HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 333 - ORD Amending ORD 169 - 196 as pertained to Sec 6:9;12;14;26;27; II J l I ... J. !22, OR.DTN1tNCE NO. 133 AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING ORDINANCE. NO. 169 - 196 AS PERTAINED TO SECTIONS SIX (6); SECTION NINE (9);, SECTION TWELVE (12); SECTION FOURTEEN (14); SECTION SIXTEEN (16); SECTION TWENTY ONE (21); SECTION TWENTY SIX (26); SECTION TWENTY SEVEN (27); AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON~ FLICT HEREWITH. LI , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: THAT the above sections be amended to read as follows': I Section 6: JOURNEYMAN-REGISTRATION-No person shall undertake arry work as a journeyman electrician, as that term has been defined in Section 5 hereof, unless such person shall have first been registered with the Elec- trical Board and received his certificate from said Board as a journeyman elect"rician. Applications for such certificates shall be made in writing to the Electrical Board,stating the ncme and address of the applicant, a statement as to the active and practical experiences of the applicant, and such other relevant inf'onnation as may be required by the Electrical Board. All applications shall be sworn to before an officer of this state authori~ed to administer oaths, and officially certified to by such officer under his U seal of office. Each person seeking such certificate shall furnish th~ Board II two pictures of himself one and one-half inches by tve> inches, and one of such pictures of the individual receiving the certificate shall be placed on the certificate issued to him, and the other of such pictures shall be retained by the Boar d. Each certificate issued to a journeyman electrician shBlI specify the name and address of the person to whom the certificate is issued, and the date of the issuance thereof. (b) Each applicant, before he shall be entitled to registration and the issuance of a certificate to him, shall have had four years active and prac- tical experiences during 'Which four ye ars period he shall have devoted not less than two-thirds of this' time, exclusive of normal periods of rest and recreation""j;.p electrical work in general, as the term' electrical wor}c is defined in ~~ction 2 hereof. For the purpose of this requirement a degree , or dipioma irom an accredited school of electrical engineering shall be con- sidered as the equivalent of two years active and practical experience. . (c) Every holder of such certificate shall wear his certificate upon or about his person while performing the act which such certificate entitles him to perform. (d) Before a registration certificate is granted to arry applicant, and before any expiring registration is renewed, the applicant shall pay to tbe- Asses$or and Collector of Taxes of the City of West University Place, Texas, a fee of $10.00. )~' } -' Il .~ o [ " o 223 (e) Registration certificates shall expire on December 31st follo'Wing the date of issuance. Such registration certificates shall. be renewed by the Electrical Board, upon application and payment of the required fee. (f) The fee for the remainder of the year 'shall for all certificates be prorated for a fraction of the year, in such propoertion as the p~riod the certificate is to be in force bears to the fee fer the entire year, but the total fee shall never be less than one-quarter of the annual fee. n Section 9: AUTOMATIC ISSUANCE OF LlCENSE-Maintenance electricians :who- are regularly employed on a permanent basis at the tiroethis ordinance becomes effective, and who have worked as maintenance electricians for a period' of four years prior thereto, two-thirds of such time actively, shall be issued a license to do maintenance lIOrk upon the pa;vment of a license fee of $10.00, without taking an examination. For the. purpose of this requirenent, a degree or diploma. from an accredited school of electrical engineering shall be considered as the equivalent of two years active and practical experience. III Section 12: (a) ANNUAL PERM]~:--An annual permit shall, upon application therefor, be issued to any person, firm or corporation employing a maintenance electrician, as that term is herein derined, for the keeping in safe repair aI\V and all electrical installation, apparatus and equipment 'Within the confines of the building or buildings, or in or on the premises where he is employed. The application for this annual permit shalL be 'made in writing to the Chief Electri- cal Inspector and' shall contain a description of the premises on .which work is to be done on such premises under the permit and information concerning the type of WC?rk to be done on such premises under such permit. (b) The fee for said annual. permit shall be Twenty ($20.00) Dollars and shall expire on December 31st of the year in which said permit is issued; and the fee for the remainder of the year shall be prorated in like manner as provided for herein for license fees. (c) On all moving and relocating of electrical equipment authorized to be done under the terms and conditions of this. ordinance by a maintenance elec- trician, such maintenance electrician shall be required to obtain a permit there- of in' aCcordance "With the other provisions of this ordinance pertaining to per- mits and inspections. IV Section 14: (a.) APPRENTICES, REGISTRA.TIDN--No person shall urldertake any work as an "apprentice", as that term has been defined in Section 9 -hereof, unless such person shall have first registered with the Electrical Board and received his