10' 19 60 546.60 71.401 618.00 i NeIl Doyle French 21 I a feme sole 14 \I & 25' 22 75 683.25 89.251 772.5.0 Lida C. Benzigez( )1& It 23 & Et 2 75 683.25 89.251 772.50 F.L. Leideroet ux I I Ethel W. " 14 " 24 & 25 100 911.00 11'.001 1030.00 i Eugene Merten et ! i ux He dmig It 1.4 " 26 55 501. 05 65.451 566.50 I Jack C. Hilderbr dt< I et ux Ethel It 15 ff 3 50 455.50 59.501 515.00 0 Chas. F. Hanson I et ux Junia ff 11 Virginia Court Add 7 61 555.71 72.591 628.30 G. E. Nickel et Lola It 11 It 8 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 I Geo. G. Williams i et ux Marian G.ff 11 It I 9 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Mary Carolyn Sand rs I 11 " 10 60 546.60 71.401 618.00 Thomas V. Willi ,Jr. I et ux Alma " 11 " 11& 12 120 1093.20 142.801 1236.00 I P. G. Williams et 10 89.251 ux Nina Jewel It 12 It? w t 11 75 683.25 772.50 P. E. Wall 12 " E i 11 W 37! 12 62.5 569.37 74.37 643.74 V . I. Grisham et Ehhlyn II 12 " 13 E 12t 12 62.5 569.37 74.37 I 643.74 Alvin Beyer et ux 59.50 I Laura Beyer 12 " I 14 50 455.50 515.00 0 Geo. Alex Kevan e I I tix Beatrice Albe a i 1 I Kevan 12 " !15 I 50 455.50 59.50 I 515.00 r I i r r I I I L_l I I 'j~ I \ 1 II . ...._ ....1 1_.J... . ..1 18 Section 4, con't. B1k. Front-Pavi~g Curb Property Owner No. Addition Lot No. ~ Cost Cost Total 11 I- i I I I U John K. Dozier et 16 ux Helen Dozier 12 Virginia Ct. Add. wi 17 75 683.25 89.25 772~50 Alice D. Weber a feme sole 12 tt 18 E ! 17 75 683.25 89.25 772.50 Lawrence D. Lee et W],,7 ux Clarice May " 13 n wl9 50 455.50 59.50 515.00 Loretta Elliott a feme sole' ;1-3 " E ]" 7 E 19 50 455..50 59.50 5:J.5!00 Richard N. Duffy et ux Mabel " 13 " 10 100 911.00 119.00 1030.00 3. North Side Total 101. 0 19140.10 2500.18 ?1,640.28 Section 4 Total 0 (South & North) 211. 0 38362.20 5011.08 43~37J.28 [J 19' For imnrovement of Rice Blvd. Section 5. 31 feet 'Wide, from W. Line Kirby drive to 0 w. Lin~ Be,lmont Street. Under April 3, 1947Contract with Holland .l:'age, Contractor Cost per linear front foot for curb $1.19. Paving rate per front foot $7.06. Blk. Front- Paving C:urb Prouerty Owner No. Addition Lot No. age Cost Cost Total - SOUTH SIDE Randall R. Kunzman 10 Virginia Ct. AM. 2 100 530.00 119.00 649.00 Robt. L. Carlisle et ux Lola S. " 10 " 1 100 530.00 119.00 649.00 John A. Geno et ux Charlotte " 9 " 2 100 530.00 119.00 649.00 Andrew Gilmour 9 " 1 100 530.0,0 119.00 ' 649.00 Gerhard J. Kluppel 8 " 2 100 539.09 119.00 64~.00 GadsEm M. < Ford, Jr et ux Jun~ II 8 II 1 100 530.00 119.00 't349..oo J. Hoffman et ux ~nna " 7 tt 2 100 530.00 119.90 649.00 0 T.G. Greadyet ux Emma E. " 7 " 1&3 100 706.00 119.00 825.00 Arthur B. Smith et ux Copert<?n " 6 fI 1 91' 482.30 108.29 590:59 ,Floyd LeecKersh et 537.31 120.64 657.95 ux Eunice II J.O Rice Court Add'n. 1 101.3 -! Qeo. A. 'B~ck et ux Hattie F. Beck 9 tt 12 55 388..30 65.45 453.75 l?lmer A. E?hingle e Ux Docia E. " 9 " 11 50 353.00 59.50 412.50 ,Julian W. Hymers 9 " 10 50 353.00 59~50 412.50 , - M.W. Lee 9 II 9 50 353.0,0 59.50 412.50 Pearl N. McAl1iste . et vir Ed# S. " fI 8 50 353.00 59.50 41a .50 - , John Mitchel1 et 89.~ ~tha Mit9hell II 7 75 529.50 618.75 '. 