HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 339 - ORD Amending ORD 333 Pertaining to Sec 6;9;16 and repelling all ORD and parts of Ordinance in Conflict ..,' J ", II ..I L I.. . .1 240 ORDINANCE NO. 339 -I I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO'. 333, AS PERTAINING TO SECTION 6; SECTION 9; SECTION 16; AND, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF VJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the above sections be amended to read as follows: I Section 6: JOURNEYMAN--REGISTRATION--Noperson shall undertake any work as a journeyman electrician, as that term has been defined in Section 5 hereof, unless such person shall have first been registered with the Electrical Board and received his certificate from said Board as a journeyman electrician. Applications for such certificates shall be made :in writing to the Electrical Board, stating the name and address of the applicant, a statement as to the active and practical experiences of the applicant, and such other relevant information as may be required by the Electrical Board. All applications shall be sworn to before an officer of this state authorized to administer oaths, a,nd officially certified to by such officer under his seal of office. Each person seeking such certificate shall furnish the' Board two pictures of himself one and one-half inches -I~II by two inches, and one of such pictures of the individual receiving the certifi- cate shall be placed on the certificate' issued to him, and the other of ~uch pic- tures shall be retained by the Board. Each certificate issued to a journeyman electrician shall specify the name and address of the person to 'Whom the certifi- cate is issued, and the date of the issuance thereof. (b) Each applicant, before he shall be entitled to registration and the issuance of a certificate to him, shall have had four years active and prac- tical experiences during which four years period he shall have 4evoted not less than two-thirds of this time, exclusive of normal periods of rest and recreation to electrical work in general, as the term electrical work is defined in Section 2 hereof. For the purpose of this requirement a degree or diploma from an accred- ited sche.o],. of electrical engineering shall be considered as the equivalent of two years active and practical experience. (c) Every holder of such certificate shall wear his certificate upon or about his person while performing the act which such certificate entitles him to perform. (d) Before a registration certificate is granted to any applicant, and before an.,v expiring registration is renewed, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Coll-ector of Taxes of the City of West University Place, Texas, a fee of $3.00. (e) Registration ce~ificates spall expire on December 31st following the date of issuance. Such registration certificates shall be nenewed by the Electrical Board, upon application and payment of the required fee. o o IJ n . 241 (f) The fee for the remainder of the year shall for all certificates be prorated for a fraction of the year, in such proportion as the period the certificate is to be in force bears to the fee for the entire year, but the total fee shall never be less than one-quarter of too annual fee. II Section 9: AUTOMATIC ISSUANCE OF LICENSE--Maintenance elec:bricians who are regularly employed on a permanent' basis at the time this ordinance becomes effective, and who have worked as maintenance electricians for a period of four years prior thereto, two-thirds of such time actively, shall be issued a license to do maintenance work upon the payment of a license fee of $3.00, without tak- ing an examination. For the purpose of this requirement, a degree or diploma from an accredited school of electrical engineering shall be considered as the equivalent of two years active and practical experience. III Section 16: LICENSE FEE (a)--Before a Master Electrician's License is granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of West University Place, Texas, a fee of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars which shall include first year license fee, and before any expiring license is renewed, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Col- lector of Taxes of the City of West University Place a fee in the amount of Twenty-fi:ve ($25.00) Dollars. Before a Maintenance Electricians li'cense is granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes a fee in the amount of $3.00 and before any such license is renewed, the applicant shall pay a renewal fee in the amount of $3.00. Master Elec- trician's licenses and Maintenance Electrician's licenses shall expire on December 31st following the date of issuance. (b ) The fee for the remainder of' a year for all licenses shall be pro- rated for a fraction' of a year, in such proportion as the period of the license is to be enforced bears to the fee for the entire year, but the total fee shall never be less than one-fourth of the annual fee. M.aster Electrician's licenses and Maintenance Electrician's licenses shall be renewed by the Electrical Board upon application ,and payment of the required fee; provided, however, that. no license which shall have elapsed for as mueh as six months shall be renewed ex- cept upon re-examination upon the same terms and conditions as provided for here- in in the case of original examinations. Passed this 2L.th day of March, 19L.7. ,. Approved this 2L.th day of March, 19L.7. -- Ll~4?~ OR ATTEST: CITY ~~' SECRET -. - . .-;]A- ~. --'-"..2.