certificate from said Board as an "apprentice". Application for such certificates shall be made in 'Writing tD the Electrical Board, stating the name and address of the applicant, and such other relevant information as may be required by the Electrical Board. Each person seeking such a certificate shall furnish the Board t'WO pictures of' himself, one and one-half inches by two inches, and one of such pictures of the individual receiving the certificate shall be placed on the certificate issued to him, and the other of such pictures _L ~:. ~~_ -\ L:.I L ,,1 .1 JI l.i . . .. .1 224 shall be retained by the Board. Each certificate issued to an II apprentice" shall specify the name and address of the person to whom'the certificate is issued, and the date of the issuance thereof. Every holder of such apprentice certificate shall wear his certificate upon or about his person while perform- ing the acts which such certificate entitles him to perform. (b) Before a registration certificate is granted to any applicant as an (apprentice", and before any expiring registration certificate as an "apprentice" is renewed, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of West University Place, Texas a fee of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50). . . n '----' (c) "Apprentice" registration certificate shall expire on December 31st, follo'Wing the date of issuance. Such registration certificate 'Will be renewed by the Electrical Board, upon application and p~ent of the required fee. v Section 16: LICENSE FEE (a)-Before a Master Electrician fS license is granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of West University Place, Texas, a fee of Thi-rty-Fi-ve- ($35.00) Dollars which shall include first year license fee, and before any expiring license is renewed, the applicant shalle:pCW to the Assessor and Col- lector of Taxes of the City of West University Place. a fee in the amount of L Twenty (~Dollars.' Before a .Maintenance Electricians license is granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pq to the' Assessor and Collector of -I Taxes a fee in the amount of ~...?and before any such license is renewed, L_ the applicant shall PCW a renewal fee in the amount of $-le;OO-;3 Master Elec- _ trician t s licenses and Maintenance Electrician t s licenses shall expire on December 31st following the date of issuance. (b) The fee for the remainder of Ii year for all licenses shall be pro- . rated for a fraction of a year, in such proportion as the period of the li- cense is to be enforced bears to the fee for the entire year, but the total fee shall never be less than one-fourth of the annual fee. Master Electri- cian t s licenses and Maintenance Electrician t s licenses shall be renewed by the Electrical Board upon application and payment of the required fee; pro- vided, however, that no license which shall have elapsed for as much as six months shall be renewed except upon re-examination upon the same terms and ' conditions as provided -for herein in the case of original examinations. VI Section 21: CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; QUALIFICATION AND APPOJINTMENT- (a) There is hereby created the office of Chief Electrical Inspector. The person chosen to fill the office of Chief Electrical Inspector shall be com- petent, of good moral character, shall be well versed in the fundamentals of electricity and the application. He shall be well versed in. approved methods of electrical construction for safety, to life and property,' and statutes of the St.ate of Texas, the ordinance, rules and regulations of the City of West University Place relating to the electrical 1I)rk, the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Commission or the State of Texas, under authority or the Statutes, the Natio~al Electrical qode~ as approved by the American Stan- dardS Association, the National Electrical Safety Code and other installation and safety rules and standards approved by -the American Standards Association. ~~ u u c G '# 225 (b) There shall be such clerical assistance as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Commissioners, and who shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Chief Electrical Inspector, and who shall receive such salary as mq be determined by' the Board of Commissioners, and who shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners. VII Section' 26: INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATES-( a) Upon the completion of the Work which has been authorized by issuance of a permit, it shall be the duty of the Master Electrician or Maintenance Electrician to whom the pem.it has been issued to immediately notify the Chief Electrical Inspector. Applications for inspection must be filed at the office of the City Inspector by the electrician on or before nine o.clock A.M. for morning inspection, and before two o'clo~k P.M~ for afternoon in- spection# No inspection will be made after twelve o.clock, noon" on Saturdays, or on any legal holiday. Application for cover-up inspection must be made when cover- up is completed and before a:rr:r of the work is covered or made inaccessible to the City.s Inspectors. (b) If the work is found to be in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, said Chief Electrical Inspector, subject to the other applicable provi- sions . of this ordinance ,Shill issue a final certificate of approval to the license holder to whom the permit w~ iss:ued, which certificate shall authorize connection , of such approved work to the source of energy to the electric