0 Sam R. Gribble et BarbaraB. n 9 " 6 60 423.60 71.40 495.00 . H. J. ChaV8.nne 9 tt 5 55 388.30 71.40 453.75 I" I , I:':' I' ..1 '1_'[' . 21 Blk. Front- Paving Curb lJ Property Oener 'No. Addition Lot No. '~ Cost Cost Total - Rice C9urt Add'n Gustave A. Linen- Lot 19 burger et ux The 7 " less W 5' 60 423.60 71.40 495.00 M. Linep.burger & w 5' 2 J .F. Hairston et ux W 5' 18 & yivian Hairston 7 " Lot Ie 60 423.60 71.40 495.00 E.A. Kamp et ux Florence Kamp 7 It 17 50 353.00 59.50 412.50 Wilma Mupn 8mi th e:{i 423.60 vir Blakeley Smith 7 " 16 60 71.40 495.00 j Fred Miller 7 u 14 & 15 105 741.30 124.95 866.25 Total North Side 652.5 9919.85 1966.47 11886.32 Total Section (North & South) 304.8 200015. 3932.80 23947.86 T-l LJ I rl. i',. lJ lJ I I I 1 22 For iJnprovement of UNIVERSITY BLVD., Section No.6. ~ wide, from w~ T.~ ATmF.N to E. LINE CODUNITY DRIVE. Under April3, Contract with ROLLAND PAGE, Contractor Cost per linear front foot for cUrb $119. Paving rate per front foot $6.86. [1 Blk. - Front- Paving Gurb Property Owner No. Addition Lot No. '~, Cost Cost Total -, NORTH SIDE C. W. Trigg 18 Collegeview Ist.Ad 10 & 11 100, 686.00 119.0 B05.00 Chas. H. Young et , 402.50 ' ux Bertha' B. n 18 II 12 50 343.00 Dr~ H.C. Sloop 18 n 13 50 343.00 402.50 H.H. Boyd Sr. et Kathleen Shivers II 18 " 14 50 343.00 402.50 Martin Black 18 II 15 50 343.00 402.50 W.E. Foster et ux Lelia Marie Foster 18 tt; 16 ' 50 343.00 402.50 Fred Finke et ux Opal Finke 18 " 17 50 343.00 402.50 Herbert A.S. Buehle 18 " 18 67.2 460.99 540.96 E 62-2' II Mrs. Sara Small et , I vir Justin W. Small 17 " of 10 62.2 426.69 500.70 U W. Glenn Allen et 11 & W5' ux Mildred A. It 17 " 10 55 377.30 442.75 Lenard W. Little et ux Laura Jean " 17 II 12 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Mrs. Gussie Rosenbe g17 " 13 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 J. Searcy Bracewel1 Jr. 17 " 14 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Mrs. Emmie McCabe et vir Eric " 17 " 15 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Mrs. Li11ian Carr et vir J. Gerald " 17 " 16 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 J. Gerald Corr et ux Lillian Corr 17 II 17 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Paul L. Young lit ux J Vanice Young 17 " 18 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Sam S. Hankins et /ux Alice " 1 Mathews Place Ad. 10 55.10 377.99 65.57 443.56 Leslie Hobson Nave et we Anna Nave 1 " 11 56 384.16 66.64 450.80 ProPerty Owner B1k. INO. Uli, Louis Park et ux Sibyl P ar~ 1 Gqrdon R. King at q: Edna H, It 1 Charles E. Emmert et ux Je~l G. " 1 James F. Daniel et ux Ruby Daniel 1 , Frank E. Bonniwe11 & Lillian E." 1 G~o. B. MQrray Jr. et ux Mary Louise" 1 D~lbert ~y Wag gone , et uX Imogene II 1 n.....'ll UJ 24 .. .- , ... Ray Scott et ux Faris " 24 Joseph C. 0 Seale 24 Geneva D. Seale ~bert ,L. ,Bunch et ux Nora B. Bunch 24 Raymond A. CrQker etux Alice G:\ II '24 " Dr. H. C. ,Sloop\, 24 -\ George A. Jarvis '~t ~ Ann M~ Jarvis \, 24 Norman C. Hurd et ux Dorot~ E. It " , 24 m Joe Reinhardt et Merle II 24 Frank W. Briggs et ux Emma. B~iggs 24 R.F. 