HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 298 - ORD Authorizing Issusance of Permits for Taxicabs to Operate in WU
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of West Univer-
sity Place, Texas:
, I
That the Assessor and Collector of Taxes in and for the City
of West University Place, Texas, is hereby authorized to issue per-
mits to a person or persons or corporation to operate taxicabs with-
in the city'upon the applicant for such permit complying with the
requirements ,hereinafter prescribed.
That, in order to defray a part of the expenses necessary to
provide surveillance, supervision and inspection of taxicabs, re-
quired under the terms of this ordinance, there is hereby levied a
license and inspection fee of Twenty-five ($25. OO}Dollars per annum.
for each permit issued for the operation of a taxicab, said fee of
Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars to be collected by the Assessor and Col-
lector of Taxes at the time of the issuance of the permit, and to
cover a period of one calendar year. Any permit issued after the
beginning of any calendar year shall be pro-rated with the applicant
given,....credit for that portion of the year which has expired at the
time of the issuance of the permit.
It shall be the duty of the Assessor and, Collector of Taxes, be-
fore is?ging any permit to any applicant, to require of said applicant
and of any person who may operate a taxicab as the employee of said
applicant, to furnish said Assessor and Collector of Taxes satisfactory
,proof of their good physical condition and of their good hearing and
Vision, whereupon said Assessor and Collector of Taxes may issue to
. sa.:td applicant or employee of applicant a taxicab driver's license.
~e maximum fare rate to be charged by any taxicab operator
shall be Thirty-five (351i) Cents for the first mile, and Ten (lOIi)
I Cents for each additional mile or fractional part thereof.
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That the owner or operator of any taxicab under the provisions
of this ordinance shall equip said taxicab or taxicabs with taxi
meters, to be approved by the Assessor and Collector of Taxes.
(a) That before any license shall be issued to any owner or
operator of a taxicab, or before any renewal of said licenses shall
be granted, the owner or operator shall be required to file with
the Assessor and Collector of Taxes, and thereafter keep in full
force and effect a policy of public liability insurance executed
by an insUrance company duly authorized to do business in the state
of Texas, and performable in Harris County, Texas, insuring the pub-
lic against any loss or damage that may resul t to any person or pro-
perty from the operation of such vehicle; provided, that the maximum
amount of recovery in such policy of insurance specified shall not
be less than the following sums:
For injury to anyone person or the death of anyone person
in anyone accident, Twentyfive Hundred ($2500.00) Dollars;
For injury to two or more persons or the death of two or
more persons in anyone accident, Five Thousand ($5,000.00)
For injury to or destruction of property in anyone accident,
One Thousand ($l,OOO.OQ) Dollars.
(b) The owner or operator of said taxicab may, in lieu of the
. aforesaid policy of liability insurance, file with the Collector
and Assessor of Taxes, a surety bond, performable in Harris County,
Texas, payable to the mayor of the city and his successors in of-
fice, executed by a responsible and solvent corporation authorized
to conduct a bonding business under the laws of the State of Texas,
which bond shall be conditioned for the payment of all final judg-
ments which may be rendered against any such person for damages on
account of death or injuries to property or person, including both
passengers and the public, occasioned by the operation of any such
taxicab as hereinbefore defined, and which bond shall be in an amount
graduated according to the number of vehicles owned or offered for
hire, according to the following scale:
~lliere such person owns or offers for hire only one such motor
vehicle, such bond shall be in the sum of Six Thousand ($6,600.00)
Dollars ;,
Where such person owns or offers for hire more than one but
less than six such motor vehicles, such bond shall be in the
sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred ($12,500.00) Dollars;
vVhere such person owns or offers for hire more than five but
less than twenty-one such motor vehicles, said bond shall be
in the sum of Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars;
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Where such person owns or offers for hire more than
twenty but less than sixty-one such motor vehicles, said
bond shall be in the sum of Thirty-seven Thousand Five
Hundred ($37,500.00) Dollars;
Mlere such person owns or offers for hire more than
sixty but less than one hundred one such motor vehicles,
said bond shall be in the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00)
Where such person owns or offers for hire more than one
hundred such motor vehicles, said bond shall be in the
sum of Sixty-seven Thousand Five Hundred ($67,500.00)
Said bond of indemnity shall provide that the amount of recovery on
ea'ch vehicler: named in said bond shall not be less than the following
For injury to anyone person or the death of anyone
person in anyone accident, Two Thousand Five Hundred
($2,500.00) Dollars;
For injury to two or more persons or the death of two
, or more persons in anyone accident; Five Thousand
($5,000.00) Dollars;
For injury or destruction of prop.,~.rty in anyone accident,
One Thousand ($l,OOO.OO) Dollars.'
(c) Such person may, in lieu of the aforesaid policy of
liability insurance 9r the aforesaid bond as provided for by this
section, file with the city controller United States Government Bonds,
or United States Treasury Certificates, or bonds issued by the city,
or bonds issued by the County of Harris, Texas, or bonds issued by
the Houston Independent School District, or bonds issued by the Harris
County Houston Ship Channel Navigation District, in the same prin-
cipal amount as the surety bond provided for by this section. Or in
lieu of said insurance or securities herein provided, the person may
deposit with the city ~ontroller cash security. If said person op-
erates not more than fifty cabs, he shall deposit the sum of Ten
Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars cash; if such person operates more
than fifty cabs, but no more than-one hundred cabs, there shall be
deposited the sum of Fifteen TlIousand ($15,000.00) Dollars cash;
and if said person operates more than one hundred cabs, there shall
be deposited the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars cash.
