HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 278 - amending Article 1 and article 6 of ORD 255 83 ~-. ! ORnTNANr.~ Nn 27R AN ORDIN/I.NCE Alv1E1"DING ARTICLE 1 :AND ,ARTICLE 6 OF ORDI~aNCE ~70. ~ 4$;;"~ PROHIBITING THE OWNER OR HARBORER OF ANy ANIl/L.;L OF THE DOG KII\11) IN --~ THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA";'E, TEXAS, FROM HARBORING OR KEEPING Al\TY SUCR ANIM1\t IN SAID CITY VVITHOUT PAYING Al\LA..1'{f2lilI.AL_.LI~~l'J.S1f; rr.AX TO SAID CITY; FIXINGTBE ~4MOUNT OF SUCH TAX AND THE DATSS AND PLACE OF PAYMENT; PROilIDING A RIGHT TO REDl!;.!i:E .Um!IALS EMPCUNDED UPON PAY::" ]jlENT OF FL1:ED FEES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ,ALL ORDINA~rcES OR PARTS OF ORDIIJANCES IN CONFLICT HEREVHTH: BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY CO:M]!IISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST Ul\j'IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I THAT Article 1 or Ordinance No. 255 is amended so that here- after the same shall read as follows: Articlel. License required, fee payable, muzzles: It shall be unlawful for the owner or harborer or any animal of the dog kind to harbor or permit said dog within the city lirrlts of the City of West University Place, Texas, without having paid the assessor and collector of taxes of the City of West Universi~ Place, in advance, 'an annual license tax of One Dollar ($l.OO) upon each pla1e ajlld female dog six months of age or ove'~,. It shall be unlawful for the 'owner or harborer mf any animal of the dog kind to harbor or permit said dog to rUn at large 'V'li thin the City limits of thl?/City of V'lest University Place, unless the mouth of such animaL.be muzzled in such manner as to protect persons from being bitten. Animals, however, that have been immunized with anti-rabies vaccine by a licensed veter inarian within the current Ii cense year shall be exempt from the provi sions here of re quiring muzzling when said animals are on or attached securely to a ' leash and such leash is held by a person of competent strength to hold and control such animal. The licens~ fees required by this article shall be due and payable on or before March 1st of each calendar year, and when paid shall be good for the year ending the last day of February following payment or such tax. Payment of said tax after March lst of any year shall cover only the un- expired part of said twelve month period, and shall be in the full sum of One Dollar ($l~OO) II THAT article 6 of Ordinance No. 255 is amended so that here- after the same shall read as follows: [. LJ I JI , '1'1]jii. J]I IT lu" j J L:, ~4 Article 6. Right to redeem; conditions: The owner of any dog impounded as aforesaid, or as herein provided, shall have the right to redeem same upon payment to the poundmaster of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for each animal so redeemed, ih addition to the tax or f,ine, if any. The sum so paid to the poundmaster shall be paid by him into the city treasury. III That the foregoing amended Articles land 6 of Ordinance No. 255 shall be effective on and after March 1, 1944. IV All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, insofar as such conflicts exist only. PASSED AIm APPROVED this 14 day of February, A. D. 1944, by a vote of 4 ayes and no noes. ~~ /?d;~ ;] lJ I ' J