'Herndon Jr. a ux Jeanette " 24 1"'-'" l "'",-- Addition . Mathews Place Ad. t " \ 'f~ ; ~ ~ " It II It II II " \ It " " It " n It It It " . ~I' ... Lot No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Front- P'iLving age yost 56 384.16 56 56 56 56 56 56 58.84 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 55 J :I .384.19 384.16 384.16 384.16 384.16 384.16 403.,64 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 34.3.00 343.00 377.30 377.30 377.30 377.30 23: Curb Cost Total 69.64 '450.80 66.64 450.80 66.64 450.80 66.64 450.80 66.~4,450.80 66.64 450.80 66.64 450.80 70.02 473.66 59.50 , 402.50 59.50 402.50 59.50 402.50 59.50 402.50 59.50 402.50 59.50' 402.50 59.50 402.50 65.45 '442.75 , 65.45 442.75 65.45442.75 65.45 442.75 Horace T. Masterso et ux Margaret V." 24 Colonial Terrace A. 13 Robert E." Bussard e ux Katheryn " "iT;" . ,I I.. JI . .1 I, ,I, ,.. ,:,1 24 Blk. Front- Paving Curb Property OWner No. Addition Lot No. , e Cost Cost I Total ,----.. E. R. Scholton et 71.401 483.00 J ux Agnes 8. II . 24 Co1onial"Terrace 1 60 411.60 Janet Souter et vi 12 & 5' 81elard Souter Jr. 12 " 11 56.3 386.22 67.00 453.22 Daniel O. Hultman W 45' 11 at ux Eli~~beth II 12 tt 15' 10 60 411.60 ' 71.40 483.00 L.E.Tully et ux J:iramw S. Tully " 12 " W 35' 10 E 25' 9 60 411.60 71.40 483.00 Theo. Finn et ux I I Elizabeth E. Finn 12 " W 25' 9 I I' 40' 8 65 445.90 77.35[ 523.25 Barney K. Wilson 7 71.401 483.00 et ux Pauline " 12 " W 10' 8 60 411.60 I Malcolm Cole & LeI I I Joe Co1e(a feme so e- I formerly Husband & . .! Wife) 12 tt 9 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 ,~ I ! i Roy W. Vaughn et I I Mayo1a H. Vaughn 12 II 5 50 343.00 59.50 402.5g U J .V. Davis et ux Bernice Davis 12 " 4 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 SOUTH SIDE Maud A. Dixon(Wido ) 15 Co11egeview 1st. 9 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Blum E. Hester et ux Elaine " 15 " 8 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 W.J. Collier et ux Virginti. A. Co11ie . 15 " 7 50 343.00 59.50 '402.50 Herman A. Tschumy e ux Rosemary " 15 " 6 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Ray A. Pelk et ux Loraine Polk 15 " 5 50 343.00 '59.50 402.50 EIben S. Dalton et ux Lois E. Dalton 15 " 4 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 U D.J. McConnell et ux Mary McConnell '" 15 " 3 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 25 Blk. Front- Pa;ving Curb Property Owner No. Additfon t Lot No. age Cost I Cost Total I ! n I M. J. Whitehead et 10 u ui Rnth Wliitehead 15 Collegeview 1st. 2 50 343.00 59.50 ' 402.50 We'sley Weed . 15 " 1 67."S 460. 99 79.97 ~4d. 96 G.E. King 16 " 9 67.2 460.99- 79.97 ' 540.96 Wm Wolman et ux Elsie ,. 16 " 8 50 343".00 59.50 '4'02.50 John Hughens et ux Mrs. S.B. " 16 " 6&7 100 686'.00 119.00 805.QO Coastal Bond & Mortgage Co. 16 tt 5 50 343.00 5,9.50 ' 402.50 Fred R. Splawn 16 " 4 50 343.00 59.50 ~02,.50 D.J. H~ying et ux Myrtle Haeying 16 " 3 50 343.00 59'.50 402.50 Richard L. DeI$atn et, ux Myra. R. " 16 " 2 50 343..00 590.50 402.50 fJ J.A. Smith et ux Evelyn Smith 16 " 1 50 343..00 59.50 402'.50 E.E. Christiansen et ux Teck1aE. tt 34 Col1egeview.4th 10 less S 14' 50 343.09 59.50 402.50 Chris Bertelsen et ux~ Anna It' 34 " 9 50 343.00 59.50 402~50 Richard G.' Wright et ux Edna " 34 tt 8 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Mary Katherine Straats a feme sole 34 " 7 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Curley Morlan et ux Juanit;t E. 