work, and turning on of current, and the use of the installation. The presentation of such certificate or certificates of approval to the p-qblic utility corporation furnishing the elec- tric service, or the person firm or corpo.ra.tion supplying the energy, shall. suffice as proof of authorization for such connection.o No connection shall. be made until such authorization is issued. . , , (c) When any part of a wiring instalia tion is to be hidd,en from view by the permanent placement ot parts of a buildiJlg, the Master Elect~ician or Maintenance .Electrician to whom the permit ha$ been issued shall notify the Chief Electrical In- spector and such parts of the wiring installation shall not be concealed until they' . have been inspected . and approved by an electrical inspector, providing that on such installation as the concealment of parts of the "Wiring must in the discretion of the Chief Electrical Inspector, or his assistant electrical inspector, necessarily pro- ceed continuously, the ,Master Electrician or Maintenance Electrician to whom the per- mit has been issued shall give the Chief Electrical Inspector due notice and in- spection shall be made. periodically during the progress of the work; and where, in the discretion of the Chief Electrical Inspector or his assistant electrical in": spector, it is necessary, he or they shall post notice upon the premises stating that work is approved and may be covered, or is not approved and may not be covered, until such further inspection as is necessary has been made. Any person removing, destro~ng altering or defacing said notice without the consent of the Chief Elec- trical Inspector, or his oa8sistant electrical inspector, shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this ordinance, and any work described in said notice shall. be stayed pending the further necessary inspection. ,,4" VIII , . Section 21: FEES FOlai~NSPECTION:-The holder of the Master Electrician's or Maintenance Electrician's license making or supe:MTising the installation or al- teration of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment" shall pay to the City of ,;West University Place a fee in such amount as specified below. t..2 ,. II .1. II l.J . . . ul 228 SERVICES ill services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$1.00 each All meter 1oops- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 each OUTLETS fees. First four (4) lighting outlets are included in service and meter loop. Allover four (4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$0.25 All light, switch and receptacle openings are classed as outlets, also bell ringing transformers. LIGHTING FIXTURES FixSures of one circuit or under and combination ceiling fan and ~ight - - - - - - - - - - - -$0.20 each Eaeh additional circuit, per fixture- - - - - 0:.025 each Any current-consuming device permanently attached to an outlet for il- luminating purposes shall be classed as a fiJCtiure. MOTORS Up to but not including 1/2 H.P. 172 H.P. and less than 2 H.P. . 2 H.P. and less than 10 H.P. 10 H.P. and less than 25'H.P. 25 H.P. .and less than 100 H.P. 100 H.P. and less than 150 H.P. 150 H.P. and over $0.25 each 1.00 .. 1.,50 .. 2.00 .. 4.00 .. 5.00 .. .04 per H.P. The fee of four cents per horse-power applies to individual motors rated 150 H. P and over..".. ". "...~. .~ -Motor control equipnent is inc1.uded in motor fees. When future motor outlets are installed they shall be charged for one- half the regular motor rates app~ng, the other one-half' shal1. be paid ~tthe time the motors are instal.led. ' MISCELLANEOUS Motion picture machines , Sound equipment, up to 10 watts output Sound equipment 1.0 watts to 15 watts output. SoUnd equipment, over 1.5 watts output Electric ranges not over 12,000 watts Electric Water Heaters X-Ray Machines Incandescent electric signs Gas or vacuum tube signs Poles, anchors. and guy stubs $1.00 each 5.00 each 7.50 each 10.00 each .50 each .50 each 1.50 each 1.00 per cir. 1.00 pert:aa.n. .25 each " {] [] '" :~. " o [l 01 I' ~ , - .:... o 227 Permanently connected electric appliances and equipment of any nature not otherwise specified shall be charged for as follows: Up to one K. W. , inclusive Allover 1 K.W. to 10 K.W. All over 10 K.W. to 50 K.W. Allover SO K.W. to 100 K.W. All over 100 K.W. to 100 K.W. at lO~ excess, K.W. at $0.25 each 0.20 per K.W. O.ilS per K.W. 0.10 per K.W. 0.02 per K.W. Temporary installments, such as work saws, floor surfacing machines, paint sprqing apparatus, and the like, shall be charged for at the rate of Two ($2.00) Dollars per installation, plus the regular service and meter loop charge. Temporary lighting installations shall be charged for at the rate of Two ($2.00) ~llars per installation, plus the regular service and meter loop charge. Additions to old 'WOrk shall be charged for at the same rate as new work. The minimum inspection fee shall be Two ($2.00) Dollars. On moving and re-locating of electrical equipment authorized to be done by a maintenance electrician and a master electrician for which a permit fee is not otherwise provided for in this section, the minimum inspection fee shall apply. No fee shall be charged for routine re-inspections of electrical in- stallations, however, when the inspector is required to make additional trips to the premises as a result 9f being unable to perform inspection at time requested, a charge of Two ($2.00) DOllars will be made for such inspection. Passed this 6 da.v of January, 1947 Approved this 6 daa- of January, 1947. ~d~/ ATTEST: i<. CITY SECRETARY , 1 ]""