HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 296- ORD Ordering a Special Election in the WU to Fill Unexpired Term as a Commisioner 118 -, I ORnTNA~0.w, ~D 29h AN ORDINANCE ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN Tm CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, '.ID FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM AS COlWtiSSIONER, SAID POSITION MADE VACANT BY THE RESIG- NATION OF C01IJMISSIONER JACK OGG. WEEREAS, on the 15th day of September, A. D., 1945, the Honorable Jack Ogg, member of the City Commission of the City of West University Place"Texas, tendered his resignation as Com- missioner to the mayor and City Commissioners, and; WHEREAS, on, the 15th day of September, A. D., 194.5, the tendered resignation as Commissioner of the Honorable Jack Ogg was accepted by the City Commission,' 'and; , -WHEREAS, it is necessary to hold a special election to fill the position made vacant by the resignation of the Honorable Jack Ogg, NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'lY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA CE, TEXAS: Section I That the City of West University Place, Texas, hold a special election on the 1 day of December A. D., 194.5, to fill the' position on the Commission of the'City of West University Place, Texas, made vacant by the resignation of Commissioner Jack Ogg, who resigned from the Commission on the 15th day-of September, A. D., 194.5. Section II That thirty (30) days! noti~e of this election be given by posting in three publiC places within the City, one of which shall be at the City Hall, and by publication in one issue of the offi- cial newspaper of the City. PASSED AND ORDAINED by the City of West University Place, Texas, on this the 1 day of October, A. D.: 194;; u:::? _ _ _ \ c?A'~" ~ - A. L. Kerbow, Mayor of the City of WEST UNIVERSTIY- PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: ~-0'~ R. B. Al en, City Secretary of West University Place, Texas ,\ [' .. ~ I' . t":J . I' l' ,.11 "I,:i :