'Morlan 34 " 6 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 Avice M. Young & Barbara A. Young both a feme sole 34 It 5 50 1343.00 59.50 402.50 George Hall Baker e ux Ida Belle tt 34 " 4 50 343.00 59.50 402.50 0 Thelma E. Chambers E 30'2 80 548.80 95.20 644.00 et vir G.C. tt 34 " 3 :..:-----.:_~__l:::-:C::I::--::..-,-:.-...--::~ I' .., I ...ll , "1..'[', ' Rollen C. 'Chambers " etux Margaret E. Chambers 11 o o I::, ' .~ II SOUTH SIDE TOTAL Section Total (North & South) I ' L 21 2574. 5152. :TI 50 343.00 59.<50 402.50 11660.9 3063+64 20,724.57 35343.5 6131.03 41,474.51 . 'd" "l I, JI ,) L J. . ...J 28 For improvement of WEstAYAN~, Section 7.", 3JJ1"Wide, f'rom N~ LINE 'UNIVERSITY to S. LINE RICHMOND ROAD. ,Under APRIL 3, 1947 Contract wit'hHOLLAND PAGE, contractor. Cost per linear front foot forcurb^$1.19. Paving rate ,per front foot $5.14, ~ Blk. Front- Paving Curb \ Property Owner I No. Addition Lot No. Cost Cost Total I I ~ , L.-J 'WEST SIDE Sam S. Hankins et Ux Alice . " 1 Matthews Place 10 110~ 310.50 131.49 441.99 Wilmot E. Forbes' et' ux Paula H. Forbes 1 " 9 110. 567.97 ,131.49 699.46 , ,: ,Stanley D., Rogers et ux Celia " 2 II 10 100 514.00 119.00 633.00 Louis M. Koch et Mary El1en Koch 2 " 9 100 514.00 119.00 633.00 I Alfred Beerman et -oPe Lil1ie Beerman I 3 " 10 100 514.00 ll9.QO 633.00 . I I Harry M. Ellis et ux Thelma E. II 3 " 9 100 514.00 119.00 633.00 E.C. lifuiteside et ux, Margaret E. Whit - I side 4 " 6 180.60 414.28 95.91 510.19 J L. D. Bowser et ux Louise Bowser 7 Bissonetf. Place 10 i05 539.70 124.95 664.65 Clinton J. IUwne et ux Bessie E. " 6 " 11 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 W.B. Neumann et ux 10 Melba " 6 " 15' mr 9 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 Wm. W. Ha'Wkins et 11 ux Dorotlw " 5 " E 331' 12 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 Max Maurice Smith 10 et ux Nancy Jane II 5 tt 20' 9 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 Olive E. I11ig(wido ) 11 Carl Il1ig, Jr. 4 " E 20' 12 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 Olive E. Illig(wido ) Carl Illig, Jr. 4 " 10 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 Smith B. Pettigrun et ux Carolyn " 3 " 11 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 Jennie A. Farquhar J (widow) 3 II 10 105 539.70 124.95 664.65 29 B1k. Front- Paving Curb Property Owner No. Addition Lot' No. age Cost I Cost Total 0 Leonard Kay et ux 9 Verda M. Kay ,2 Bissonet1! Place S 4i'8 54.5 280.13 64.85 344.98 Jack B.' Harrell et N 45i' 8 ux 'Helen C.o " ,2 1t S 4i ' 7 50 257.00 59.50 316.'50 Wm. E. Ladin 2 II N 45i' 7 45.5 233.87 54.14 288.01 w. A. Horne 2 fI N .5&6 les 5' of 5 140 719.6Q 166.60 886.20 Total West Side 19".3O:'bO 9696.65 ?304.53 12001.18 EAST SIDE Paul L. Young et 18 114 320.34 135.66 456.00 ux Vanice II 17 College View 1st Harold L. Lawson et ux Helen M. I' 17 II 1 114 58~.9Q ! 