HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 320 - ORD Repealing ORD 315 . [lJ u LJ. ..I .. j " 182 ORDINANCE NO. 320. An ordinance repealing ordinance No. 315, heretofore passed, and reading as follows: "AN ORDINANCE DET~RMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING TEAT UNIV3RSI TY BOULEVARD FROM KIRBY DRIVE TO CQ1JiMUl\lITY DRIVE, VJELAY- AN STR::ET F~C}\.:;: BELLAIRE BOUEVARD TO RICH1iOND ROAD, RICE BOULEVARD FROM KIRBY DRDTE TO BEL"- MONT AJ\ID AUDEF STREET FROM UNIVERSITY BOULE- VARD TO RICE BOULEVARD SHALL BE I1\IJ:PROVED BY PA'lING} SAID PORTI01'm OF S11ID STR3ETS; REQ,UIRE- ING THE GARRETT El'mINEERnmCOMPANY, EN"GII\!EERS . FOR THE CITY, TO PREPARE A1TJ FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATICNS FeR THE PROPOSED IUPRoVEtmJ\~ TOGETHER 7HTH A WRI TTEN STA TEJ'.:EJ\"'T OF THE N.AMES OF THE O'NNERS OF TEE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WITHII'! T.dE LD,GTS NM:'IED; DIRECTING THE GARRETT ENGINEERI:m cmv~A1'Y, ENGTNEERS FOR THE CITY, TO PREPJiRl!: AN ESTIMAT]!: OF THE COST OF SUCH n:PRovsr.=m;:-TS, AND DECLARING AN EM'ERGEIWY * ft o WHEREAS, the Ci ty Commission of the City of \'{est Uni versi ty Place, Texas has heretofore passed ordinance No. 315, and captioned the above quoted; and whereas the City of West University Place, Texas is desirous of repealing ordinance No. 315 with the caption !l:1 as quoted above. LJ Now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIn CITY C OM},~ISSION OF THE CITY. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, T~XAS: Section 1. That ordinance No. 315, heretofore passed by the City of ~est University Place,_ Texas and captiQned ~sd above quoted herein, be and tile same lS hereby repealed ana e- clared null and void and of no force and effect. Passed and approved this the at 7:22 P.M. o'clock. 1st day of July, A.D. 1946 a X:c1~ Mayor, Gity of West Uni- versity Place, Texas. ATTEST: City Secretary, City of West University Place, Texas. o