HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 297 - ORD Condenming a 12 Acre tract of Land Located in WU for Purpose of Establishing a Play Ground 'W, u I u __ J ,14 -'....... ", ORn Tl\p l\Tf!w. l\Tn . 297 ~ tJ _,~, . AN ORDINANCE CONDEMNING A 12 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA CE, TEXAS 1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PLAY GROUND, PARK, AND S\"IMJ.IING POOL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO:MMISSION OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, , TEXAS: Section I That,the following described property: Twelve (12) acres of land off of Sout~ end of Lot Three (3) of the A. T. Morse Subdivision of the A. C. Reynolds League, and being out of that part of said subdivision that was alloted to H. A. Morse, described by metes and bounds as follows, viz: .",-:: BEGIl\1NING a,t the Southwest corner of Lot Two (2) of said Morse Sub-division; THENCE West 358 varas to the Southwest corner of Lot Three (3); THENCE NORTH 189 varas to a stake in 'the prairie; ,:,~:~IDBENCE East 358 varas to a stake in the prairie; r;"" THENCE South 189 varas to the place of beginning, containing twelve (12) acres of land. is hereby declared condemned by the City of West University Plac~, Texas, for the purpose of using the said described property as park, play ground and the building of a SWimming pool. Section II PASSED AND ORDAINED by the City of West University Place, Texas, on this the 8th day of October, A. D., 1945. ATTEST: a X~~t-~__~ A. L. Ker'oow, Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas ~dP~ . B. Allen City Secretary of West University Place, Texas l , I : I I ' ~ ; 1 --..-J