135.66 721.62 Julia Parish 20 If 1 11~ 586.99 135.90 722.89 0 Hugh Gentry; et ux Kathryn E. II 17 College View 3rd 1 97 498.58 115.43 614.01 Robert B. Wetter et ux Mildred J. " 16 II 18 100 !11.4 .00 119.00 633.00 C .R. Fulton et ux France Fulton 16 II 1 100 514.00 119.00 633.00 John F. Boyd et ux Allene II 13 II 18 100 514.00 119..00 633.00 J oyd Albert Kimes 13 " 1 514.00 633.00 e ux Louise tt_ 100 119.00 Ed Featherstone Ca rey et ux Marion II 12 u 18 lOO 514.00 119.00 633.~0 Wm. Garland Fullic et ux Audrey Fulli k 12 II 1 100 514.00 119.00 633.00 Richard c. Cante11 et ux Ruth " 9 1t 18 120 616.80 142.80 759.60 0 Warnor W. Wadley 9 n 1 120 616.80 142.80 759.60 C.D. 01iphant et ux Hazel J. ,It 8 tt 18 120 616.80 142.80 759.60 r'" ... p-=- ~.-;-- T'""'I-~ II II I 30 Blk. Front- Paving Curb" Property Owner I !!2.:... Addition Lot No. 5! Cost Cost Total !I James Patton Harshe r et Ux Hannah " ,8 CoE.ege View 3rd 1 120 616.80 ' 142.80 759.60 LJ Wm. Arthur Middleto Jr: et ux Ruth " '5 If 18 120 616.80 142.80 759.60 Marie Brice 'a feme sole & Martha Brice a feme sole owners of 'leasehold inter- est and-option to pUrchase; and W. E ward Bro'Wll" owner of fee 5 " 1 120 616.80 142.80 759.60 E a:.t:1 Wallace et ux Artedle Wallace n " 16 120 616.80 142.80 , 759.60 Mary Ella Ricks et 1 less vir Lester M. Ricks 4 If 5' convey ed to H s Ooun: ~ for roa 40 205.60 47.60 253.20 Total East Side 919.2 9599.07 2283.85 1882.92 II I I Total Section U , (East & West) 855.8 19295.72 588.38, 23884.10 r~ ! J 31 For improvement of WESLAYAN STREET. Section!!,. 30' vdde,from, N. Line University Blvd. to . S. Line Riley Street. 1l.!J:.~.!'_4prt~-3...L...~1!.LQpnP..!"~~"L~:l!11_1!9}J.",,"~~_P~~_LJ!g_q.~!"~~1!Q~ Cost per linear front foot for curb $1.19. Paving rate per front foot 15.14. Blk. Front- Paving Curb Property Owner I No. r Addition I Lot No. 'age Cost Cost Total [I J. A. Smith et ux Evelyn Smith "16 Collegeview 1st. 1 S.M. Sealey etux Louella Sealey , 16 II John S. Beman et we Lois 1I C 0 13 18 " 1 Robt.C. Patterson 13 " 18 R~C. Stokes et ux La.ura " c , 12 " 1 Thomas Reese Raw- lings et ux Mary It ' 12 " 1.8 A.L. Shepherd et Carrie ShepheJ;'d ' 9 " 1 .18 [] Sadie Sercomb 9 " James Russel1 100 r Jr.et ux Alice E." 8 " 1 Joseph Fletch Reed et ux Mary Reed 8 114 114 114 114 320.34 585.96 585.96 585.96 87.05 447.44 114 585.96 100 100 100 " 17 & 18 100 Roe L. Archer et ux Margaret " -I 1I 1 100 WIh.B. Abbott et ux Loretta W. It 1 " 18 100 Henrimae Christop a feme sole " 1 L.E. Robbins Jr. e tix Ruth L. Robbins 4 " 18 Newton H. Brunson et ux Willie" 5 Frank Campise '5 " 1 II 18 [] East Side Total _....~..,._.-.;.....,-."---~,.,~ 100 514.00 514.00 514.00 514.00 514.00 514.00 514.00 135.66 456.00 135.66 721.62 135.66 721.62 135.66 '721.62 103.59 551.03 135.66 ~21.62 119.00 633.00 119.00' 633.00 119.00 '633.00 1191.00' 633".00 1! 119.00 633.00 119.00 633.00 119.00 633.