HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 279 - Releasing members of the armed forces 'I ~ ~-1 I ~ 85 ORDINANCE NO. 279 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING TO TEE ]EEEBERS OF THE ARli1::ED FORCES OF THE UIITTED STATES OF AMERICA AND THEIR AUXILIARIES ALL TNTER33T AIm PENALTIES ACCRUING SUBSE':;'UE:NT TO THEIR ENTRY INTO SUCH SERVICE, ON ADYALORElv.i: TAXES ACCRUI]\TG ON PROPERTY LISTED ON TEE TAX ROLLS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI'lERSITY PL.itCE, TEK..EiS, IN THE J\LLffi;IE OF SUCH M:81v:BERS OF THE A:milED FORCES OR THEIR AUXILL'ffiIES, OR THE AR1'IED FORCES RESE::tVE OR THEIR AUXILLitRIES ON ACTIVE DUTY, PRIOR TO THE Tllv:E THEY JOI1TED SUCH AR~LED FORCES OR SUCH AUXILIARIES; PROVIDING TFf..AT THE RELEASE OF SUCH INTER~ST AND PENALTIES SB.ALL EXTEND AND BE EFFECTIITli: FOR 'iliJi: DURATION OF VlORLD ~Ji'L'R, II, AND PROVIDING THAT Thii: RESPECTrJE l~lBERS OF SUCH A:RKED FORCSS ,1um SUCH AlrLILIARIES SHALL BE AILovmD A PERIOD NOT TO EXC~ED SIX (6) MO~'THS AFTZR THE CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES IN -;iffIIc-rl TO PAY 'dITHOUT IN'l'J~REST AND PEN~ ALTY ANY DELINQUENT TAXES DUE BY T:H:EM; PROVIDI]\U FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF ALL LA7fS AJ\jl) PARTS OF LA~'TS 111 C01':rRL ICT HEHEWITH, AND DE- CLARI NG AN E\)l[ERGENCY. BE IT ORDAIlffiD BY TIE CITY COMMISSION OF ~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I That there is hereby released to all members of the Armed forces of the United States of America and their auxiliaries, and all members of the Armed Forces Reserve of the Unit ed States of America and their auxiliaries on active duty, all interest and pen- alties accruing subsequent to their entry into such service, on City ,ad valorem taxes on property listed on the tax rolls of the City of West University Place, Texas in the name of any of such members of the Armed Forces or their auxiliaries or the Armed Forces Reserve 'or their auxiliaries on active duty prior to the time they joined such Armed ~orces or such Auxiliaries; provided that the release of such interest and penalties shall extend and be effective for the duration of World ":Jar II, arid provided that the respective members of such Armed Forces and such auxiliaries and such Armed Forces Reserve and their auxiliaries on active duty shall be allowed a period of not to exceed six ,(6) months after the cessation of hostilities in which to pay without penalty and in~erest their taxes which have accrued and which shall accrue / during the duration of the war. ' II All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with' are hereby expressly suspended during the term of this ordinance so far as they may affect this ordinance. ' 'PASSED AI{[) APPROVED this 14 day of February, A. D. 1944, 'by a vote of 4 ayes and 1I!l.o noes. /%~ SECRETARY , WJ.AYOR Pro -Tem r" 1.:] 1I '''', []11