Or, such person may place with the city co~troller as trustee for the
use and benefit of the members of the public injured by the agents of
such person, real estate situated in Harris County, Texas, of the
cash market value, of the amounts specified above, depending upon the
number of cabs operated. The Assessor and Collector of Taxes shall
have the power to pass upon the value of said property. Upon receipt
of such securities, as provided herein to be deposited with the city
controller, it shall be his duty to i~sue a ,receipt therefor, a copy
of Which shall be furnished to the depositor and another to the
Assessor and Collector of Taxes.
I Tii'i.
(d) The above described public liability insurance, surety 'Ii,--I
bonds and securities shall be for the protection of the passengers
of said vehicle and for the public, but shall not cover personal in-
juries sustained by the servant's, agents or employees 'of the persons
so filing the same.
(e) All policies of insurance or indemnity bonds shall
contain a provision for a continuing liability thereon up to the
full amount thereof, notwithstanding any recovery thereon.
(f) In the event of the return unsatisfied of any,execu-
tion issued on any final judgment, or on any judgment from which an
appeal may be taken without bond, rendered against any person in
any suit for damages on account of injury to person or p~operty oc-
casioned by the operation of any such motor vehicle, such person,
within ten days after the return of such execution unsatisfied, pro-
vided suc~ jUdgment is still unpaid, shall increase the amount of
bond by the amount of such judgment, and failing to do so shall
forthwith cease the operation of motor vehicles in the city until
such additional bond is deposited or such judgment is. paid.
(g) In the event the Assessor and Collector of Taxes
shall determine, after a hearing duly had after three days' notice
given a licensee, that any assurance given by any licensee has
become impaired so as to afford less protection to the pUblic than
when originally filed, he may require a new or additional bond or i~
II" ",I
public liability policy or additional securities so as to bring the ~~
protection of said assurance to its original amount, and the licensee
or the person owning or oper2ting any such motor vehicle shall,
within five days after receiving written notice of such requirement,
provide the requir~d new or additional bond, public li8bility policy
or additional securities, failing which, the license of said licensee
shall automatically terminate. In the event that any surety or in-
surer may desire to be released from any insurance policy or surety
bond, he may give written notice of such desire to the Collector and
Assessor of Taxes at least ten days before he desires his liability
released, and the Collector and Assessor of Taxes shall thereupon
give written notice py personal delivery or by mail to any such
licensee, and demand that said licensee furnish' new assurance by the
expiration of the ten-day period above provided for, and shall dis-
charge such first surety or insurer from any liability which shall
accrue after the time of approval of such new bond or poliqy that
said licensee may file or shall discharge such first surety or in~
surer after the expiration of said ten-day period; provided, that,
in the event any bond or policy be so' cancelled upon the request of
the surety or insurer and no new bond or insurance policy is filed
by said licensee before the cancellation of said original assurance,
then the license to operate taxicabs granted to said licensee shall
be automatically revoked; provided further, that neither the city
nor any officer thereof shall be held liable for the pecuniary re---
sponsibility or solvency,of any suc~ surety or insurer or in any I
manner become liable for any sum on account of any.such'claim, act __
or omission relating to any such motor vehicle, nor shall the lia-
bility of ,any ~rson owning or operating any such vehicle be in 'any
manner limited or changed in connection with this article or such
license or assurance, but the judgment creditors having causes of
actio~ secured thereby shall be authorized to sue directly on such
bond or policy of insurance without impleading the city, and all
persons known to any surety or insurer to have been injured or
damaged in the same accident and claiming damages thereunder may
be made parties without priority of claim on payment in any suit had
or instituted on account of such matters.
(h) Any licensee who elects to comply with the terms of
this section by depositing such securities as are authorized here-
under, upon the expiration or cancellation of the license, or if
such licensee shall cease to do business in accordance with the
terms and provisions of this article, may secure 'the withdrawal of
such securities on deposit after the expiration of six months from
the date of cancellation, expiration or failure to continue business,
upon furnishing to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes proof that
the licensee has complied with all the terms of this article, and
there are no outstanding claims against him which may result in
jUdgment upon Which suits could be filed subsequently by jUdgment
creditors of the licensee against the securities. In no event shall
such securities be held for a period of more than two years from the
date of expiration, cancellation or failure of the licensee to con-
tinue business, unless there is then pending an undisposed of suit
against said licensee.
(i) No securities held by the city controller under the
terms of this article shall ever be sold and the pro,ceeds' paid out
except upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction, and should
any of said securities be sold and the proceeds paid out by said
city controller he shall i.rnffiediately notify the Assessor and Col-
lector of Taxes of the securities so sold by him, and said Assessor
and Collector of Taxes shall immediately notify the licensee who has
deposi ted said' securities to deposit additional securi tie s to repla ce
those paid 9ut. Upon failure of said licensee to so deposit addi-
tional securities within five days after notification by said Assessor
and Collector of Taxes, the license of said licensee shall be revoked.
Kny violation of the terms of 'this ordinance'by the drivers
of such taxicabs or by the owners thereof shall subject such drivers
or taxicab owners to a forfeiture of their license, permit or right
to do business in the City of West University Place, at the will of
said City.
PASSED AND ORDAINED by the City of West University Place, Texas,
on this the lOth day of December, A. D. 1945.
A~{. '~rtfw, Mayor of the City
ATTEST: of West University Place, Texas
R. B. llen, City Secretary
of City of West UniVersity
Place, Texas
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