()0 100 514.00, 119.00 633.00 100 514.00 1.19.00 633.00 100 514.00 119.00 611.00 1657.58251.62 1971.89 0223.51 33 Blk. Front- Paving Curb Property Owner i No. Addition Lot No. 5! Cost Cost Total D. 1- - 1 I H.S. Crawford et uxl Lois Crawford 26 Co11eg8 View 2nd. ' 10 50 257.00 59.50 316.50 Chas. R. Bear~ley I 26 " 11 50 257.00 59.50 316.50 et ux Eleanor" I 'I I N 51";,27', Frank E. Hangs et I ux Pauline B. " I 23 College View 1st 9 & lO 51. 21 263.53 61.01 324.54 I Add'n. I I West Side Total 1 61.77 8308.50 1977 .so 10,286.00 Section 8'Total (East & West) 33 8.82 16,560.12 3949.39 20,509.51 o o ,I I I i j - I' j .. .,.rr-- I' , JL . ... ..I 1._:;1 . . ..J 34 Section 4. That said several amounts herein assessed, 'together with int- erest, expense of .co11ections, and reasonable attorneys' fees, if incurred, WI!: shall be and the s~ are hereby declared to be a first-and prior lien on and against said respective abutting properties, which lien shall be superior to all other liens and claims except Btate, county and city ad valorem taxes; and said' amounts 'so assessed, together with said ather items, shall be and same are here- by declared to be penronal liabilities and charges against the true owners of said properties, respectively, whether correctly named or not, all as provided ' ~ in and Dy said Article 1105(b) of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas; and such assessments and said other items shall be collectible and the liens en- forceable in any court having jurisdiction; and shall be a personal liability' and charge against the safd owners of the property assessed; that said 'sums so assessed shall be ~yab1e as follows, to-wit: In ten equal installments,' one installment payable 'Wi thin thirty days after the completion of said improvements and the acceptance thereof by the City of West University Place, and another in- stallmenT. to be due and payable on the respective dates in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 ,years, respectively, after said date of such acceptance, with interest on the respective SlDDS so assessed, and each installment thereof from said date of acceptance, at the rate of Five Percent (5%) per annum., payable annually, and 'With interest on principal and interest after ,the respective maturity dates at Eitht percent (8%) per annum; provided, however, that the assessments so levied and the certificates to be issued in evidence thereof ag&inst properties on the respective segregated secti:ons, as hereinabove set out, shall date from, and be issued as of, the date ef the completion of the improvements on each respective section, separately, and the acceptance thereof by said City; and provided fur- ther, that, in the event of default in p~nt of any installment of. any such assessment and certificate when due, whether of principal or interest, the whole II of such assessment and certificate may be matured and declared due at the option U of the holder thereof; provided, fli.rther, that said respective property owners ' _' shall have the privilege of pqing any one or more of said installments before their maturity, by payment of principal and interest thereon. Section ~. That for the purpose of evidencing said assessments, the liens securing same and the several sums p~able by s aid property owners and the time and terms of payment, and to aid in the enforcement tb9reof, assignable certifi- cates shall be iE\sued by the City of West University Place to the contractor, or assigns, upon "completion and acceptance of each respective segregated section of said improvements:, which certificates shall be executed by tb9 Mayor and attested by the City Secretary, with the corporate seal affixed, and shall be payable to said Holland Page or assigns; said certificates shall declare the said amounts, and the time and terms of payment thereof, the rate of interest payable thereon, the description of the respective' properties against which the afore- mentioned assessments have been levied, sufficient to identify same, and same shall contain the name or names of the apparent owners thereof. Said certificates shall further set forth and evidence the assessments 1evie'd and shall declare the lien upon the respective properties and the Ii ability of the true owner or owners thereof, whether correctly named or not, and shall provide that if default be made in the payment' thereof, same shall be enforced by a suit ' in any court having jurisdiction. And the said certificates shall further provide that if default be made in 0 the payment of any installment of principal or interest thereon when due, then at the option of sai d Holland Page or assigns, being the O'WIler and holder thereof, }.! {II-- o o [J 35 HoIland Page or assigns, being the owner and holder thereof, the "Whole of said assessment shall become at oneedue and payable and shall be col1ectib1e with interest,ex:pense of col1ectipn and a reasonable attorney's fee, if incurred. Said certificates shall 15urther recit~ that the proceedings with reference to making the improvements therein referred to have been regularly had in com- pliance with the law and the Charter of the City of West University Place, and that all prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment 1i'en against the property described and the personal liability of the owner or owners thereof have been performed, which recitals shall be evidence of all the matters recited in said certificate and no further proof thereof shall be required. Section 6. That t~ City of West University Place. shall not be liab1e in any manner for tb:l p~ent of any sinn hereby assessed, but said City shall exer- cise its Charter powers and the powe'rs conferred upon it by law"When requested so to do by the holder of said certificates to aid in the collection thereof. , Section 7. The fact that the portions of the streets herein defined are in need of improvement as promptly as possible creates a public emergency and, therefore, this Ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduc- tion this, the l!ill. '. day of May, A. D., 1947, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. Passed this 7th day of May, A. D., 1947. Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett., Al"I'I1AT' "'Inn TInT1g1 ::l~l'l.. Voting Aye. ::Inti M;.yn,.. T-.AE' I Commissioners fume.. Voting No. Approved this? 7th day of May ,A. D., 1947. ~~~wk sity Place, T e x a s ATTEST: C1~ APPROVED: ' ~~.~ ity Attorney . ..: ..~-..':1::..::2 I'" . 'I